This needs a frenchpress but with this you can do one prep and have iced coffee for about 4 days

Yield: ~3-4 Cups of Coffee

You will need:


  1. Fill bottom of french press with coffee grounds
  2. Fill with water. Let sit for 14-16 hours
  3. Press coffee, pour out cold brew concentrate into jar
  4. Store in fridge. Lasts for 1 week

You can serve this in a few ways so I'll put my favorite

Iced coffee:

  1. Fill tall glass/mug with ice, with ~1inch of headspace
  2. Fill halfway with coldbrew concentrate
  3. Fill other half of glass with cold water
  4. Add half & half/milk and sugar to taste (I prefer 1/4 cup of milk and one tablespoon of white sugar
The yield of one brewing in the pictured french press