Either run `git clone https://github.com/crowcpp/crow.git` or download `crow_all.h` from the releases section. You can also download a zip of the project on github.
1. Copy the `/includes` folder to your project's root folder.
2. Add `#!cpp #include "path/to/includes/crow.h"` to your `.cpp` file.
3. For any middlewares, add `#!cpp #include "path/to/includes/middlewares/some_middleware.h"`.
##Single header file
If you've downloaded `crow_all.h`, you can skip to step 4.
1. Make sure you have python 3 installed.
2. Open a terminal (or `cmd.exe`) instance in `/path/to/crow/scripts`.
3. Run `python merge_all.py ../include crow_all.h` (replace `/` with `\` if you're on Windows).
4. Copy the `crow_all.h` file to where you put your libraries (if you don't know where this is, you can put it anywhere).
5. Add `#!cpp #include "path/to/crow_all.h"` to your `.cpp` file.
**Note**: All middlewares are included with the merged header file, if you would like to include or exclude middlewares use the `-e` or `-i` arguments.