A URL can be `http://example.com?key[]=value1&key[]=value2&key[]=value3`. Using `get_list("key")` on such a URL returns an `std::vector<std::string>` containing `[value1, value2, value3]`.<br><br>
Returns an `std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>` from a query string such as `?key[sub_key1]=value1&key[sub_key2]=value2&key[sub_key3]=value3`.<br>
The key in the map is what's in the brackets (`sub_key1` for example), and the value being what's after the `=` sign (`value1`). The name passed to the function is not part of the returned value.
if your query string contains both a list and dictionary with the same key, it is best to use `pop_list` before either `get_dict` or `pop_dict`, since a map cannot contain more than one value per key, each item in the list will override the previous and only the last will remain with an empty key.
For more information take a look [here](../../reference/classcrow_1_1query__string.html).