#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "crow/json.h" #include "crow/logging.h" #include "crow/returnable.h" #include "crow/utility.h" namespace crow { namespace mustache { using context = json::wvalue; template_t load(const std::string& filename); class invalid_template_exception : public std::exception { public: invalid_template_exception(const std::string& msg): msg("crow::mustache error: " + msg) {} virtual const char* what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); } std::string msg; }; struct rendered_template : returnable { rendered_template(): returnable("text/html") {} rendered_template(std::string& body): returnable("text/html"), body_(std::move(body)) {} std::string body_; std::string dump() const override { return body_; } }; enum class ActionType { Ignore, Tag, UnescapeTag, OpenBlock, CloseBlock, ElseBlock, Partial, }; struct Action { int start; int end; int pos; ActionType t; Action(ActionType t, size_t start, size_t end, size_t pos = 0): start(static_cast(start)), end(static_cast(end)), pos(static_cast(pos)), t(t) { } }; /// A mustache template object. class template_t { public: template_t(std::string body): body_(std::move(body)) { // {{ {{# {{/ {{^ {{! {{> {{= parse(); } private: std::string tag_name(const Action& action) const { return body_.substr(action.start, action.end - action.start); } auto find_context(const std::string& name, const std::vector& stack, bool shouldUseOnlyFirstStackValue = false) const -> std::pair { if (name == ".") { return {true, *stack.back()}; } static json::wvalue empty_str; empty_str = ""; int dotPosition = name.find("."); if (dotPosition == static_cast(name.npos)) { for (auto it = stack.rbegin(); it != stack.rend(); ++it) { if ((*it)->t() == json::type::Object) { if ((*it)->count(name)) return {true, (**it)[name]}; } } } else { std::vector dotPositions; dotPositions.push_back(-1); while (dotPosition != static_cast(name.npos)) { dotPositions.push_back(dotPosition); dotPosition = name.find(".", dotPosition + 1); } dotPositions.push_back(name.size()); std::vector names; names.reserve(dotPositions.size() - 1); for (int i = 1; i < static_cast(dotPositions.size()); i++) names.emplace_back(name.substr(dotPositions[i - 1] + 1, dotPositions[i] - dotPositions[i - 1] - 1)); for (auto it = stack.rbegin(); it != stack.rend(); ++it) { context* view = *it; bool found = true; for (auto jt = names.begin(); jt != names.end(); ++jt) { if (view->t() == json::type::Object && view->count(*jt)) { view = &(*view)[*jt]; } else { if (shouldUseOnlyFirstStackValue) { return {false, empty_str}; } found = false; break; } } if (found) return {true, *view}; } } return {false, empty_str}; } void escape(const std::string& in, std::string& out) const { out.reserve(out.size() + in.size()); for (auto it = in.begin(); it != in.end(); ++it) { switch (*it) { case '&': out += "&"; break; case '<': out += "<"; break; case '>': out += ">"; break; case '"': out += """; break; case '\'': out += "'"; break; case '/': out += "/"; break; case '`': out += "`"; break; case '=': out += "="; break; default: out += *it; break; } } } bool isTagInsideObjectBlock(const int& current, const std::vector& stack) const { int openedBlock = 0; int totalBlocksBefore = 0; for (int i = current; i > 0; --i) { ++totalBlocksBefore; auto& action = actions_[i - 1]; if (action.t == ActionType::OpenBlock) { if (openedBlock == 0 && (*stack.rbegin())->t() == json::type::Object) { return true; } --openedBlock; } else if (action.t == ActionType::CloseBlock) { ++openedBlock; } } return false; } void render_internal(int actionBegin, int actionEnd, std::vector& stack, std::string& out, int indent) const { int current = actionBegin; if (indent) out.insert(out.size(), indent, ' '); while (current < actionEnd) { auto& fragment = fragments_[current]; auto& action = actions_[current]; render_fragment(fragment, indent, out); switch (action.t) { case ActionType::Ignore: // do nothing break; case ActionType::Partial: { std::string partial_name = tag_name(action); auto partial_templ = load(partial_name); int partial_indent = action.pos; partial_templ.render_internal(0, partial_templ.fragments_.size() - 1, stack, out, partial_indent ? indent + partial_indent : 0); } break; case ActionType::UnescapeTag: case ActionType::Tag: { bool shouldUseOnlyFirstStackValue = false; if (isTagInsideObjectBlock(current, stack)) { shouldUseOnlyFirstStackValue = true; } auto optional_ctx = find_context(tag_name(action), stack, shouldUseOnlyFirstStackValue); auto& ctx = optional_ctx.second; switch (ctx.t()) { case json::type::Number: out += ctx.dump(); break; case json::type::String: if (action.t == ActionType::Tag) escape(ctx.s, out); else out += ctx.s; break; case json::type::Function: { std::string execute_result = ctx.execute(); while (execute_result.find("{{") != std::string::npos) { template_t result_plug(execute_result); execute_result = result_plug.render_string(*(stack[0])); } if (action.t == ActionType::Tag) escape(execute_result, out); else out += execute_result; } break; default: throw std::runtime_error("not implemented tag type" + boost::lexical_cast(static_cast(ctx.t()))); } } break; case ActionType::ElseBlock: { static context nullContext; auto optional_ctx = find_context(tag_name(action), stack); if (!optional_ctx.first) { stack.emplace_back(&nullContext); break; } auto& ctx = optional_ctx.second; switch (ctx.t()) { case json::type::List: if (ctx.l && !ctx.l->empty()) current = action.pos; else stack.emplace_back(&nullContext); break; case json::type::False: case json::type::Null: stack.emplace_back(&nullContext); break; default: current = action.pos; break; } break; } case ActionType::OpenBlock: { auto optional_ctx = find_context(tag_name(action), stack); if (!optional_ctx.first) { current = action.pos; break; } auto& ctx = optional_ctx.second; switch (ctx.t()) { case json::type::List: if (ctx.l) for (auto it = ctx.l->begin(); it != ctx.l->end(); ++it) { stack.push_back(&*it); render_internal(current + 1, action.pos, stack, out, indent); stack.pop_back(); } current = action.pos; break; case json::type::Number: case json::type::String: case json::type::Object: case json::type::True: stack.push_back(&ctx); break; case json::type::False: case json::type::Null: current = action.pos; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("{{#: not implemented context type: " + boost::lexical_cast(static_cast(ctx.t()))); break; } break; } case ActionType::CloseBlock: stack.pop_back(); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("not implemented " + boost::lexical_cast(static_cast(action.t))); } current++; } auto& fragment = fragments_[actionEnd]; render_fragment(fragment, indent, out); } void render_fragment(const std::pair fragment, int indent, std::string& out) const { if (indent) { for (int i = fragment.first; i < fragment.second; i++) { out += body_[i]; if (body_[i] == '\n' && i + 1 != static_cast(body_.size())) out.insert(out.size(), indent, ' '); } } else out.insert(out.size(), body_, fragment.first, fragment.second - fragment.first); } public: /// Output a returnable template from this mustache template rendered_template render() const { context empty_ctx; std::vector stack; stack.emplace_back(&empty_ctx); std::string ret; render_internal(0, fragments_.size() - 1, stack, ret, 0); return rendered_template(ret); } /// Apply the values from the context provided and output a returnable template from this mustache template rendered_template render(context& ctx) const { std::vector stack; stack.emplace_back(&ctx); std::string ret; render_internal(0, fragments_.size() - 1, stack, ret, 0); return rendered_template(ret); } /// Output a returnable template from this mustache template std::string render_string() const { context empty_ctx; std::vector stack; stack.emplace_back(&empty_ctx); std::string ret; render_internal(0, fragments_.size() - 1, stack, ret, 0); return ret; } /// Apply the values from the context provided and output a returnable template from this mustache template std::string render_string(context& ctx) const { std::vector stack; stack.emplace_back(&ctx); std::string ret; render_internal(0, fragments_.size() - 1, stack, ret, 0); return ret; } private: void parse() { std::string tag_open = "{{"; std::string tag_close = "}}"; std::vector blockPositions; size_t current = 0; while (1) { size_t idx = body_.find(tag_open, current); if (idx == body_.npos) { fragments_.emplace_back(static_cast(current), static_cast(body_.size())); actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::Ignore, 0, 0); break; } fragments_.emplace_back(static_cast(current), static_cast(idx)); idx += tag_open.size(); size_t endIdx = body_.find(tag_close, idx); if (endIdx == idx) { throw invalid_template_exception("empty tag is not allowed"); } if (endIdx == body_.npos) { // error, no matching tag throw invalid_template_exception("not matched opening tag"); } current = endIdx + tag_close.size(); switch (body_[idx]) { case '#': idx++; while (body_[idx] == ' ') idx++; while (body_[endIdx - 1] == ' ') endIdx--; blockPositions.emplace_back(static_cast(actions_.size())); actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::OpenBlock, idx, endIdx); break; case '/': idx++; while (body_[idx] == ' ') idx++; while (body_[endIdx - 1] == ' ') endIdx--; { auto& matched = actions_[blockPositions.back()]; if (body_.compare(idx, endIdx - idx, body_, matched.start, matched.end - matched.start) != 0) { throw invalid_template_exception("not matched {{# {{/ pair: " + body_.substr(matched.start, matched.end - matched.start) + ", " + body_.substr(idx, endIdx - idx)); } matched.pos = actions_.size(); } actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::CloseBlock, idx, endIdx, blockPositions.back()); blockPositions.pop_back(); break; case '^': idx++; while (body_[idx] == ' ') idx++; while (body_[endIdx - 1] == ' ') endIdx--; blockPositions.emplace_back(static_cast(actions_.size())); actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::ElseBlock, idx, endIdx); break; case '!': // do nothing action actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::Ignore, idx + 1, endIdx); break; case '>': // partial idx++; while (body_[idx] == ' ') idx++; while (body_[endIdx - 1] == ' ') endIdx--; actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::Partial, idx, endIdx); break; case '{': if (tag_open != "{{" || tag_close != "}}") throw invalid_template_exception("cannot use triple mustache when delimiter changed"); idx++; if (body_[endIdx + 2] != '}') { throw invalid_template_exception("{{{: }}} not matched"); } while (body_[idx] == ' ') idx++; while (body_[endIdx - 1] == ' ') endIdx--; actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::UnescapeTag, idx, endIdx); current++; break; case '&': idx++; while (body_[idx] == ' ') idx++; while (body_[endIdx - 1] == ' ') endIdx--; actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::UnescapeTag, idx, endIdx); break; case '=': // tag itself is no-op idx++; actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::Ignore, idx, endIdx); endIdx--; if (body_[endIdx] != '=') throw invalid_template_exception("{{=: not matching = tag: " + body_.substr(idx, endIdx - idx)); endIdx--; while (body_[idx] == ' ') idx++; while (body_[endIdx] == ' ') endIdx--; endIdx++; { bool succeeded = false; for (size_t i = idx; i < endIdx; i++) { if (body_[i] == ' ') { tag_open = body_.substr(idx, i - idx); while (body_[i] == ' ') i++; tag_close = body_.substr(i, endIdx - i); if (tag_open.empty()) throw invalid_template_exception("{{=: empty open tag"); if (tag_close.empty()) throw invalid_template_exception("{{=: empty close tag"); if (tag_close.find(" ") != tag_close.npos) throw invalid_template_exception("{{=: invalid open/close tag: " + tag_open + " " + tag_close); succeeded = true; break; } } if (!succeeded) throw invalid_template_exception("{{=: cannot find space between new open/close tags"); } break; default: // normal tag case; while (body_[idx] == ' ') idx++; while (body_[endIdx - 1] == ' ') endIdx--; actions_.emplace_back(ActionType::Tag, idx, endIdx); break; } } // removing standalones for (int i = actions_.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (actions_[i].t == ActionType::Tag || actions_[i].t == ActionType::UnescapeTag) continue; auto& fragment_before = fragments_[i]; auto& fragment_after = fragments_[i + 1]; bool is_last_action = i == static_cast(actions_.size()) - 2; bool all_space_before = true; int j, k; for (j = fragment_before.second - 1; j >= fragment_before.first; j--) { if (body_[j] != ' ') { all_space_before = false; break; } } if (all_space_before && i > 0) continue; if (!all_space_before && body_[j] != '\n') continue; bool all_space_after = true; for (k = fragment_after.first; k < static_cast(body_.size()) && k < fragment_after.second; k++) { if (body_[k] != ' ') { all_space_after = false; break; } } if (all_space_after && !is_last_action) continue; if (!all_space_after && !( body_[k] == '\n' || (body_[k] == '\r' && k + 1 < static_cast(body_.size()) && body_[k + 1] == '\n'))) continue; if (actions_[i].t == ActionType::Partial) { actions_[i].pos = fragment_before.second - j - 1; } fragment_before.second = j + 1; if (!all_space_after) { if (body_[k] == '\n') k++; else k += 2; fragment_after.first = k; } } } std::vector> fragments_; std::vector actions_; std::string body_; }; inline template_t compile(const std::string& body) { return template_t(body); } namespace detail { inline std::string& get_template_base_directory_ref() { static std::string template_base_directory = "templates"; return template_base_directory; } /// A base directory not related to any blueprint inline std::string& get_global_template_base_directory_ref() { static std::string template_base_directory = "templates"; return template_base_directory; } } // namespace detail inline std::string default_loader(const std::string& filename) { std::string path = detail::get_template_base_directory_ref(); if (!(path.back() == '/' || path.back() == '\\')) path += '/'; path += filename; std::ifstream inf(path); if (!inf) { CROW_LOG_WARNING << "Template \"" << filename << "\" not found."; return {}; } return {std::istreambuf_iterator(inf), std::istreambuf_iterator()}; } namespace detail { inline std::function& get_loader_ref() { static std::function loader = default_loader; return loader; } } // namespace detail inline void set_base(const std::string& path) { auto& base = detail::get_template_base_directory_ref(); base = path; if (base.back() != '\\' && base.back() != '/') { base += '/'; } } inline void set_global_base(const std::string& path) { auto& base = detail::get_global_template_base_directory_ref(); base = path; if (base.back() != '\\' && base.back() != '/') { base += '/'; } } inline void set_loader(std::function loader) { detail::get_loader_ref() = std::move(loader); } inline std::string load_text(const std::string& filename) { std::string filename_sanitized(filename); utility::sanitize_filename(filename_sanitized); return detail::get_loader_ref()(filename_sanitized); } inline std::string load_text_unsafe(const std::string& filename) { return detail::get_loader_ref()(filename); } inline template_t load(const std::string& filename) { std::string filename_sanitized(filename); utility::sanitize_filename(filename_sanitized); return compile(detail::get_loader_ref()(filename_sanitized)); } inline template_t load_unsafe(const std::string& filename) { return compile(detail::get_loader_ref()(filename)); } } // namespace mustache } // namespace crow