#pragma once #include #include #include "crow/utility.h" #include "crow/http_request.h" #include "crow/http_response.h" namespace crow { // Any middleware requires following 3 members: // struct context; // storing data for the middleware; can be read from another middleware or handlers // before_handle // called before handling the request. // if res.end() is called, the operation is halted. // (still call after_handle of this middleware) // 2 signatures: // void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx) // if you only need to access this middlewares context. // template // void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) // you can access another middlewares' context by calling `all_ctx.template get()' // ctx == all_ctx.template get() // after_handle // called after handling the request. // void after_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx) // template // void after_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx, AllContext& all_ctx) struct CookieParser { // Cookie stores key, value and attributes struct Cookie { enum class SameSitePolicy { Strict, Lax, None }; template Cookie(const std::string& key, U&& value): Cookie() { key_ = key; value_ = std::forward(value); } Cookie(const std::string& key): Cookie(key, "") {} // format cookie to HTTP header format std::string dump() const { const static char* HTTP_DATE_FORMAT = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"; std::stringstream ss; ss << key_ << '='; ss << (value_.empty() ? "\"\"" : value_); dumpString(ss, !domain_.empty(), "Domain=", domain_); dumpString(ss, !path_.empty(), "Path=", path_); dumpString(ss, secure_, "Secure"); dumpString(ss, httponly_, "HttpOnly"); if (expires_at_) { ss << DIVIDER << "Expires=" << std::put_time(expires_at_.get(), HTTP_DATE_FORMAT); } if (max_age_) { ss << DIVIDER << "Max-Age=" << *max_age_; } if (same_site_) { ss << DIVIDER << "SameSite="; switch (*same_site_) { case SameSitePolicy::Strict: ss << "Strict"; break; case SameSitePolicy::Lax: ss << "Lax"; break; case SameSitePolicy::None: ss << "None"; break; } } return ss.str(); } const std::string& name() { return key_; } template Cookie& value(U&& value) { value_ = std::forward(value); return *this; } // Expires attribute Cookie& expires(const std::tm& time) { expires_at_ = std::unique_ptr(new std::tm(time)); return *this; } // Max-Age attribute Cookie& max_age(long long seconds) { max_age_ = std::unique_ptr(new long long(seconds)); return *this; } // Domain attribute Cookie& domain(const std::string& name) { domain_ = name; return *this; } // Path attribute Cookie& path(const std::string& path) { path_ = path; return *this; } // Secured attribute Cookie& secure() { secure_ = true; return *this; } // HttpOnly attribute Cookie& httponly() { httponly_ = true; return *this; } // SameSite attribute Cookie& same_site(SameSitePolicy ssp) { same_site_ = std::unique_ptr(new SameSitePolicy(ssp)); return *this; } Cookie(const Cookie& c): key_(c.key_), value_(c.value_), domain_(c.domain_), path_(c.path_), secure_(c.secure_), httponly_(c.httponly_) { if (c.max_age_) max_age_ = std::unique_ptr(new long long(*c.max_age_)); if (c.expires_at_) expires_at_ = std::unique_ptr(new std::tm(*c.expires_at_)); if (c.same_site_) same_site_ = std::unique_ptr(new SameSitePolicy(*c.same_site_)); } private: Cookie() = default; static void dumpString(std::stringstream& ss, bool cond, const char* prefix, const std::string& value = "") { if (cond) { ss << DIVIDER << prefix << value; } } private: std::string key_; std::string value_; std::unique_ptr max_age_{}; std::string domain_ = ""; std::string path_ = ""; bool secure_ = false; bool httponly_ = false; std::unique_ptr expires_at_{}; std::unique_ptr same_site_{}; static constexpr const char* DIVIDER = "; "; }; struct context { std::unordered_map jar; std::string get_cookie(const std::string& key) const { auto cookie = jar.find(key); if (cookie != jar.end()) return cookie->second; return {}; } template Cookie& set_cookie(const std::string& key, U&& value) { cookies_to_add.emplace_back(key, std::forward(value)); return cookies_to_add.back(); } Cookie& set_cookie(Cookie cookie) { cookies_to_add.push_back(std::move(cookie)); return cookies_to_add.back(); } private: friend class CookieParser; std::vector cookies_to_add; }; void before_handle(request& req, response& res, context& ctx) { // TODO(dranikpg): remove copies, use string_view with c++17 int count = req.headers.count("Cookie"); if (!count) return; if (count > 1) { res.code = 400; res.end(); return; } std::string cookies = req.get_header_value("Cookie"); size_t pos = 0; while (pos < cookies.size()) { size_t pos_equal = cookies.find('=', pos); if (pos_equal == cookies.npos) break; std::string name = cookies.substr(pos, pos_equal - pos); name = utility::trim(name); pos = pos_equal + 1; if (pos == cookies.size()) break; size_t pos_semicolon = cookies.find(';', pos); std::string value = cookies.substr(pos, pos_semicolon - pos); value = utility::trim(value); if (value[0] == '"' && value[value.size() - 1] == '"') { value = value.substr(1, value.size() - 2); } ctx.jar.emplace(std::move(name), std::move(value)); pos = pos_semicolon; if (pos == cookies.npos) break; pos++; } } void after_handle(request& /*req*/, response& res, context& ctx) { for (const auto& cookie : ctx.cookies_to_add) { res.add_header("Set-Cookie", cookie.dump()); } } }; /* App app; A B C A::context int aa; ctx1 : public A::context ctx2 : public ctx1, public B::context ctx3 : public ctx2, public C::context C depends on A C::handle context.aaa App::context : private CookieParser::contetx, ... { jar } SimpleApp */ } // namespace crow