#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN #define CROW_ENABLE_DEBUG #define CROW_LOG_LEVEL 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "catch.hpp" #include "crow.h" #include "crow/middlewares/cookie_parser.h" #include "crow/middlewares/cors.h" #include "crow/middlewares/session.h" using namespace std; using namespace crow; #define LOCALHOST_ADDRESS "" TEST_CASE("Rule") { TaggedRule<> r("/http/"); r.name("abc"); // empty handler - fail to validate try { r.validate(); FAIL_CHECK("empty handler should fail to validate"); } catch (runtime_error& e) { } int x = 0; // registering handler r([&x] { x = 1; return ""; }); r.validate(); response res; request req; // executing handler CHECK(0 == x); r.handle(req, res, routing_params()); CHECK(1 == x); // registering handler with request argument r([&x](const crow::request&) { x = 2; return ""; }); r.validate(); // executing handler CHECK(1 == x); r.handle(req, res, routing_params()); CHECK(2 == x); } // Rule TEST_CASE("ParameterTagging") { static_assert(black_magic::is_valid(""), "valid url"); static_assert(!black_magic::is_valid(""), "invalid url"); static_assert(!black_magic::is_valid("nt>"), "invalid url"); CHECK(1 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); CHECK(2 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); CHECK(3 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); CHECK(3 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); CHECK(4 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); CHECK(4 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); CHECK(5 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); CHECK(6 * 6 + 6 + 1 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); CHECK(6 * 6 + 6 + 2 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); CHECK(6 * 6 + 6 * 3 + 2 == black_magic::get_parameter_tag("")); // url definition parsed in compile time, build into *one number*, and given // to template argument static_assert( std::is_same, black_magic::arguments<6 * 6 + 6 * 3 + 2>::type>::value, "tag to type container"); } // ParameterTagging TEST_CASE("PathRouting") { SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/file") ([] { return "file"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/path/") ([] { return "path"; }); app.validate(); { request req; response res; req.url = "/file"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/file/"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(404 == res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/path"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(404 != res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/path/"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); } } // PathRouting TEST_CASE("InvalidPathRouting") { SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "invalid_route") ([] { return "should not arrive here"; }); try { app.validate(); FAIL_CHECK(); } catch (std::exception& e) { auto expected_exception_text = "Internal error: Routes must start with a '/'"; CHECK(strcmp(expected_exception_text, e.what()) == 0); } } // InvalidPathRouting TEST_CASE("RoutingTest") { SimpleApp app; int A{}; uint32_t B{}; double C{}; string D{}; string E{}; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/0/") ([&](uint32_t b) { B = b; return "OK"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/1//") ([&](int a, uint32_t b) { A = a; B = b; return "OK"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/4////") ([&](int a, uint32_t b, double c, string d) { A = a; B = b; C = c; D = d; return "OK"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/5/////") ([&](int a, uint32_t b, double c, string d, string e) { A = a; B = b; C = c; D = d; E = e; return "OK"; }); app.validate(); // app.debug_print(); { request req; response res; req.url = "/-1"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(404 == res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/0/1001999"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); CHECK(1001999 == B); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/1/-100/1999"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); CHECK(-100 == A); CHECK(1999 == B); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/4/5000/3/-2.71828/hellhere"; req.add_header("TestHeader", "Value"); app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); CHECK(5000 == A); CHECK(3 == B); CHECK(-2.71828 == C); CHECK("hellhere" == D); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/5/-5/999/3.141592/hello_there/a/b/c/d"; req.add_header("TestHeader", "Value"); app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); CHECK(-5 == A); CHECK(999 == B); CHECK(3.141592 == C); CHECK("hello_there" == D); CHECK("a/b/c/d" == E); } } // RoutingTest TEST_CASE("simple_response_routing_params") { CHECK(100 == response(100).code); CHECK(200 == response("Hello there").code); CHECK(500 == response(500, "Internal Error?").code); CHECK(100 == response(100, "xml", "").code); CHECK("text/xml" == response(100, "xml", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); CHECK(200 == response(200, "html", "").code); CHECK("text/html" == response(200, "html", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); CHECK(500 == response(500, "html", "Internal Error?").code); CHECK("text/css" == response(500, "css", "Internal Error?").get_header_value("Content-Type")); routing_params rp; rp.int_params.push_back(1); rp.int_params.push_back(5); rp.uint_params.push_back(2); rp.double_params.push_back(3); rp.string_params.push_back("hello"); CHECK(1 == rp.get(0)); CHECK(5 == rp.get(1)); CHECK(2 == rp.get(0)); CHECK(3 == rp.get(0)); CHECK("hello" == rp.get(0)); } // simple_response_routing_params TEST_CASE("custom_content_types") { // standard behaviour: content type is a key of mime_types CHECK("text/html" == response("html", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); CHECK("image/jpeg" == response("jpg", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); CHECK("video/mpeg" == response("mpg", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); // content type is already a valid mime type CHECK("text/csv" == response("text/csv", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); CHECK("application/xhtml+xml" == response("application/xhtml+xml", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); CHECK("font/custom;parameters=ok" == response("font/custom;parameters=ok", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); // content type looks like a mime type, but is invalid // note: RFC6838 only allows a limited set of parent types: // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6838#section-4.2.7 // // These types are: application, audio, font, example, image, message, // model, multipart, text, video CHECK("text/plain" == response("custom/type", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); // content type does not look like a mime type. CHECK("text/plain" == response("notarealextension", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); CHECK("text/plain" == response("image/", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); CHECK("text/plain" == response("/json", "").get_header_value("Content-Type")); } // custom_content_types TEST_CASE("handler_with_response") { SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([](const crow::request&, crow::response&) {}); } // handler_with_response TEST_CASE("http_method") { SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/").methods("POST"_method, "GET"_method)([](const request& req) { if (req.method == "GET"_method) return "2"; else return "1"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/head_only") .methods("HEAD"_method)([](const request& /*req*/) { return response{202}; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/get_only") .methods("GET"_method)([](const request& /*req*/) { return "get"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/post_only") .methods("POST"_method)([](const request& /*req*/) { return "post"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/patch_only") .methods("PATCH"_method)([](const request& /*req*/) { return "patch"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/purge_only") .methods("PURGE"_method)([](const request& /*req*/) { return "purge"; }); app.validate(); app.debug_print(); // cannot have multiple handlers for the same url // CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") //.methods("GET"_method) //([]{ return "2"; }); { request req; response res; req.url = "/"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("2" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/"; req.method = "POST"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("1" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/head_only"; req.method = "HEAD"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(202 == res.code); CHECK("" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/get_only"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("get" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/patch_only"; req.method = "PATCH"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("patch" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/purge_only"; req.method = "PURGE"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("purge" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/get_only"; req.method = "POST"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("get" != res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/get_only"; req.method = "POST"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(405 == res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/get_only"; req.method = "HEAD"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); CHECK("" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/"; req.method = "OPTIONS"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(204 == res.code); CHECK("OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST" == res.get_header_value("Allow")); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/does_not_exist"; req.method = "OPTIONS"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(404 == res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/*"; req.method = "OPTIONS"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(204 == res.code); CHECK("OPTIONS, HEAD, GET, POST, PATCH, PURGE" == res.get_header_value("Allow")); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/head_only"; req.method = "OPTIONS"_method; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(204 == res.code); CHECK("OPTIONS, HEAD" == res.get_header_value("Allow")); } } // http_method TEST_CASE("validate can be called multiple times") { SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([]() { return "1"; }); app.validate(); app.validate(); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/test")([]() { return "1"; }); app.validate(); try { CROW_ROUTE(app, "/")([]() { return "1"; }); app.validate(); FAIL_CHECK(); } catch (std::exception& e) { CROW_LOG_DEBUG << e.what(); } } // validate can be called multiple times TEST_CASE("server_handling_error_request") { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([] { return "A"; }); // Server server(&app, LOCALHOST_ADDRESS, 45451); // auto _ = async(launch::async, [&]{server.run();}); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); std::string sendmsg = "POX"; asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); try { c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); FAIL_CHECK(); } catch (std::exception& e) { CROW_LOG_DEBUG << e.what(); } } app.stop(); } // server_handling_error_request TEST_CASE("server_handling_error_request_http_version") { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([] { return "A"; }); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); std::string sendmsg = "POST /\r\nContent-Length:3\r\nX-HeaderTest: 123\r\n\r\nA=B\r\n"; asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); try { c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); FAIL_CHECK(); } catch (std::exception& e) { CROW_LOG_DEBUG << e.what(); } } app.stop(); } // server_handling_error_request_http_version TEST_CASE("multi_server") { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app1, app2; CROW_ROUTE(app1, "/").methods("GET"_method, "POST"_method)([] { return "A"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app2, "/").methods("GET"_method, "POST"_method)([] { return "B"; }); auto _ = app1.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); auto _2 = app2.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45452).run_async(); app1.wait_for_server_start(); app2.wait_for_server_start(); std::string sendmsg = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Length:3\r\nX-HeaderTest: 123\r\n\r\nA=B\r\n"; { asio::io_service is; asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); size_t recved = c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); CHECK('A' == buf[recved - 1]); } { asio::io_service is; asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45452)); for (auto ch : sendmsg) { char buf[1] = {ch}; c.send(asio::buffer(buf)); } size_t recved = c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); CHECK('B' == buf[recved - 1]); } app1.stop(); app2.stop(); } // multi_server TEST_CASE("undefined_status_code") { SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/get123") ([] { //this status does not exists statusCodes map defined in include/crow/http_connection.h const int undefinedStatusCode = 123; return response(undefinedStatusCode, "this should return 500"); }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/get200") ([] { return response(200, "ok"); }); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45471).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; auto sendRequestAndGetStatusCode = [&](const std::string& route) -> unsigned { asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(is); socket.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), app.port())); asio::streambuf request; std::ostream request_stream(&request); request_stream << "GET " << route << " HTTP/1.0\r\n"; request_stream << "Host: " << LOCALHOST_ADDRESS << "\r\n"; request_stream << "Accept: */*\r\n"; request_stream << "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; // Send the request. asio::write(socket, request); asio::streambuf response; asio::read_until(socket, response, "\r\n"); std::istream response_stream(&response); std::string http_version; response_stream >> http_version; unsigned status_code = 0; response_stream >> status_code; return status_code; }; unsigned statusCode = sendRequestAndGetStatusCode("/get200"); CHECK(statusCode == 200); statusCode = sendRequestAndGetStatusCode("/get123"); CHECK(statusCode == 500); app.stop(); } // undefined_status_code TEST_CASE("json_read") { { const char* json_error_tests[] = { "{} 3", "{{}", "{3}", "3.4.5", "+3", "3-2", "00", "03", "1e3e3", "1e+.3", "nll", "f", "t", "{\"x\":3,}", "{\"x\"}", "{\"x\":3 q}", "{\"x\":[3 4]}", "{\"x\":[\"", "{\"x\":[[], 4],\"y\",}", "{\"x\":[3", "{\"x\":[ null, false, true}", }; for (auto s : json_error_tests) { auto x = json::load(s); if (x) { FAIL_CHECK(std::string("should fail to parse ") + s); return; } } } auto x = json::load(R"({"message":"hello, world"})"); if (!x) FAIL_CHECK("fail to parse"); CHECK("hello, world" == x["message"]); CHECK(1 == x.size()); CHECK(false == x.has("mess")); REQUIRE_THROWS(x["mess"]); // TODO(ipkn) returning false is better than exception // ASSERT_THROW(3 == x["message"]); CHECK(12 == x["message"].size()); std::string s = R"({"int":3, "ints" :[1,2,3,4,5], "bigint":1234567890 })"; auto y = json::load(s); CHECK(3 == y["int"]); CHECK(3.0 == y["int"]); CHECK(3.01 != y["int"]); CHECK(5 == y["ints"].size()); CHECK(1 == y["ints"][0]); CHECK(2 == y["ints"][1]); CHECK(3 == y["ints"][2]); CHECK(4 == y["ints"][3]); CHECK(5 == y["ints"][4]); CHECK(1u == y["ints"][0]); CHECK(1.f == y["ints"][0]); int q = (int)y["ints"][1]; CHECK(2 == q); q = y["ints"][2].i(); CHECK(3 == q); CHECK(1234567890 == y["bigint"]); std::string s2 = R"({"bools":[true, false], "doubles":[1.2, -3.4]})"; auto z = json::load(s2); CHECK(2 == z["bools"].size()); CHECK(2 == z["doubles"].size()); CHECK(true == z["bools"][0].b()); CHECK(false == z["bools"][1].b()); CHECK(1.2 == z["doubles"][0].d()); CHECK(-3.4 == z["doubles"][1].d()); std::string s3 = R"({"uint64": 18446744073709551615})"; auto z1 = json::load(s3); CHECK(18446744073709551615ull == z1["uint64"].u()); std::ostringstream os; os << z1["uint64"]; CHECK("18446744073709551615" == os.str()); } // json_read TEST_CASE("json_read_real") { vector v{"0.036303908355795146", "0.18320417789757412", "0.05319940476190476", "0.15224702380952382", "0", "0.3296201145552561", "0.47921580188679247", "0.05873511904761905", "0.1577827380952381", "0.4996841307277628", "0.6425412735849056", "0.052113095238095236", "0.12830357142857143", "0.7871041105121294", "0.954220013477089", "0.05869047619047619", "0.1625", "0.8144794474393531", "0.9721613881401617", "0.1399404761904762", "0.24470238095238095", "0.04527459568733154", "0.2096950808625337", "0.35267857142857145", "0.42791666666666667", "0.855731974393531", "0.9352467991913747", "0.3816220238095238", "0.4282886904761905", "0.39414167789757415", "0.5316079851752021", "0.3809375", "0.4571279761904762", "0.03522995283018868", "0.1915641846361186", "0.6164136904761904", "0.7192708333333333", "0.05675117924528302", "0.21308541105121293", "0.7045386904761904", "0.8016815476190476"}; for (auto x : v) { CROW_LOG_DEBUG << x; CHECK(json::load(x).d() == utility::lexical_cast(x)); } auto ret = json::load( R"---({"balloons":[{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.036303908355795146,"right":0.18320417789757412,"top":0.05319940476190476,"bottom":0.15224702380952382,"index":"0"},{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.3296201145552561,"right":0.47921580188679247,"top":0.05873511904761905,"bottom":0.1577827380952381,"index":"1"},{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.4996841307277628,"right":0.6425412735849056,"top":0.052113095238095236,"bottom":0.12830357142857143,"index":"2"},{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.7871041105121294,"right":0.954220013477089,"top":0.05869047619047619,"bottom":0.1625,"index":"3"},{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.8144794474393531,"right":0.9721613881401617,"top":0.1399404761904762,"bottom":0.24470238095238095,"index":"4"},{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.04527459568733154,"right":0.2096950808625337,"top":0.35267857142857145,"bottom":0.42791666666666667,"index":"5"},{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.855731974393531,"right":0.9352467991913747,"top":0.3816220238095238,"bottom":0.4282886904761905,"index":"6"},{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.39414167789757415,"right":0.5316079851752021,"top":0.3809375,"bottom":0.4571279761904762,"index":"7"},{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.03522995283018868,"right":0.1915641846361186,"top":0.6164136904761904,"bottom":0.7192708333333333,"index":"8"},{"mode":"ellipse","left":0.05675117924528302,"right":0.21308541105121293,"top":0.7045386904761904,"bottom":0.8016815476190476,"index":"9"}]})---"); CHECK(ret); } // json_read_real TEST_CASE("json_read_unescaping") { { auto x = json::load(R"({"data":"\ud55c\n\t\r"})"); if (!x) { FAIL_CHECK("fail to parse"); return; } CHECK(6 == x["data"].size()); CHECK("한\n\t\r" == x["data"]); } { // multiple r_string instance auto x = json::load(R"({"data":"\ud55c\n\t\r"})"); auto a = x["data"].s(); auto b = x["data"].s(); CHECK(6 == a.size()); CHECK(6 == b.size()); CHECK(6 == x["data"].size()); } } // json_read_unescaping TEST_CASE("json_read_string") { auto x = json::load(R"({"message": 53})"); int y(x["message"]); std::string z(x["message"]); CHECK(53 == y); CHECK("53" == z); } // json_read_string TEST_CASE("json_read_container") { auto x = json::load(R"({"first": 53, "second": "55", "third": [5,6,7,8,3,2,1,4]})"); CHECK(std::vector({"first", "second", "third"}) == x.keys()); CHECK(53 == int(x.lo()[0])); CHECK("55" == std::string(x.lo()[1])); CHECK(8 == int(x.lo()[2].lo()[3])); } // json_read_container TEST_CASE("json_write") { json::wvalue x; x["message"] = "hello world"; CHECK(R"({"message":"hello world"})" == x.dump()); x["message"] = std::string("string value"); CHECK(R"({"message":"string value"})" == x.dump()); x["message"]["x"] = 3; CHECK(R"({"message":{"x":3}})" == x.dump()); x["message"]["y"] = 5; CHECK((R"({"message":{"x":3,"y":5}})" == x.dump() || R"({"message":{"y":5,"x":3}})" == x.dump())); x["message"] = 5.5; CHECK(R"({"message":5.5})" == x.dump()); x["message"] = 1234567890; CHECK(R"({"message":1234567890})" == x.dump()); json::wvalue y; y["scores"][0] = 1; y["scores"][1] = "king"; y["scores"][2] = 3.5; CHECK(R"({"scores":[1,"king",3.5]})" == y.dump()); y["scores"][2][0] = "real"; y["scores"][2][1] = false; y["scores"][2][2] = true; CHECK(R"({"scores":[1,"king",["real",false,true]]})" == y.dump()); y["scores"]["a"]["b"]["c"] = nullptr; CHECK(R"({"scores":{"a":{"b":{"c":null}}}})" == y.dump()); y["scores"] = std::vector{1, 2, 3}; CHECK(R"({"scores":[1,2,3]})" == y.dump()); } // json_write TEST_CASE("json_copy_r_to_w_to_w_to_r") { json::rvalue r = json::load( R"({"smallint":2,"bigint":2147483647,"fp":23.43,"fpsc":2.343e1,"str":"a string","trueval":true,"falseval":false,"nullval":null,"listval":[1,2,"foo","bar"],"obj":{"member":23,"other":"baz"}})"); json::wvalue v{r}; json::wvalue w(v); json::rvalue x = json::load(w.dump()); // why no copy-ctor wvalue -> rvalue? CHECK(2 == x["smallint"]); CHECK(2147483647 == x["bigint"]); CHECK(23.43 == x["fp"]); CHECK(23.43 == x["fpsc"]); CHECK("a string" == x["str"]); CHECK(x["trueval"].b()); REQUIRE_FALSE(x["falseval"].b()); CHECK(json::type::Null == x["nullval"].t()); CHECK(4u == x["listval"].size()); CHECK(1 == x["listval"][0]); CHECK(2 == x["listval"][1]); CHECK("foo" == x["listval"][2]); CHECK("bar" == x["listval"][3]); CHECK(23 == x["obj"]["member"]); CHECK("member" == x["obj"]["member"].key()); CHECK("baz" == x["obj"]["other"]); CHECK("other" == x["obj"]["other"].key()); } // json_copy_r_to_w_to_w_to_r //TODO(EDev): maybe combine these TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(bool)") { CHECK(json::wvalue(true).t() == json::type::True); CHECK(json::wvalue(false).t() == json::type::False); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(bool) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::uint8_t)") { std::uint8_t i = 42; json::wvalue value = i; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); CHECK(value.dump() == "42"); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::uint8_t) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::uint16_t)") { std::uint16_t i = 42; json::wvalue value = i; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); CHECK(value.dump() == "42"); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::uint16_t) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::uint32_t)") { std::uint32_t i = 42; json::wvalue value = i; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); CHECK(value.dump() == "42"); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::uint32_t) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::uint64_t)") { std::uint64_t i = 42; json::wvalue value = i; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); CHECK(value.dump() == "42"); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::uint64_t) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::int8_t)") { std::int8_t i = -42; json::wvalue value = i; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); CHECK(value.dump() == "-42"); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::int8_t) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::int16_t)") { std::int16_t i = -42; json::wvalue value = i; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); CHECK(value.dump() == "-42"); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::int16_t) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::int32_t)") { std::int32_t i = -42; json::wvalue value = i; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); CHECK(value.dump() == "-42"); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::int32_t) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::int64_t)") { std::int64_t i = -42; json::wvalue value = i; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); CHECK(value.dump() == "-42"); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::int64_t) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(float)") { float f = 4.2; json::wvalue value = f; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); CHECK(value.dump() == "4.2"); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(float) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(double)") { double d = 0.036303908355795146; json::wvalue value = d; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::Number); auto dumped_value = value.dump(); CROW_LOG_DEBUG << dumped_value; CHECK(std::abs(utility::lexical_cast(dumped_value) - d) < numeric_limits::epsilon()); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(double) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(char const*)") { char const* str = "Hello world!"; json::wvalue value = str; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::String); CHECK(value.dump() == "\"Hello world!\""); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(char const*) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::string const&)") { std::string str = "Hello world!"; json::wvalue value = str; CHECK(value.t() == json::type::String); CHECK(value.dump() == "\"Hello world!\""); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::string const&) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::string&&)") { std::string str = "Hello world!"; json::wvalue value = std::move(str); CHECK(value.t() == json::type::String); CHECK(value.dump() == "\"Hello world!\""); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::string&&) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::initializer_list>)") { json::wvalue integer, number, truth, lie, null; integer = 2147483647; number = 23.43; truth = true; lie = false; /* initializer-list constructor. */ json::wvalue value({{"integer", integer}, {"number", number}, {"truth", truth}, {"lie", lie}, {"null", null}}); CHECK(value["integer"].dump() == integer.dump()); CHECK(value["number"].dump() == number.dump()); CHECK(value["truth"].dump() == truth.dump()); CHECK(value["lie"].dump() == lie.dump()); CHECK(value["null"].dump() == null.dump()); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::initializer_list>) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::[unordered_]map const&)") { json::wvalue integer, number, truth, lie, null; integer = 2147483647; number = 23.43; truth = true; lie = false; json::wvalue::object map({{"integer", integer}, {"number", number}, {"truth", truth}, {"lie", lie}, {"null", null}}); json::wvalue value(map); /* copy-constructor. */ CHECK(value["integer"].dump() == integer.dump()); CHECK(value["number"].dump() == number.dump()); CHECK(value["truth"].dump() == truth.dump()); CHECK(value["lie"].dump() == lie.dump()); CHECK(value["null"].dump() == null.dump()); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::[unordered_]map const&) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::wvalue(std::[unordered_]map&&)") { json::wvalue integer, number, truth, lie, null; integer = 2147483647; number = 23.43; truth = true; lie = false; json::wvalue::object map = {{{"integer", integer}, {"number", number}, {"truth", truth}, {"lie", lie}, {"null", null}}}; json::wvalue value(std::move(map)); /* move constructor. */ // json::wvalue value = std::move(map); /* move constructor. */ CHECK(value["integer"].dump() == integer.dump()); CHECK(value["number"].dump() == number.dump()); CHECK(value["truth"].dump() == truth.dump()); CHECK(value["lie"].dump() == lie.dump()); CHECK(value["null"].dump() == null.dump()); } // json::wvalue::wvalue(std::[unordered_]map&&) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::operator=(std::initializer_list>)") { json::wvalue integer, number, truth, lie, null; integer = 2147483647; number = 23.43; truth = true; lie = false; json::wvalue value; /* initializer-list assignment. */ value = { {"integer", integer}, {"number", number}, {"truth", truth}, {"lie", lie}, {"null", null}}; CHECK(value["integer"].dump() == integer.dump()); CHECK(value["number"].dump() == number.dump()); CHECK(value["truth"].dump() == truth.dump()); CHECK(value["lie"].dump() == lie.dump()); CHECK(value["null"].dump() == null.dump()); } // json::wvalue::operator=(std::initializer_list>) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::operator=(std::[unordered_]map const&)") { json::wvalue integer, number, truth, lie, null; integer = 2147483647; number = 23.43; truth = true; lie = false; json::wvalue::object map({{"integer", integer}, {"number", number}, {"truth", truth}, {"lie", lie}, {"null", null}}); json::wvalue value; value = map; /* copy assignment. */ CHECK(value["integer"].dump() == integer.dump()); CHECK(value["number"].dump() == number.dump()); CHECK(value["truth"].dump() == truth.dump()); CHECK(value["lie"].dump() == lie.dump()); CHECK(value["null"].dump() == null.dump()); } // json::wvalue::operator=(std::[unordered_]map const&) TEST_CASE("json::wvalue::operator=(std::[unordered_]map&&)") { json::wvalue integer, number, truth, lie, null; integer = 2147483647; number = 23.43; truth = true; lie = false; json::wvalue::object map({{"integer", integer}, {"number", number}, {"truth", truth}, {"lie", lie}, {"null", null}}); json::wvalue value; value = std::move(map); /* move assignment. */ CHECK(value["integer"].dump() == integer.dump()); CHECK(value["number"].dump() == number.dump()); CHECK(value["truth"].dump() == truth.dump()); CHECK(value["lie"].dump() == lie.dump()); CHECK(value["null"].dump() == null.dump()); } // json::wvalue::operator=(std::[unordered_]map&&) TEST_CASE("json_vector") { json::wvalue a; json::wvalue b; json::wvalue c; json::wvalue d; json::wvalue e; json::wvalue f; json::wvalue g; json::wvalue h; a = 5; b = 6; c = 7; d = 8; e = 4; f = 3; g = 2; h = 1; std::vector nums; nums.emplace_back(a); nums.emplace_back(b); nums.emplace_back(c); nums.emplace_back(d); nums.emplace_back(e); nums.emplace_back(f); nums.emplace_back(g); nums.emplace_back(h); json::wvalue x(nums); CHECK(8 == x.size()); CHECK("[5,6,7,8,4,3,2,1]" == x.dump()); } // json_vector TEST_CASE("json_list") { json::wvalue x(json::wvalue::list({5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 1})); CHECK(8 == x.size()); CHECK("[5,6,7,8,4,3,2,1]" == x.dump()); } // json_list TEST_CASE("template_basic") { auto t = crow::mustache::compile(R"---(attack of {{name}})---"); crow::mustache::context ctx; ctx["name"] = "killer tomatoes"; auto result = t.render_string(ctx); CHECK("attack of killer tomatoes" == result); } // template_basic TEST_CASE("template_true_tag") { auto t = crow::mustache::compile(R"---({{true_value}})---"); crow::mustache::context ctx; ctx["true_value"] = true; auto result = t.render_string(ctx); CHECK("true" == result); } // template_true_tag TEST_CASE("template_false_tag") { auto t = crow::mustache::compile(R"---({{false_value}})---"); crow::mustache::context ctx; ctx["false_value"] = false; auto result = t.render_string(ctx); CHECK("false" == result); } // template_false_tag TEST_CASE("template_function") { auto t = crow::mustache::compile("attack of {{func}}"); crow::mustache::context ctx; ctx["name"] = "killer tomatoes"; ctx["func"] = std::function([&](std::string) { return std::string("{{name}}, IN SPACE!"); }); auto result = t.render_string(ctx); CHECK("attack of killer tomatoes, IN SPACE!" == result); } TEST_CASE("template_load") { crow::mustache::set_base("."); ofstream("test.mustache") << R"---(attack of {{name}})---"; auto t = crow::mustache::load("test.mustache"); crow::mustache::context ctx; ctx["name"] = "killer tomatoes"; auto result = t.render_string(ctx); CHECK("attack of killer tomatoes" == result); unlink("test.mustache"); } // template_load TEST_CASE("TemplateRouting") { SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/temp") ([] { auto t = crow::mustache::compile(R"---(attack of {{name}})---"); crow::mustache::context ctx; ctx["name"] = "killer tomatoes"; return crow::response(t.render(ctx)); }); app.validate(); { request req; response res; req.url = "/temp"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("attack of killer tomatoes" == res.body); CHECK("text/html" == crow::get_header_value(res.headers, "Content-Type")); } } // PathRouting TEST_CASE("black_magic") { using namespace black_magic; static_assert( std::is_same::type>::value, "last_element_type"); static_assert(std::is_same::rebind< last_element_type>::type>::value, "pop_back"); static_assert( std::is_same::rebind::rebind< last_element_type>::type>::value, "pop_back"); } // black_magic struct NullMiddleware { struct context {}; template void before_handle(request&, response&, context&, AllContext&) {} template void after_handle(request&, response&, context&, AllContext&) {} }; struct NullSimpleMiddleware { struct context {}; void before_handle(request& /*req*/, response& /*res*/, context& /*ctx*/) {} void after_handle(request& /*req*/, response& /*res*/, context& /*ctx*/) {} }; TEST_CASE("middleware_simple") { App app; decltype(app)::server_t server(&app, LOCALHOST_ADDRESS, 45451); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([&](const crow::request& req) { app.get_context(req); app.get_context(req); return ""; }); } struct IntSettingMiddleware { struct context { int val; }; template void before_handle(request&, response&, context& ctx, AllContext&) { ctx.val = 1; } template void after_handle(request&, response&, context& ctx, AllContext&) { ctx.val = 2; } }; std::vector test_middleware_context_vector; struct empty_type {}; template struct FirstMW : public std::conditional::type { struct context { std::vector v; }; void before_handle(request& /*req*/, response& /*res*/, context& ctx) { ctx.v.push_back("1 before"); } void after_handle(request& /*req*/, response& /*res*/, context& ctx) { ctx.v.push_back("1 after"); test_middleware_context_vector = ctx.v; } }; template struct SecondMW : public std::conditional::type { struct context {}; template void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context&, AllContext& all_ctx) { all_ctx.template get>().v.push_back("2 before"); if (req.url.find("/break") != std::string::npos) res.end(); } template void after_handle(request&, response&, context&, AllContext& all_ctx) { all_ctx.template get>().v.push_back("2 after"); } }; template struct ThirdMW : public std::conditional::type { struct context {}; template void before_handle(request&, response&, context&, AllContext& all_ctx) { all_ctx.template get>().v.push_back("3 before"); } template void after_handle(request&, response&, context&, AllContext& all_ctx) { all_ctx.template get>().v.push_back("3 after"); } }; TEST_CASE("middleware_context") { static char buf[2048]; // SecondMW depends on FirstMW (it uses all_ctx.get) // so it leads to compile error if we remove FirstMW from definition // App app; // or change the order of FirstMW and SecondMW // App app; App, SecondMW, ThirdMW> app; int x{}; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([&](const request& req) { { auto& ctx = app.get_context(req); x = ctx.val; } { auto& ctx = app.get_context>(req); ctx.v.push_back("handle"); } return ""; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/break") ([&](const request& req) { { auto& ctx = app.get_context>(req); ctx.v.push_back("handle"); } return ""; }); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); std::string sendmsg = "GET /\r\n\r\n"; asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); } { auto& out = test_middleware_context_vector; CHECK(1 == x); bool cond = 7 == out.size(); CHECK(cond); if (cond) { CHECK("1 before" == out[0]); CHECK("2 before" == out[1]); CHECK("3 before" == out[2]); CHECK("handle" == out[3]); CHECK("3 after" == out[4]); CHECK("2 after" == out[5]); CHECK("1 after" == out[6]); } } std::string sendmsg2 = "GET /break\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg2)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); } { auto& out = test_middleware_context_vector; bool cond = 4 == out.size(); CHECK(cond); if (cond) { CHECK("1 before" == out[0]); CHECK("2 before" == out[1]); CHECK("2 after" == out[2]); CHECK("1 after" == out[3]); } } app.stop(); } // middleware_context struct LocalSecretMiddleware : crow::ILocalMiddleware { struct context {}; void before_handle(request& /*req*/, response& res, context& /*ctx*/) { res.code = 403; res.end(); } void after_handle(request& /*req*/, response& /*res*/, context& /*ctx*/) {} }; TEST_CASE("local_middleware") { static char buf[2048]; App app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([]() { return "works!"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/secret") .middlewares()([]() { return "works!"; }); app.validate(); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer("GET /\r\n\r\n")); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(std::string(buf).find("200") != std::string::npos); } { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer("GET /secret\r\n\r\n")); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(std::string(buf).find("403") != std::string::npos); } app.stop(); } // local_middleware struct OnlyMoveConstructor { OnlyMoveConstructor(int) {} OnlyMoveConstructor(const OnlyMoveConstructor&) = delete; OnlyMoveConstructor(OnlyMoveConstructor&&) = default; }; TEST_CASE("app_constructor") { App, SecondMW> app1(OnlyMoveConstructor(1), SecondMW{}); App, SecondMW> app2(FirstMW{}, OnlyMoveConstructor(1)); } // app_constructor TEST_CASE("middleware_blueprint") { // Same logic as middleware_context, but middleware is added with blueprints static char buf[2048]; App, SecondMW, ThirdMW> app; Blueprint bp1("a", "c1", "c1"); bp1.CROW_MIDDLEWARES(app, FirstMW); Blueprint bp2("b", "c2", "c2"); bp2.CROW_MIDDLEWARES(app, SecondMW); Blueprint bp3("c", "c3", "c3"); CROW_BP_ROUTE(bp2, "/") .CROW_MIDDLEWARES(app, ThirdMW)([&app](const crow::request& req) { { auto& ctx = app.get_context>(req); ctx.v.push_back("handle"); } return ""; }); CROW_BP_ROUTE(bp3, "/break") .CROW_MIDDLEWARES(app, SecondMW, ThirdMW)([&app](const crow::request& req) { { auto& ctx = app.get_context>(req); ctx.v.push_back("handle"); } return ""; }); bp1.register_blueprint(bp3); bp1.register_blueprint(bp2); app.register_blueprint(bp1); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer("GET /a/b/\r\n\r\n")); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); } { auto& out = test_middleware_context_vector; bool cond = 7 == out.size(); CHECK(cond); if (cond) { CHECK("1 before" == out[0]); CHECK("2 before" == out[1]); CHECK("3 before" == out[2]); CHECK("handle" == out[3]); CHECK("3 after" == out[4]); CHECK("2 after" == out[5]); CHECK("1 after" == out[6]); } } { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer("GET /a/c/break\r\n\r\n")); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); } { auto& out = test_middleware_context_vector; bool cond = 4 == out.size(); CHECK(cond); if (cond) { CHECK("1 before" == out[0]); CHECK("2 before" == out[1]); CHECK("2 after" == out[2]); CHECK("1 after" == out[3]); } } app.stop(); } // middleware_blueprint TEST_CASE("middleware_cookieparser_parse") { static char buf[2048]; App app; std::string value1; std::string value2; std::string value3; std::string value4; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([&](const request& req) { { auto& ctx = app.get_context(req); value1 = ctx.get_cookie("key1"); value2 = ctx.get_cookie("key2"); value3 = ctx.get_cookie("key3"); value4 = ctx.get_cookie("key4"); } return ""; }); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); std::string sendmsg = "GET /\r\nCookie: key1=value1; key2=\"val=ue2\"; key3=\"val\"ue3\"; " "key4=\"val\"ue4\"\r\n\r\n"; asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); } { CHECK("value1" == value1); CHECK("val=ue2" == value2); CHECK("val\"ue3" == value3); CHECK("val\"ue4" == value4); } app.stop(); } // middleware_cookieparser_parse TEST_CASE("middleware_cookieparser_format") { using Cookie = CookieParser::Cookie; auto valid = [](const std::string& s, int parts) { return std::count(s.begin(), s.end(), ';') == parts - 1; }; // basic { auto c = Cookie("key", "value"); auto s = c.dump(); CHECK(valid(s, 1)); CHECK(s == "key=value"); } // max-age + domain { auto c = Cookie("key", "value") .max_age(123) .domain("example.com"); auto s = c.dump(); CHECK(valid(s, 3)); CHECK(s.find("key=value") != std::string::npos); CHECK(s.find("Max-Age=123") != std::string::npos); CHECK(s.find("Domain=example.com") != std::string::npos); } // samesite + secure { auto c = Cookie("key", "value") .secure() .same_site(Cookie::SameSitePolicy::None); auto s = c.dump(); CHECK(valid(s, 3)); CHECK(s.find("Secure") != std::string::npos); CHECK(s.find("SameSite=None") != std::string::npos); } // expires { std::time_t tp; std::time(&tp); std::tm* tm = std::gmtime(&tp); std::istringstream ss("2000-11-01 23:59:59"); ss >> std::get_time(tm, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); std::mktime(tm); auto c = Cookie("key", "value") .expires(*tm); auto s = c.dump(); CHECK(valid(s, 2)); CHECK(s.find("Expires=Wed, 01 Nov 2000 23:59:59 GMT") != std::string::npos); } // prototype { auto c = Cookie("key"); c.value("value"); auto s = c.dump(); CHECK(valid(s, 1)); CHECK(s == "key=value"); } } // middleware_cookieparser_format TEST_CASE("middleware_cors") { static char buf[5012]; App app; auto& cors = app.get_middleware(); // clang-format off cors .prefix("/origin") .origin("test.test") .prefix("/nocors") .ignore(); // clang-format on CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([&](const request&) { return "-"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/origin") ([&](const request&) { return "-"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/nocors/path") ([&](const request&) { return "-"; }); const auto port = 33333; auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(port).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), port)); c.send(asio::buffer("OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n")); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(std::string(buf).find("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *") != std::string::npos); } { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), port)); c.send(asio::buffer("GET /\r\n\r\n")); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(std::string(buf).find("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *") != std::string::npos); } { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), port)); c.send(asio::buffer("GET /origin\r\n\r\n")); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(std::string(buf).find("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: test.test") != std::string::npos); } { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), port)); c.send(asio::buffer("GET /nocors/path\r\n\r\n")); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(std::string(buf).find("Access-Control-Allow-Origin:") == std::string::npos); } app.stop(); } // middleware_cors TEST_CASE("middleware_session") { static char buf[5012]; using Session = SessionMiddleware; App app{ Session{InMemoryStore{}}}; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/get") ([&](const request& req) { auto& session = app.get_context(req); auto key = req.url_params.get("key"); return session.string(key); }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/set") ([&](const request& req) { auto& session = app.get_context(req); auto key = req.url_params.get("key"); auto value = req.url_params.get("value"); session.set(key, value); return "ok"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/count") ([&](const request& req) { auto& session = app.get_context(req); session.apply("counter", [](int v) { return v + 2; }); return session.string("counter"); }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/lock") ([&](const request& req) { auto& session = app.get_context(req); session.mutex().lock(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50)); session.mutex().unlock(); return "OK"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/check_lock") ([&](const request& req) { auto& session = app.get_context(req); if (session.mutex().try_lock()) return "LOCKED"; else { session.mutex().unlock(); return "FAILED"; }; }); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; auto make_request = [&](const std::string& rq) { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(rq)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); return std::string(buf); }; std::string cookie = "Cookie: session="; // test = works { auto res = make_request( "GET /set?key=test&value=works\r\n" + cookie + "\r\n\r\n"); const std::regex cookiev_regex("Cookie:\\ssession=(.*?);", std::regex::icase); auto istart = std::sregex_token_iterator(res.begin(), res.end(), cookiev_regex, 1); auto iend = std::sregex_token_iterator(); CHECK(istart != iend); cookie.append(istart->str()); cookie.push_back(';'); } // check test = works { auto res = make_request("GET /get?key=test\r\n" + cookie + "\r\n\r\n"); CHECK(res.find("works") != std::string::npos); } // check counter { for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { auto res = make_request("GET /count\r\n" + cookie + "\r\n\r\n"); CHECK(res.find(std::to_string(2 * i)) != std::string::npos); } } // lock { asio::ip::tcp::socket c_lock(is); c_lock.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c_lock.send(asio::buffer("GET /lock\r\n" + cookie + "\r\n\r\n")); auto res = make_request("GET /check_lock\r\n" + cookie + "\r\n\r\n"); CHECK(res.find("LOCKED") != std::string::npos); c_lock.close(); } app.stop(); } // middleware_session TEST_CASE("bug_quick_repeated_request") { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([&] { return "hello"; }); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); std::string sendmsg = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n"; asio::io_service is; { std::vector> v; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { v.push_back(async(launch::async, [&] { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); size_t received = c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); CHECK("hello" == std::string(buf + received - 5, buf + received)); } c.close(); })); } } app.stop(); } // bug_quick_repeated_request TEST_CASE("simple_url_params") { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app; query_string last_url_params; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/params") ([&last_url_params](const crow::request& req) { last_url_params = std::move(req.url_params); return "OK"; }); /// params?h=1&foo=bar&lol&count[]=1&count[]=4&pew=5.2 auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; std::string sendmsg; // check empty params sendmsg = "GET /params\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); stringstream ss; ss << last_url_params; CHECK("[ ]" == ss.str()); } // check single presence sendmsg = "GET /params?foobar\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(last_url_params.get("missing") == nullptr); CHECK(last_url_params.get("foobar") != nullptr); CHECK(last_url_params.get_list("missing").empty()); } // check multiple presence sendmsg = "GET /params?foo&bar&baz\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(last_url_params.get("missing") == nullptr); CHECK(last_url_params.get("foo") != nullptr); CHECK(last_url_params.get("bar") != nullptr); CHECK(last_url_params.get("baz") != nullptr); } // check single value sendmsg = "GET /params?hello=world\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(string(last_url_params.get("hello")) == "world"); } // check multiple value sendmsg = "GET /params?hello=world&left=right&up=down\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); query_string mutable_params(last_url_params); CHECK(string(mutable_params.get("hello")) == "world"); CHECK(string(mutable_params.get("left")) == "right"); CHECK(string(mutable_params.get("up")) == "down"); std::string z = mutable_params.pop("left"); CHECK(z == "right"); CHECK(mutable_params.get("left") == nullptr); } // check multiple value, multiple types sendmsg = "GET /params?int=100&double=123.45&boolean=1\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(utility::lexical_cast(last_url_params.get("int")) == 100); CHECK(utility::lexical_cast(last_url_params.get("double")) == 123.45); CHECK(utility::lexical_cast(last_url_params.get("boolean"))); } // check single array value sendmsg = "GET /params?tmnt[]=leonardo\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(last_url_params.get("tmnt") == nullptr); CHECK(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt").size() == 1); CHECK(string(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt")[0]) == "leonardo"); } // check multiple array value sendmsg = "GET /params?tmnt[]=leonardo&tmnt[]=donatello&tmnt[]=raphael\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt").size() == 3); CHECK(string(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt")[0]) == "leonardo"); CHECK(string(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt")[1]) == "donatello"); CHECK(string(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt")[2]) == "raphael"); CHECK(last_url_params.pop_list("tmnt").size() == 3); CHECK(last_url_params.get_list("tmnt").size() == 0); } // check dictionary value sendmsg = "GET /params?kees[one]=vee1&kees[two]=vee2&kees[three]=vee3\r\n\r\n"; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); c.close(); CHECK(last_url_params.get_dict("kees").size() == 3); CHECK(string(last_url_params.get_dict("kees")["one"]) == "vee1"); CHECK(string(last_url_params.get_dict("kees")["two"]) == "vee2"); CHECK(string(last_url_params.get_dict("kees")["three"]) == "vee3"); CHECK(last_url_params.pop_dict("kees").size() == 3); CHECK(last_url_params.get_dict("kees").size() == 0); } app.stop(); } // simple_url_params TEST_CASE("route_dynamic") { SimpleApp app; int x = 1; app.route_dynamic("/")([&] { x = 2; return ""; }); app.route_dynamic("/set4")([&](const request&) { x = 4; return ""; }); app.route_dynamic("/set5")([&](const request&, response& res) { x = 5; res.end(); }); app.route_dynamic("/set_int/")([&](int y) { x = y; return ""; }); try { app.route_dynamic("/invalid_test//")([]() { return ""; }); FAIL_CHECK(); } catch (std::exception&) {} // app is in an invalid state when route_dynamic throws an exception. try { app.validate(); FAIL_CHECK(); } catch (std::exception&) {} { request req; response res; req.url = "/"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(x == 2); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/set_int/42"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(x == 42); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/set5"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(x == 5); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/set4"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(x == 4); } } // route_dynamic TEST_CASE("multipart") { // //--CROW-BOUNDARY //Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"hello\" // //world //--CROW-BOUNDARY //Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"world\" // //hello //--CROW-BOUNDARY //Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"multiline\" // //text //text //text //--CROW-BOUNDARY-- // std::string test_string = "--CROW-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"hello\"\r\n\r\nworld\r\n--CROW-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"world\"\r\n\r\nhello\r\n--CROW-BOUNDARY\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"multiline\"\r\n\r\ntext\ntext\ntext\r\n--CROW-BOUNDARY--\r\n"; SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/multipart") ([](const crow::request& req, crow::response& res) { multipart::message msg(req); res.body = msg.dump(); res.end(); }); app.validate(); { request req; response res; req.url = "/multipart"; req.add_header("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=CROW-BOUNDARY"); req.body = test_string; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(test_string == res.body); multipart::message msg(req); CHECK("hello" == msg.get_part_by_name("world").body); CHECK("form-data" == msg.get_part_by_name("hello").get_header_object("Content-Disposition").value); } // Check with `"` encapsulating the boundary (.NET clients do this) { request req; response res; req.url = "/multipart"; req.add_header("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=\"CROW-BOUNDARY\""); req.body = test_string; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(test_string == res.body); } } // multipart TEST_CASE("send_file") { struct stat statbuf_cat; stat("tests/img/cat.jpg", &statbuf_cat); struct stat statbuf_badext; stat("tests/img/filewith.badext", &statbuf_badext); SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/jpg") ([](const crow::request&, crow::response& res) { res.set_static_file_info("tests/img/cat.jpg"); res.end(); }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/jpg2") ([](const crow::request&, crow::response& res) { res.set_static_file_info( "tests/img/cat2.jpg"); // This file is nonexistent on purpose res.end(); }); CROW_ROUTE(app, "/filewith.badext") ([](const crow::request&, crow::response& res) { res.set_static_file_info("tests/img/filewith.badext"); res.end(); }); app.validate(); //File not found check { request req; response res; req.url = "/jpg2"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(404 == res.code); } //Headers check { request req; response res; req.url = "/jpg"; req.http_ver_major = 1; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); CHECK(res.headers.count("Content-Type")); if (res.headers.count("Content-Type")) CHECK("image/jpeg" == res.headers.find("Content-Type")->second); CHECK(res.headers.count("Content-Length")); if (res.headers.count("Content-Length")) CHECK(to_string(statbuf_cat.st_size) == res.headers.find("Content-Length")->second); } //Unknown extension check { request req; response res; req.url = "/filewith.badext"; req.http_ver_major = 1; CHECK_NOTHROW(app.handle_full(req, res)); CHECK(200 == res.code); CHECK(res.headers.count("Content-Type")); if (res.headers.count("Content-Type")) CHECK("text/plain" == res.headers.find("Content-Type")->second); CHECK(res.headers.count("Content-Length")); if (res.headers.count("Content-Length")) CHECK(to_string(statbuf_badext.st_size) == res.headers.find("Content-Length")->second); } } // send_file TEST_CASE("stream_response") { SimpleApp app; const std::string keyword_ = "hello"; const size_t repetitions = 250000; const size_t key_response_size = keyword_.length() * repetitions; std::string key_response; for (size_t i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) key_response += keyword_; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/test") ([&key_response](const crow::request&, crow::response& res) { res.body = key_response; res.end(); }); app.validate(); // running the test on a separate thread to allow the client to sleep std::thread runTest([&app, &key_response, key_response_size, keyword_]() { auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; std::string sendmsg; //Total bytes received unsigned int received = 0; sendmsg = "GET /test HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"; { asio::streambuf b; asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); // consuming the headers, since we don't need those for the test static char buf[2048]; size_t received_headers_bytes = 0; // Magic number is 102. It's the size of the headers, which is at // least how much we need to read. Since the header size may change // and break the test, we read twice as much as the header and // search in the received data for the first occurrence of keyword_. const size_t headers_bytes_and_some = 102 * 2; while (received_headers_bytes < headers_bytes_and_some) received_headers_bytes += c.receive(asio::buffer(buf + received_headers_bytes, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0]) - received_headers_bytes)); const std::string::size_type header_end_pos = std::string(buf, received_headers_bytes).find(keyword_); received += received_headers_bytes - header_end_pos; // add any extra that might have been received to the proper received count while (received < key_response_size) { asio::streambuf::mutable_buffers_type bufs = b.prepare(16384); size_t n(0); n = c.receive(bufs); b.commit(n); received += n; std::istream is(&b); std::string s; is >> s; CHECK(key_response.substr(received - n, n) == s); } } app.stop(); }); runTest.join(); } // stream_response TEST_CASE("websocket") { static std::string http_message = "GET /ws HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: keep-alive, Upgrade\r\nupgrade: websocket\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n"; static bool connected{false}; SimpleApp app; CROW_WEBSOCKET_ROUTE(app, "/ws") .onaccept([&](const crow::request& req, void**) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "Accepted websocket with URL " << req.url; return true; }) .onopen([&](websocket::connection&) { connected = true; CROW_LOG_INFO << "Connected websocket and value is " << connected; }) .onmessage([&](websocket::connection& conn, const std::string& message, bool isbin) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "Message is \"" << message << '\"'; if (!isbin && message == "PINGME") conn.send_ping(""); else if (!isbin && message == "Hello") conn.send_text("Hello back"); else if (isbin && message == "Hello bin") conn.send_binary("Hello back bin"); }) .onclose([&](websocket::connection&, const std::string&) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "Closing websocket"; }); app.validate(); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); char buf[2048]; //----------Handshake---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); c.send(asio::buffer(http_message)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); CHECK(connected); } //----------Pong---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char ping_message[2]("\x89"); c.send(asio::buffer(ping_message, 2)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); CHECK((int)(unsigned char)buf[0] == 0x8A); } //----------Ping---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char not_ping_message[2 + 6 + 1]("\x81\x06" "PINGME"); c.send(asio::buffer(not_ping_message, 8)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); CHECK((int)(unsigned char)buf[0] == 0x89); } //----------Text---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char text_message[2 + 5 + 1]("\x81\x05" "Hello"); c.send(asio::buffer(text_message, 7)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); std::string checkstring(std::string(buf).substr(0, 12)); CHECK(checkstring == "\x81\x0AHello back"); } //----------Binary---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char bin_message[2 + 9 + 1]("\x82\x09" "Hello bin"); c.send(asio::buffer(bin_message, 11)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); std::string checkstring2(std::string(buf).substr(0, 16)); CHECK(checkstring2 == "\x82\x0EHello back bin"); } //----------Masked Text---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char text_masked_message[2 + 4 + 5 + 1]("\x81\x85" "\x67\xc6\x69\x73" "\x2f\xa3\x05\x1f\x08"); c.send(asio::buffer(text_masked_message, 11)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); std::string checkstring3(std::string(buf).substr(0, 12)); CHECK(checkstring3 == "\x81\x0AHello back"); } //----------Masked Binary---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char bin_masked_message[2 + 4 + 9 + 1]("\x82\x89" "\x67\xc6\x69\x73" "\x2f\xa3\x05\x1f\x08\xe6\x0b\x1a\x09"); c.send(asio::buffer(bin_masked_message, 15)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); std::string checkstring4(std::string(buf).substr(0, 16)); CHECK(checkstring4 == "\x82\x0EHello back bin"); } //----------16bit Length Text---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char b16_text_message[2 + 2 + 5 + 1]("\x81\x7E" "\x00\x05" "Hello"); c.send(asio::buffer(b16_text_message, 9)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); std::string checkstring(std::string(buf).substr(0, 12)); CHECK(checkstring == "\x81\x0AHello back"); } //----------64bit Length Text---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char b64text_message[2 + 8 + 5 + 1]("\x81\x7F" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05" "Hello"); c.send(asio::buffer(b64text_message, 15)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); std::string checkstring(std::string(buf).substr(0, 12)); CHECK(checkstring == "\x81\x0AHello back"); } //----------Close---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char close_message[10]("\x88"); //I do not know why, but the websocket code does not read this unless it's longer than 4 or so bytes c.send(asio::buffer(close_message, 10)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); CHECK((int)(unsigned char)buf[0] == 0x88); } app.stop(); } // websocket TEST_CASE("websocket_missing_host") { static std::string http_message = "GET /ws HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: keep-alive, Upgrade\r\nupgrade: websocket\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n"; static bool connected{false}; SimpleApp app; CROW_WEBSOCKET_ROUTE(app, "/ws") .onaccept([&](const crow::request& req, void**) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "Accepted websocket with URL " << req.url; return true; }) .onopen([&](websocket::connection&) { connected = true; CROW_LOG_INFO << "Connected websocket and value is " << connected; }) .onmessage([&](websocket::connection& conn, const std::string& message, bool isbin) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "Message is \"" << message << '\"'; if (!isbin && message == "PINGME") conn.send_ping(""); else if (!isbin && message == "Hello") conn.send_text("Hello back"); else if (isbin && message == "Hello bin") conn.send_binary("Hello back bin"); }) .onclose([&](websocket::connection&, const std::string&) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "Closing websocket"; }); app.validate(); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45471).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45471)); char buf[2048]; // Handshake should fail { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); c.send(asio::buffer(http_message)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); CHECK(!connected); } app.stop(); } // websocket TEST_CASE("websocket_max_payload") { static std::string http_message = "GET /ws HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: keep-alive, Upgrade\r\nupgrade: websocket\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n"; static bool connected{false}; SimpleApp app; CROW_WEBSOCKET_ROUTE(app, "/ws") .onopen([&](websocket::connection&) { connected = true; CROW_LOG_INFO << "Connected websocket and value is " << connected; }) .onmessage([&](websocket::connection& conn, const std::string& message, bool isbin) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "Message is \"" << message << '\"'; if (!isbin && message == "PINGME") conn.send_ping(""); else if (!isbin && message == "Hello") conn.send_text("Hello back"); else if (isbin && message == "Hello bin") conn.send_binary("Hello back bin"); }) .onclose([&](websocket::connection&, const std::string&) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "Closing websocket"; }); app.validate(); auto _ = app.websocket_max_payload(3).bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45461).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45461)); char buf[2048]; //----------Handshake---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); c.send(asio::buffer(http_message)); c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); CHECK(connected); } //----------Text---------- { std::fill_n(buf, 2048, 0); char text_message[2 + 5 + 1]("\x81\x05" "Hello"); c.send(asio::buffer(text_message, 7)); try { c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048)); FAIL_CHECK(); } catch (std::exception& e) { CROW_LOG_DEBUG << "websocket_max_payload test passed due to the exception: " << e.what(); } } asio::error_code ec; c.lowest_layer().shutdown(asio::socket_base::shutdown_type::shutdown_both, ec); app.stop(); } // websocket_max_payload #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_COMPRESSION TEST_CASE("zlib_compression") { static char buf_deflate[2048]; static char buf_gzip[2048]; SimpleApp app_deflate, app_gzip; std::string expected_string = "Although moreover mistaken kindness me feelings do be marianne. Son over own nay with tell they cold upon are. " "Cordial village and settled she ability law herself. Finished why bringing but sir bachelor unpacked any thoughts. " "Unpleasing unsatiable particular inquietude did nor sir. Get his declared appetite distance his together now families. " "Friends am himself at on norland it viewing. Suspected elsewhere you belonging continued commanded she."; // test deflate CROW_ROUTE(app_deflate, "/test_compress") ([&]() { return expected_string; }); CROW_ROUTE(app_deflate, "/test") ([&](const request&, response& res) { res.compressed = false; res.body = expected_string; res.end(); }); // test gzip CROW_ROUTE(app_gzip, "/test_compress") ([&]() { return expected_string; }); CROW_ROUTE(app_gzip, "/test") ([&](const request&, response& res) { res.compressed = false; res.body = expected_string; res.end(); }); auto t1 = app_deflate.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45451).use_compression(compression::algorithm::DEFLATE).run_async(); auto t2 = app_gzip.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).port(45452).use_compression(compression::algorithm::GZIP).run_async(); app_deflate.wait_for_server_start(); app_gzip.wait_for_server_start(); std::string test_compress_msg = "GET /test_compress\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n\r\n"; std::string test_compress_no_header_msg = "GET /test_compress\r\n\r\n"; std::string test_none_msg = "GET /test\r\n\r\n"; auto inflate_string = [](std::string const& deflated_string) -> const std::string { std::string inflated_string; Bytef tmp[8192]; z_stream zstream{}; zstream.avail_in = deflated_string.size(); // Nasty const_cast but zlib won't alter its contents zstream.next_in = const_cast(reinterpret_cast(deflated_string.c_str())); // Initialize with automatic header detection, for gzip support if (::inflateInit2(&zstream, MAX_WBITS | 32) == Z_OK) { do { zstream.avail_out = sizeof(tmp); zstream.next_out = &tmp[0]; auto ret = ::inflate(&zstream, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (ret == Z_OK || ret == Z_STREAM_END) { std::copy(&tmp[0], &tmp[sizeof(tmp) - zstream.avail_out], std::back_inserter(inflated_string)); } else { // Something went wrong with inflate; make sure we return an empty string inflated_string.clear(); break; } } while (zstream.avail_out == 0); // Free zlib's internal memory ::inflateEnd(&zstream); } return inflated_string; }; asio::io_service is; { // Compression { asio::ip::tcp::socket socket[2] = {asio::ip::tcp::socket(is), asio::ip::tcp::socket(is)}; socket[0].connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); socket[1].connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45452)); socket[0].send(asio::buffer(test_compress_msg)); socket[1].send(asio::buffer(test_compress_msg)); socket[0].receive(asio::buffer(buf_deflate, 2048)); socket[1].receive(asio::buffer(buf_gzip, 2048)); std::string response_deflate; std::string response_gzip; for (unsigned i{0}; i < 2048; i++) { if (buf_deflate[i] == 0) { bool end = true; for (unsigned j = i; j < 2048; j++) { if (buf_deflate[j] != 0) { end = false; break; } } if (end) { response_deflate.push_back(0); response_deflate.push_back(0); break; } } response_deflate.push_back(buf_deflate[i]); } for (unsigned i{0}; i < 2048; i++) { if (buf_gzip[i] == 0) { bool end = true; for (unsigned j = i; j < 2048; j++) { if (buf_gzip[j] != 0) { end = false; break; } } if (end) { response_deflate.push_back(0); response_deflate.push_back(0); break; } } response_gzip.push_back(buf_gzip[i]); } response_deflate = inflate_string(response_deflate.substr(response_deflate.find("\r\n\r\n") + 4)); response_gzip = inflate_string(response_gzip.substr(response_gzip.find("\r\n\r\n") + 4)); socket[0].close(); socket[1].close(); CHECK(expected_string == response_deflate); CHECK(expected_string == response_gzip); } // No Header (thus no compression) { asio::ip::tcp::socket socket[2] = {asio::ip::tcp::socket(is), asio::ip::tcp::socket(is)}; socket[0].connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); socket[1].connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45452)); socket[0].send(asio::buffer(test_compress_no_header_msg)); socket[1].send(asio::buffer(test_compress_no_header_msg)); socket[0].receive(asio::buffer(buf_deflate, 2048)); socket[1].receive(asio::buffer(buf_gzip, 2048)); std::string response_deflate(buf_deflate); std::string response_gzip(buf_gzip); response_deflate = response_deflate.substr(98); response_gzip = response_gzip.substr(98); socket[0].close(); socket[1].close(); CHECK(expected_string == response_deflate); CHECK(expected_string == response_gzip); } // No compression { asio::ip::tcp::socket socket[2] = {asio::ip::tcp::socket(is), asio::ip::tcp::socket(is)}; socket[0].connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); socket[1].connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45452)); socket[0].send(asio::buffer(test_none_msg)); socket[1].send(asio::buffer(test_none_msg)); socket[0].receive(asio::buffer(buf_deflate, 2048)); socket[1].receive(asio::buffer(buf_gzip, 2048)); std::string response_deflate(buf_deflate); std::string response_gzip(buf_gzip); response_deflate = response_deflate.substr(98); response_gzip = response_gzip.substr(98); socket[0].close(); socket[1].close(); CHECK(expected_string == response_deflate); CHECK(expected_string == response_gzip); } } app_deflate.stop(); app_gzip.stop(); } // zlib_compression #endif TEST_CASE("catchall") { SimpleApp app; SimpleApp app2; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/place") ([]() { return "place"; }); CROW_CATCHALL_ROUTE(app) ([](response& res) { res.body = "!place"; }); CROW_ROUTE(app2, "/place") ([]() { return "place"; }); app.validate(); app2.validate(); { request req; response res; req.url = "/place"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/another_place"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(404 == res.code); CHECK("!place" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/place"; app2.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/another_place"; app2.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(404 == res.code); } } // catchall TEST_CASE("blueprint") { SimpleApp app; crow::Blueprint bp("bp_prefix", "cstat", "ctemplate"); crow::Blueprint bp_not_sub("bp_prefix_second"); crow::Blueprint sub_bp("bp2", "csstat", "cstemplate"); crow::Blueprint sub_sub_bp("bp3"); CROW_BP_ROUTE(sub_bp, "/hello") ([]() { return "Hello world!"; }); CROW_BP_ROUTE(bp_not_sub, "/hello") ([]() { return "Hello world!"; }); CROW_BP_ROUTE(sub_sub_bp, "/hi") ([]() { return "Hi world!"; }); CROW_BP_CATCHALL_ROUTE(sub_bp) ([]() { return response(200, "WRONG!!"); }); app.register_blueprint(bp); app.register_blueprint(bp_not_sub); bp.register_blueprint(sub_bp); sub_bp.register_blueprint(sub_sub_bp); app.add_blueprint(); app.add_static_dir(); app.validate(); { request req; response res; req.url = "/bp_prefix/bp2/hello"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("Hello world!" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/bp_prefix_second/hello"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("Hello world!" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/bp_prefix/bp2/bp3/hi"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK("Hi world!" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/bp_prefix/nonexistent"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(404 == res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/bp_prefix_second/nonexistent"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(404 == res.code); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/bp_prefix/bp2/nonexistent"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); CHECK("WRONG!!" == res.body); } { request req; response res; req.url = "/bp_prefix/bp2/bp3/nonexistent"; app.handle_full(req, res); CHECK(200 == res.code); CHECK("WRONG!!" == res.body); } } // blueprint TEST_CASE("base64") { unsigned char sample_bin[] = {0x14, 0xfb, 0x9c, 0x03, 0xd9, 0x7e}; std::string sample_bin_str(reinterpret_cast(sample_bin), sizeof(sample_bin) / sizeof(sample_bin[0])); std::string sample_bin_enc = "FPucA9l+"; std::string sample_bin_enc_url = "FPucA9l-"; unsigned char sample_bin1[] = {0x14, 0xfb, 0x9c, 0x03, 0xd9}; std::string sample_bin1_str(reinterpret_cast(sample_bin1), sizeof(sample_bin1) / sizeof(sample_bin1[0])); std::string sample_bin1_enc = "FPucA9k="; std::string sample_bin1_enc_np = "FPucA9k"; unsigned char sample_bin2[] = {0x14, 0xfb, 0x9c, 0x03}; std::string sample_bin2_str(reinterpret_cast(sample_bin2), sizeof(sample_bin2) / sizeof(sample_bin2[0])); std::string sample_bin2_enc = "FPucAw=="; std::string sample_bin2_enc_np = "FPucAw"; std::string sample_text = "Crow Allows users to handle requests that may not come from the network. This is done by calling the handle(req, res) method and providing a request and response objects. Which causes crow to identify and run the appropriate handler, returning the resulting response."; std::string sample_base64 = "Q3JvdyBBbGxvd3MgdXNlcnMgdG8gaGFuZGxlIHJlcXVlc3RzIHRoYXQgbWF5IG5vdCBjb21lIGZyb20gdGhlIG5ldHdvcmsuIFRoaXMgaXMgZG9uZSBieSBjYWxsaW5nIHRoZSBoYW5kbGUocmVxLCByZXMpIG1ldGhvZCBhbmQgcHJvdmlkaW5nIGEgcmVxdWVzdCBhbmQgcmVzcG9uc2Ugb2JqZWN0cy4gV2hpY2ggY2F1c2VzIGNyb3cgdG8gaWRlbnRpZnkgYW5kIHJ1biB0aGUgYXBwcm9wcmlhdGUgaGFuZGxlciwgcmV0dXJuaW5nIHRoZSByZXN1bHRpbmcgcmVzcG9uc2Uu"; CHECK(crow::utility::base64encode(sample_text, sample_text.length()) == sample_base64); CHECK(crow::utility::base64encode(sample_bin, 6) == sample_bin_enc); CHECK(crow::utility::base64encode_urlsafe(sample_bin, 6) == sample_bin_enc_url); CHECK(crow::utility::base64encode(sample_bin1, 5) == sample_bin1_enc); CHECK(crow::utility::base64encode(sample_bin2, 4) == sample_bin2_enc); CHECK(crow::utility::base64decode(sample_base64) == sample_text); CHECK(crow::utility::base64decode(sample_base64, sample_base64.length()) == sample_text); CHECK(crow::utility::base64decode(sample_bin_enc, 8) == sample_bin_str); CHECK(crow::utility::base64decode(sample_bin_enc_url, 8) == sample_bin_str); CHECK(crow::utility::base64decode(sample_bin1_enc, 8) == sample_bin1_str); CHECK(crow::utility::base64decode(sample_bin1_enc_np, 7) == sample_bin1_str); CHECK(crow::utility::base64decode(sample_bin2_enc, 8) == sample_bin2_str); CHECK(crow::utility::base64decode(sample_bin2_enc_np, 6) == sample_bin2_str); } // base64 TEST_CASE("normalize_path") { CHECK(crow::utility::normalize_path("/abc/def") == "/abc/def/"); CHECK(crow::utility::normalize_path("path\\to\\directory") == "path/to/directory/"); } // normalize_path TEST_CASE("sanitize_filename") { auto sanitize_filename = [](string s) { crow::utility::sanitize_filename(s); return s; }; CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/def") == "abc/def"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/../def") == "abc/_/def"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/..\\..\\..//.../def") == "abc/_\\_\\_//_./def"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/..../def") == "abc/_../def"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/x../def") == "abc/x../def"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("../etc/passwd") == "_/etc/passwd"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/AUX") == "abc/_"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/AUX/foo") == "abc/_/foo"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/AUX:") == "abc/__"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/AUXxy") == "abc/AUXxy"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/AUX.xy") == "abc/_.xy"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/NUL") == "abc/_"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/NU") == "abc/NU"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/NuL") == "abc/_"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/LPT1\\") == "abc/_\\"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/COM1") == "abc/_"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("ab?<>:*|\"cd") == "ab_______cd"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/COM9") == "abc/_"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/COM") == "abc/COM"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("abc/CON") == "abc/_"); CHECK(sanitize_filename("/abc/") == "_abc/"); } TEST_CASE("get_port") { SimpleApp app; const std::uint16_t port = 12345; auto _ = app.port(port).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); CHECK(app.port() == port); app.stop(); } // get_port TEST_CASE("timeout") { auto test_timeout = [](const std::uint8_t timeout) { static char buf[2048]; SimpleApp app; CROW_ROUTE(app, "/") ([]() { return "hello"; }); auto _ = app.bindaddr(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS).timeout(timeout).port(45451).run_async(); app.wait_for_server_start(); asio::io_service is; std::string sendmsg = "GET /\r\n\r\n"; future_status status; { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); auto receive_future = async(launch::async, [&]() { asio::error_code ec; c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048), 0, ec); return ec; }); status = receive_future.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(timeout - 1)); CHECK(status == future_status::timeout); status = receive_future.wait_for(chrono::seconds(3)); CHECK(status == future_status::ready); CHECK(receive_future.get() == asio::error::eof); c.close(); } { asio::ip::tcp::socket c(is); c.connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( asio::ip::address::from_string(LOCALHOST_ADDRESS), 45451)); size_t received; auto receive_future = async(launch::async, [&]() { asio::error_code ec; received = c.receive(asio::buffer(buf, 2048), 0, ec); return ec; }); status = receive_future.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(timeout - 1)); CHECK(status == future_status::timeout); c.send(asio::buffer(sendmsg)); status = receive_future.wait_for(chrono::seconds(3)); CHECK(status == future_status::ready); CHECK(!receive_future.get()); CHECK("hello" == std::string(buf + received - 5, buf + received)); c.close(); } app.stop(); }; test_timeout(3); test_timeout(5); } // timeout TEST_CASE("task_timer") { using work_guard_type = asio::executor_work_guard; asio::io_service io_service; work_guard_type work_guard(io_service.get_executor()); thread io_thread([&io_service]() { io_service.run(); }); bool a = false; bool b = false; crow::detail::task_timer timer(io_service); CHECK(timer.get_default_timeout() == 5); timer.set_default_timeout(7); CHECK(timer.get_default_timeout() == 7); timer.schedule([&a]() { a = true; }, 5); timer.schedule([&b]() { b = true; }); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(4)); CHECK(a == false); CHECK(b == false); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(2)); CHECK(a == true); CHECK(b == false); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(2)); CHECK(a == true); CHECK(b == true); io_service.stop(); io_thread.join(); } // task_timer TEST_CASE("trim") { CHECK(utility::trim("") == ""); CHECK(utility::trim("0") == "0"); CHECK(utility::trim(" a") == "a"); CHECK(utility::trim("b ") == "b"); CHECK(utility::trim(" c ") == "c"); CHECK(utility::trim(" a b ") == "a b"); CHECK(utility::trim(" ") == ""); } TEST_CASE("string_equals") { CHECK(utility::string_equals("a", "aa") == false); CHECK(utility::string_equals("a", "b") == false); CHECK(utility::string_equals("", "") == true); CHECK(utility::string_equals("abc", "abc") == true); CHECK(utility::string_equals("ABC", "abc") == true); CHECK(utility::string_equals("a", "aa", true) == false); CHECK(utility::string_equals("a", "b", true) == false); CHECK(utility::string_equals("", "", true) == true); CHECK(utility::string_equals("abc", "abc", true) == true); CHECK(utility::string_equals("ABC", "abc", true) == false); } TEST_CASE("lexical_cast") { CHECK(utility::lexical_cast(4) == 4); CHECK(utility::lexical_cast(4) == 4.0); CHECK(utility::lexical_cast("5") == 5); CHECK(utility::lexical_cast(4) == "4"); CHECK(utility::lexical_cast("10", 2) == 10.0f); }