Crow provides an archive containing the framework and CMake files, just copy the `include` folder to `/usr/local/include` and `lib` folder to `/usr/local/lib`.<br><br>
You can also download the `crow_all.h` file and simply include that into your project.
`crow_all.h` is recommended only for small, possibly single source file projects, and ideally should not be installed on your system.
navigate to the `scripts` directory and run `./ ../include crow_all.h`. This will generate a `crow_all.h` file that you can use in your projects.
You can also include or exclude middlewares from your `crow_all.h` by using `-i` or `-e` followed by the middleware header file names separated by a comma (e.g. ` ../include crow_all.h -e cookie_parser` to exclude the cookie parser middleware).
You can use arguments like `-DCROW_ENABLE_DEBUG`, `-DCROW_ENABLE_COMPRESSION -lz` for HTTP Compression, or `-DCROW_ENABLE_SSL -lssl` for HTTPS support, or even replace g++ with clang++.
If you're using a version of boost prior to 1.69, you'll need to add the argument `-lboost_system` in order for you Crow application to compile correctly.