6 Minecraft server
Tyler Perkins edited this page 2023-12-17 18:07:43 -05:00

Minecraft server

Thanks for administering the minecraft server. I have a bit of a unique setup due to the environment I am hosting this in, so this guide should hopefully answer some questions you may have on administering it.

Generic file hosting using S3

Note that if you place a file in the below mentioned bucket, it will available at the following url:


This measns you can use it to host the client modpack, resource packs, or anything else if necessary.

Updating the mod pack

Note that the mods in the modpack must be located in a folder in the zip archive called "mods". see here for more info.

If you are using a raw curseforge pack (with bundled server .jar and manifest/start script), please replace cf-modpack-latest.zip in the bucket with your modpack, and tell me to switch it back to a curseforge modloader.

Creation of the .zip file

  1. Download the sample layout pack from here
  2. Extract the .zip file, and enter the created modpack folder
  3. Feel free to read the README; It will reiterate what I say here, but in more detail
  4. Place all .jar files for your mods in the mods folder, as well as all other necessary files
  5. Zip up the entire modpack folder and name it modpack-latest.zip
  6. Upload the modpack as described below

Uploading the pack

Using the web portal (Preffered)

  1. Make an account on auth.clortox.com if you have not already
  2. Log in and tell me you need the "minecraft" permission
  3. Navigate to "Minio"
  4. Follow the below steps

Using a raw client (Not preffered)

  1. Obtain an S3 client. You can find one here
  2. Enter the required information (Be sure to click on advanced). Be sure to click connect.
Key Value
Access key Provided access key
Secret key Provided secret key
Region us-east-1
Endpoint https://s3.clortox.com
  1. Follow the below steps

Navigating file uploads

  1. Navigate into the bucket "minecraft-modpack"
  2. Replace server-icon.png with your desired icon. It must be that exact name.
  3. Replace modpack-latest.zip with you desired modpack. It must be curseforge, 1.12.2, and in a zip file. It must be that exact name

After this Use olivetin to restart the server Contact me to have me restart the pod. I'm working on an interface behind some auth to restart it.