Here's how you can install Crow on your Mac. ## Getting Crow ### From a [release]( #### Archive Crow provides an archive containing the framework and CMake files, You will only need the `include` folder inside that archive. #### Single header file You can also download the `crow_all.h` file which replaces the `include` folder. ### From Source To get Crow from source, you only need to download the repository (as a `.zip` or through `git clone`). #### include folder Once you've downloaded Crow's source code, you only need to take the `include` folder. #### Single header file You can generate your own single header file by navigating to the `scripts` folder with your terminal and running the following command: ``` python3 ../include crow_all.h ``` This will generate a `crow_all.h` file which you can use in the following steps !!!warning `crow_all.h` is recommended only for small, possibly single source file projects. For larger projects, it is advised to use the multi-header version. ## Setting up your Crow project ### Using XCode 1. Download and install [Homebrew]( 2. Run `brew install boost` in your terminal. 3. Create a new XCode project (macOS -> Command Line Tool). 4. Change the following project settings: === "Multiple Headers" 1. Add header search paths for crow's include folder and boost's folder (`/usr/local/include`, `/usr/local/Cellar/boost/include`, and where you placed Crow's `include` folder) 2. Add linker flags (`-lpthread` and `-lboost_system` if you're running an old version of boost) === "Single Header" 1. Place `crow_all.h` inside your project folder and add it to the project in XCode (you need to use File -> Add files to "project_name") 2. Add header search paths for boost's folder (`/usr/local/include`, and `/usr/local/Cellar/boost/include`) 3. Add linker flags (`-lpthread` and `-lboost_system` if you're running an old version of boost) 5. Write your Crow application in `main.cpp` (something like the Hello World example will work). 6. Press `▶` to compile and run your Crow application. ## Building Crow's tests/examples !!!note This tutorial can be used for Crow projects built with CMake as well 1. Download and install [Homebrew]( 2. Run `brew install cmake boost` in your terminal. 3. Get Crow's source code (the entire source code). 3. Run the following Commands: 1. `mkdir build` 2. `cd build` 3. `cmake ..` 4. `make -j12` !!!note You can add options like `-DCROW_ENABLE_SSL`, `-DCROW_ENABLE_COMPRESSION`, or `-DCROW_AMALGAMATE` to `3.c` to build their tests/examples. ## Compiling using a compiler directly All you need to do is run the following command: ``` g++ main.cpp -lpthread ``` !!!note You'll need to install GCC via `brew install gcc`. the Clang compiler should be part of Xcode or Xcode command line tools. You can use arguments like `-DCROW_ENABLE_DEBUG`, `-DCROW_ENABLE_COMPRESSION -lz` for HTTP Compression, or `-DCROW_ENABLE_SSL -lssl` for HTTPS support, or even replace g++ with clang++. !!!warning If you're using a version of boost prior to 1.69, you'll need to add the argument `-lboost_system` in order for you Crow application to compile correctly.