#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crow/version.h" #include "crow/settings.h" #include "crow/logging.h" #include "crow/utility.h" #include "crow/routing.h" #include "crow/middleware_context.h" #include "crow/http_request.h" #include "crow/http_server.h" #include "crow/task_timer.h" #include "crow/websocket.h" #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_COMPRESSION #include "crow/compression.h" #endif #ifdef CROW_MSVC_WORKAROUND #define CROW_ROUTE(app, url) app.route_dynamic(url) #define CROW_BP_ROUTE(blueprint, url) blueprint.new_rule_dynamic(url) #else #define CROW_ROUTE(app, url) app.route(url) #define CROW_BP_ROUTE(blueprint, url) blueprint.new_rule_tagged(url) #define CROW_WEBSOCKET_ROUTE(app, url) app.route(url).websocket(&app) #define CROW_MIDDLEWARES(app, ...) middlewares::type, __VA_ARGS__>() #endif #define CROW_CATCHALL_ROUTE(app) app.catchall_route() #define CROW_BP_CATCHALL_ROUTE(blueprint) blueprint.catchall_rule() namespace crow { #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_SSL using ssl_context_t = asio::ssl::context; #endif /// The main server application /// /// Use `SimpleApp` or `App` template class Crow { public: /// This crow application using self_t = Crow; /// The HTTP server using server_t = Server; #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_SSL /// An HTTP server that runs on SSL with an SSLAdaptor using ssl_server_t = Server; #endif Crow() {} /// Construct Crow with a subset of middleware template Crow(Ts&&... ts): middlewares_(make_middleware_tuple(std::forward(ts)...)) {} /// Process an Upgrade request /// /// Currently used to upgrade an HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection template void handle_upgrade(const request& req, response& res, Adaptor&& adaptor) { router_.handle_upgrade(req, res, adaptor); } /// Process only the method and URL of a request and provide a route (or an error response) std::unique_ptr handle_initial(request& req, response& res) { return router_.handle_initial(req, res); } /// Process the fully parsed request and generate a response for it void handle(request& req, response& res, std::unique_ptr& found) { router_.handle(req, res, *found); } /// Process a fully parsed request from start to finish (primarily used for debugging) void handle_full(request& req, response& res) { auto found = handle_initial(req, res); if (std::get<0>(*found)) handle(req, res, found); } /// Create a dynamic route using a rule (**Use CROW_ROUTE instead**) DynamicRule& route_dynamic(std::string&& rule) { return router_.new_rule_dynamic(std::move(rule)); } ///Create a route using a rule (**Use CROW_ROUTE instead**) template #ifdef CROW_GCC83_WORKAROUND auto& route(std::string&& rule) #else auto route(std::string&& rule) #endif #if defined CROW_CAN_USE_CPP17 && !defined CROW_GCC83_WORKAROUND -> typename std::invoke_result), Router, std::string&&>::type #elif !defined CROW_GCC83_WORKAROUND -> typename std::result_of)(Router, std::string&&)>::type #endif { return router_.new_rule_tagged(std::move(rule)); } /// Create a route for any requests without a proper route (**Use CROW_CATCHALL_ROUTE instead**) CatchallRule& catchall_route() { return router_.catchall_rule(); } /// Set the default max payload size for websockets self_t& websocket_max_payload(uint64_t max_payload) { max_payload_ = max_payload; return *this; } /// Get the default max payload size for websockets uint64_t websocket_max_payload() { return max_payload_; } self_t& signal_clear() { signals_.clear(); return *this; } self_t& signal_add(int signal_number) { signals_.push_back(signal_number); return *this; } std::vector signals() { return signals_; } /// Set the port that Crow will handle requests on self_t& port(std::uint16_t port) { port_ = port; return *this; } /// Get the port that Crow will handle requests on std::uint16_t port() { return port_; } /// Set the connection timeout in seconds (default is 5) self_t& timeout(std::uint8_t timeout) { timeout_ = timeout; return *this; } /// Set the server name self_t& server_name(std::string server_name) { server_name_ = server_name; return *this; } /// The IP address that Crow will handle requests on (default is self_t& bindaddr(std::string bindaddr) { bindaddr_ = bindaddr; return *this; } /// Run the server on multiple threads using all available threads self_t& multithreaded() { return concurrency(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); } /// Run the server on multiple threads using a specific number self_t& concurrency(std::uint16_t concurrency) { if (concurrency < 2) // Crow can have a minimum of 2 threads running concurrency = 2; concurrency_ = concurrency; return *this; } /// Set the server's log level /// /// Possible values are:
/// crow::LogLevel::Debug (0)
/// crow::LogLevel::Info (1)
/// crow::LogLevel::Warning (2)
/// crow::LogLevel::Error (3)
/// crow::LogLevel::Critical (4)
self_t& loglevel(LogLevel level) { crow::logger::setLogLevel(level); return *this; } /// Set the response body size (in bytes) beyond which Crow automatically streams responses (Default is 1MiB) /// /// Any streamed response is unaffected by Crow's timer, and therefore won't timeout before a response is fully sent. self_t& stream_threshold(size_t threshold) { res_stream_threshold_ = threshold; return *this; } /// Get the response body size (in bytes) beyond which Crow automatically streams responses size_t& stream_threshold() { return res_stream_threshold_; } self_t& register_blueprint(Blueprint& blueprint) { router_.register_blueprint(blueprint); return *this; } /// Set a custom duration and function to run on every tick template self_t& tick(Duration d, Func f) { tick_interval_ = std::chrono::duration_cast(d); tick_function_ = f; return *this; } #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_COMPRESSION self_t& use_compression(compression::algorithm algorithm) { comp_algorithm_ = algorithm; compression_used_ = true; return *this; } compression::algorithm compression_algorithm() { return comp_algorithm_; } bool compression_used() const { return compression_used_; } #endif /// A wrapper for `validate()` in the router /// /// Go through the rules, upgrade them if possible, and add them to the list of rules void validate() { if (!validated_) { #ifndef CROW_DISABLE_STATIC_DIR route(CROW_STATIC_ENDPOINT)([](crow::response& res, std::string file_path_partial) { utility::sanitize_filename(file_path_partial); res.set_static_file_info_unsafe(CROW_STATIC_DIRECTORY + file_path_partial); res.end(); }); #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__) if (!router_.blueprints().empty()) #endif { for (Blueprint* bp : router_.blueprints()) { if (!bp->static_dir().empty()) { bp->new_rule_tagged(CROW_STATIC_ENDPOINT)([bp](crow::response& res, std::string file_path_partial) { utility::sanitize_filename(file_path_partial); res.set_static_file_info_unsafe(bp->static_dir() + '/' + file_path_partial); res.end(); }); } } } #endif router_.validate(); validated_ = true; } } /// Run the server void run() { validate(); #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_SSL if (ssl_used_) { ssl_server_ = std::move(std::unique_ptr(new ssl_server_t(this, bindaddr_, port_, server_name_, &middlewares_, concurrency_, timeout_, &ssl_context_))); ssl_server_->set_tick_function(tick_interval_, tick_function_); ssl_server_->signal_clear(); for (auto snum : signals_) { ssl_server_->signal_add(snum); } notify_server_start(); ssl_server_->run(); } else #endif { server_ = std::move(std::unique_ptr(new server_t(this, bindaddr_, port_, server_name_, &middlewares_, concurrency_, timeout_, nullptr))); server_->set_tick_function(tick_interval_, tick_function_); for (auto snum : signals_) { server_->signal_add(snum); } notify_server_start(); server_->run(); } } /// Non-blocking version of \ref run() /// /// The output from this method needs to be saved into a variable! /// Otherwise the call will be made on the same thread. std::future run_async() { return std::async(std::launch::async, [&] { this->run(); }); } /// Stop the server void stop() { #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_SSL if (ssl_used_) { if (ssl_server_) { ssl_server_->stop(); } } else #endif { std::vector websockets_to_close = websockets_; for (auto websocket : websockets_to_close) { CROW_LOG_INFO << "Quitting Websocket: " << websocket; websocket->close("Server Application Terminated"); } if (server_) { server_->stop(); } } } void add_websocket(crow::websocket::connection* conn) { websockets_.push_back(conn); } void remove_websocket(crow::websocket::connection* conn) { websockets_.erase(std::remove(websockets_.begin(), websockets_.end(), conn), websockets_.end()); } /// Print the routing paths defined for each HTTP method void debug_print() { CROW_LOG_DEBUG << "Routing:"; router_.debug_print(); } #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_SSL /// Use certificate and key files for SSL self_t& ssl_file(const std::string& crt_filename, const std::string& key_filename) { ssl_used_ = true; ssl_context_.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::verify_peer); ssl_context_.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::verify_client_once); ssl_context_.use_certificate_file(crt_filename, ssl_context_t::pem); ssl_context_.use_private_key_file(key_filename, ssl_context_t::pem); ssl_context_.set_options( asio::ssl::context::default_workarounds | asio::ssl::context::no_sslv2 | asio::ssl::context::no_sslv3); return *this; } /// Use .pem file for SSL self_t& ssl_file(const std::string& pem_filename) { ssl_used_ = true; ssl_context_.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::verify_peer); ssl_context_.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::verify_client_once); ssl_context_.load_verify_file(pem_filename); ssl_context_.set_options( asio::ssl::context::default_workarounds | asio::ssl::context::no_sslv2 | asio::ssl::context::no_sslv3); return *this; } /// Use certificate chain and key files for SSL self_t& ssl_chainfile(const std::string& crt_filename, const std::string& key_filename) { ssl_used_ = true; ssl_context_.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::verify_peer); ssl_context_.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::verify_client_once); ssl_context_.use_certificate_chain_file(crt_filename); ssl_context_.use_private_key_file(key_filename, ssl_context_t::pem); ssl_context_.set_options( asio::ssl::context::default_workarounds | asio::ssl::context::no_sslv2 | asio::ssl::context::no_sslv3); return *this; } self_t& ssl(asio::ssl::context&& ctx) { ssl_used_ = true; ssl_context_ = std::move(ctx); return *this; } bool ssl_used() const { return ssl_used_; } #else template self_t& ssl_file(T&&, Remain&&...) { // We can't call .ssl() member function unless CROW_ENABLE_SSL is defined. static_assert( // make static_assert dependent to T; always false std::is_base_of::value, "Define CROW_ENABLE_SSL to enable ssl support."); return *this; } template self_t& ssl_chainfile(T&&, Remain&&...) { // We can't call .ssl() member function unless CROW_ENABLE_SSL is defined. static_assert( // make static_assert dependent to T; always false std::is_base_of::value, "Define CROW_ENABLE_SSL to enable ssl support."); return *this; } template self_t& ssl(T&&) { // We can't call .ssl() member function unless CROW_ENABLE_SSL is defined. static_assert( // make static_assert dependent to T; always false std::is_base_of::value, "Define CROW_ENABLE_SSL to enable ssl support."); return *this; } bool ssl_used() const { return false; } #endif // middleware using context_t = detail::context; using mw_container_t = std::tuple; template typename T::context& get_context(const request& req) { static_assert(black_magic::contains::value, "App doesn't have the specified middleware type."); auto& ctx = *reinterpret_cast(req.middleware_context); return ctx.template get(); } template T& get_middleware() { return utility::get_element_by_type(middlewares_); } /// Wait until the server has properly started void wait_for_server_start() { { std::unique_lock lock(start_mutex_); if (!server_started_) cv_started_.wait(lock); } if (server_) server_->wait_for_start(); #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_SSL else if (ssl_server_) ssl_server_->wait_for_start(); #endif } private: template std::tuple make_middleware_tuple(Ts&&... ts) { auto fwd = std::forward_as_tuple((ts)...); return std::make_tuple( std::forward( black_magic::tuple_extract(fwd))...); } /// Notify anything using `wait_for_server_start()` to proceed void notify_server_start() { std::unique_lock lock(start_mutex_); server_started_ = true; cv_started_.notify_all(); } private: std::uint8_t timeout_{5}; uint16_t port_ = 80; uint16_t concurrency_ = 2; uint64_t max_payload_{UINT64_MAX}; bool validated_ = false; std::string server_name_ = std::string("Crow/") + VERSION; std::string bindaddr_ = ""; size_t res_stream_threshold_ = 1048576; Router router_; #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_COMPRESSION compression::algorithm comp_algorithm_; bool compression_used_{false}; #endif std::chrono::milliseconds tick_interval_; std::function tick_function_; std::tuple middlewares_; #ifdef CROW_ENABLE_SSL std::unique_ptr ssl_server_; bool ssl_used_{false}; ssl_context_t ssl_context_{asio::ssl::context::sslv23}; #endif std::unique_ptr server_; std::vector signals_{SIGINT, SIGTERM}; bool server_started_{false}; std::condition_variable cv_started_; std::mutex start_mutex_; std::vector websockets_; }; template using App = Crow; using SimpleApp = Crow<>; } // namespace crow