added json list in a similar fashion to json object
renamed object_type to object
updated readme, index.html, and to include objects and lists
updated examples to be slightly cleaner and include lists
replaced instances of json object (std::map and such) with the short version (object)
accurate floating point number dumping (`6.0` instead of `6`) while taking 1/30th of the time (29 microseconds saved)
added json list testing
snuck in utf-8 middleware warning fix
snuck in twitter card style for site (makes social media cards look way better with a large image)
Added pop() method to query_string, same as get(), but removes the item from the querystring
Added std::string() operator to json::rvalue (allows std::string(json["abc"]), which returns any value that isn't a container to string)
Added lo() method to json::rvalue, returns a vector of json::rvalue containing whatever a json object or list has (difference being a list has no keys)
Added keys() method to json::rvalue, returns a vector of std::string containing the keys of a json object
Made json::wvalue use either std::map or std::unordered_map instead of just std::unordered_map
Added copy constructor to json::wvalue
Added size() method to json::wvalue, returns 1 or the size of the json list.
Added constructor to create json::wvalue from std::vector
Added keys() method to query_string
Documented query_string and improved json doc
Made tests and examples for all the additions
test now runs on separate thread from app (to allow the app to write to the socket before the test reads it)
changed value to test agains (since the value I'm testing on is actually the end 305th instance, not the start of the 306th)
Test cannot actually test whether the file was sent or not since the test has no access to the socket itself (also idk how to get data that was passed through a socket)
Handled by adding an enum num_type in both rvalue and wvalue (to separate
between signed/unsigned ints, and floating point values) and a union for
the number value in wvalue.