
A Fast and Easy to use microframework for the web.

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## Description Crow is a C++ microframework for running web services. It uses routing similar to Python's Flask which makes it easy to use. It is also extremely fast, beating multiple existing C++ frameworks as well as non C++ frameworks. ### Features - Easy Routing (similar to flask). - Type-safe Handlers. - Blazingly fast (see [this benchmark](https://github.com/ipkn/crow-benchmark) and [this benchmark](https://github.com/guteksan/REST-CPP-benchmark)). - Built in JSON support. - [Mustache](http://mustache.github.io/) based templating library (`crow::mustache`). - Header only library (single header file available). - Middleware support for extensions. - HTTP/1.1 and Websocket support. - Multi-part request and response support. - Uses modern C++ (11/14) ### Still in development - [HTTP/2 support](https://github.com/crowcpp/crow/issues/8) ## Documentation Available [here](https://crowcpp.github.io/crow). ## Examples #### Hello World ```cpp #define CROW_MAIN #include "crow.h" int main() { crow::SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([](){ return "Hello world"; }); app.port(18080).multithreaded().run(); } ``` #### JSON Response ```cpp CROW_ROUTE(app, "/json") ([]{ crow::json::wvalue x; x["message"] = "Hello, World!"; return x; }); ``` #### Arguments ```cpp CROW_ROUTE(app,"/hello/") ([](int count){ if (count > 100) return crow::response(400); std::ostringstream os; os << count << " bottles of beer!"; return crow::response(os.str()); }); ``` Handler arguments type check at compile time ```cpp // Compile error with message "Handler type is mismatched with URL paramters" CROW_ROUTE(app,"/another/") ([](int a, int b){ return crow::response(500); }); ``` #### Handling JSON Requests ```cpp CROW_ROUTE(app, "/add_json") .methods("POST"_method) ([](const crow::request& req){ auto x = crow::json::load(req.body); if (!x) return crow::response(400); int sum = x["a"].i()+x["b"].i(); std::ostringstream os; os << sum; return crow::response{os.str()}; }); ``` More examples can be found [here](https://github.com/crowcpp/crow/tree/master/examples). ## Setting Up / Building Available [here](https://crowcpp.github.io/crow/getting_started/setup).