Crow contains some middlewares that are ready to be used in your application.
Make sure you understand how to enable and use [middleware](../middleware/). ## Cookies Include: `crow/middlewares/cookie_parser.h`
Examples: `examples/middlewars/example_cookies.cpp` This middleware allows to read and write cookies by using `CookieParser`. Once enabled, it parses all incoming cookies. Cookies can be read and written with the middleware context. All cookie attributes can be changed as well. ```cpp auto& ctx = app.get_context(request); std::string value = ctx.get_cookie("key"); ctx.set_cookie("key", "value") .path("/") .max_age(120); ``` !!! note Make sure `CookieParser` is listed before any other middleware that relies on it. ## CORS Include: `crow/middlewares/cors.h`
Examples: `examples/middlewars/example_cors.cpp` This middleware allows to set CORS policies by using `CORSHandler`. Once enabled, it will apply the default CORS rules globally. The CORS rules can be modified by first getting the middleware via `#!cpp auto& cors = app.get_middleware();`. The rules can be set per URL prefix using `prefix()`, per blueprint using `blueprint()`, or globally via `global()`. These will return a `CORSRules` object which contains the actual rules for the prefix, blueprint, or application. For more details go [here](../../reference/structcrow_1_1_c_o_r_s_handler.html). `CORSRules` can be modified using the methods `origin()`, `methods()`, `headers()`, `max_age()`, `allow_credentials()`, or `ignore()`. For more details on these methods and what default values they take go [here](../../reference/structcrow_1_1_c_o_r_s_rules.html). ```cpp auto& cors = app.get_middleware(); cors .global() .headers("X-Custom-Header", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests") .methods("POST"_method, "GET"_method) .prefix("/cors") .origin(""); ```