Crow comes with a simple and easy to use logging system.

## Setting up logging level You can set up the level at which crow displays logs by using the app's `loglevel(crow::LogLevel)` method.

The available log levels are as follows (please not that setting a level will also display all logs below this level): - Debug - Info - Warning - Error - Critical

To set a logLevel, just use `#!cpp app.loglevel(crow::LogLevel::Warning)`, This will not show any debug or info logs. It will however still show error and critical logs.

!!! note Setting the Macro `CROW_ENABLE_DEBUG` during compilation will also set the log level to `Debug` (unless otherwise set using `loglevel()`). ## Writing a log Writing a log is as simple as `#!cpp CROW_LOG_ << "Hello";` (replace<LOG LEVEL> with the actual level in all caps, so you have `CROW_LOG_WARNING`). ## Creating A custom logger Assuming you have an existing logger or Crow's default format just doesn't work for you. Crow allows you to use a custom logger for any log made using the `CROW_LOG_` macro.
All you need is a class extending `#!cpp crow::ILogHandler` containing the method `#!cpp void log(std::string, crow::LogLevel)`.
Once you have your custom logger, you need to set it via `#!cpp crow::logger::setHandler(&MyLogger);`. Here's a full example:
```cpp class CustomLogger : public crow::ILogHandler { public: CustomLogger() {} void log(std::string message, crow::LogLevel /*level*/) { // "message" doesn't contain the timestamp and loglevel // prefix the default logger does and it doesn't end // in a newline. std::cerr << message << std::endl; } }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { CustomLogger logger; crow::logger::setHandler(&logger); crow::SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([]() { return "Hello"; });; } ```