The-EDev 4cdde73388
Optimized HTTP parser
Also (likely) fixed problem with streaming without keeping connection
Also fixed problem with multipart hanging on request
Also updated TODO entries to indicate Writer
2022-02-05 18:15:19 +03:00

747 lines
27 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "crow/settings.h"
namespace crow
namespace black_magic
/// Out of Range Exception for const_str
struct OutOfRange
OutOfRange(unsigned /*pos*/, unsigned /*length*/) {}
/// Helper function to throw an exception if i is larger than len
constexpr unsigned requires_in_range(unsigned i, unsigned len)
return i >= len ? throw OutOfRange(i, len) : i;
/// A constant string implementation.
class const_str
const char* const begin_;
unsigned size_;
template<unsigned N>
constexpr const_str(const char (&arr)[N]):
begin_(arr), size_(N - 1)
static_assert(N >= 1, "not a string literal");
constexpr char operator[](unsigned i) const
return requires_in_range(i, size_), begin_[i];
constexpr operator const char*() const
return begin_;
constexpr const char* begin() const { return begin_; }
constexpr const char* end() const { return begin_ + size_; }
constexpr unsigned size() const
return size_;
constexpr unsigned find_closing_tag(const_str s, unsigned p)
return s[p] == '>' ? p : find_closing_tag(s, p + 1);
/// Check that the CROW_ROUTE string is valid
constexpr bool is_valid(const_str s, unsigned i = 0, int f = 0)
return i == s.size() ? f == 0 :
f < 0 || f >= 2 ? false :
s[i] == '<' ? is_valid(s, i + 1, f + 1) :
s[i] == '>' ? is_valid(s, i + 1, f - 1) :
is_valid(s, i + 1, f);
constexpr bool is_equ_p(const char* a, const char* b, unsigned n)
return *a == 0 && *b == 0 && n == 0 ? true :
(*a == 0 || *b == 0) ? false :
n == 0 ? true :
*a != *b ? false :
is_equ_p(a + 1, b + 1, n - 1);
constexpr bool is_equ_n(const_str a, unsigned ai, const_str b, unsigned bi, unsigned n)
return ai + n > a.size() || bi + n > b.size() ? false :
n == 0 ? true :
a[ai] != b[bi] ? false :
is_equ_n(a, ai + 1, b, bi + 1, n - 1);
constexpr bool is_int(const_str s, unsigned i)
return is_equ_n(s, i, "<int>", 0, 5);
constexpr bool is_uint(const_str s, unsigned i)
return is_equ_n(s, i, "<uint>", 0, 6);
constexpr bool is_float(const_str s, unsigned i)
return is_equ_n(s, i, "<float>", 0, 7) ||
is_equ_n(s, i, "<double>", 0, 8);
constexpr bool is_str(const_str s, unsigned i)
return is_equ_n(s, i, "<str>", 0, 5) ||
is_equ_n(s, i, "<string>", 0, 8);
constexpr bool is_path(const_str s, unsigned i)
return is_equ_n(s, i, "<path>", 0, 6);
template<typename T>
struct parameter_tag
static const int value = 0;
template<> \
struct parameter_tag<t> \
{ \
static const int value = i; \
CROW_INTERNAL_PARAMETER_TAG(unsigned long long, 2);
template<typename... Args>
struct compute_parameter_tag_from_args_list;
struct compute_parameter_tag_from_args_list<>
static const int value = 0;
template<typename Arg, typename... Args>
struct compute_parameter_tag_from_args_list<Arg, Args...>
static const int sub_value =
static const int value =
parameter_tag<typename std::decay<Arg>::type>::value ? sub_value * 6 + parameter_tag<typename std::decay<Arg>::type>::value : sub_value;
static inline bool is_parameter_tag_compatible(uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
if (a == 0)
return b == 0;
if (b == 0)
return a == 0;
int sa = a % 6;
int sb = a % 6;
if (sa == 5) sa = 4;
if (sb == 5) sb = 4;
if (sa != sb)
return false;
return is_parameter_tag_compatible(a / 6, b / 6);
static inline unsigned find_closing_tag_runtime(const char* s, unsigned p)
return s[p] == 0 ? throw std::runtime_error("unmatched tag <") :
s[p] == '>' ? p :
find_closing_tag_runtime(s, p + 1);
static inline uint64_t get_parameter_tag_runtime(const char* s, unsigned p = 0)
return s[p] == 0 ? 0 :
s[p] == '<' ? (
std::strncmp(s + p, "<int>", 5) == 0 ? get_parameter_tag_runtime(s, find_closing_tag_runtime(s, p)) * 6 + 1 :
std::strncmp(s + p, "<uint>", 6) == 0 ? get_parameter_tag_runtime(s, find_closing_tag_runtime(s, p)) * 6 + 2 :
(std::strncmp(s + p, "<float>", 7) == 0 ||
std::strncmp(s + p, "<double>", 8) == 0) ?
get_parameter_tag_runtime(s, find_closing_tag_runtime(s, p)) * 6 + 3 :
(std::strncmp(s + p, "<str>", 5) == 0 ||
std::strncmp(s + p, "<string>", 8) == 0) ?
get_parameter_tag_runtime(s, find_closing_tag_runtime(s, p)) * 6 + 4 :
std::strncmp(s + p, "<path>", 6) == 0 ? get_parameter_tag_runtime(s, find_closing_tag_runtime(s, p)) * 6 + 5 :
throw std::runtime_error("invalid parameter type")) :
get_parameter_tag_runtime(s, p + 1);
constexpr uint64_t get_parameter_tag(const_str s, unsigned p = 0)
return p == s.size() ? 0 :
s[p] == '<' ? (
is_int(s, p) ? get_parameter_tag(s, find_closing_tag(s, p)) * 6 + 1 :
is_uint(s, p) ? get_parameter_tag(s, find_closing_tag(s, p)) * 6 + 2 :
is_float(s, p) ? get_parameter_tag(s, find_closing_tag(s, p)) * 6 + 3 :
is_str(s, p) ? get_parameter_tag(s, find_closing_tag(s, p)) * 6 + 4 :
is_path(s, p) ? get_parameter_tag(s, find_closing_tag(s, p)) * 6 + 5 :
throw std::runtime_error("invalid parameter type")) :
get_parameter_tag(s, p + 1);
template<typename... T>
struct S
template<typename U>
using push = S<U, T...>;
template<typename U>
using push_back = S<T..., U>;
template<template<typename... Args> class U>
using rebind = U<T...>;
template<typename F, typename Set>
struct CallHelper;
template<typename F, typename... Args>
struct CallHelper<F, S<Args...>>
template<typename F1, typename... Args1, typename = decltype(std::declval<F1>()(std::declval<Args1>()...))>
static char __test(int);
static int __test(...);
static constexpr bool value = sizeof(__test<F, Args...>(0)) == sizeof(char);
template<int N>
struct single_tag_to_type
struct single_tag_to_type<1>
using type = int64_t;
struct single_tag_to_type<2>
using type = uint64_t;
struct single_tag_to_type<3>
using type = double;
struct single_tag_to_type<4>
using type = std::string;
struct single_tag_to_type<5>
using type = std::string;
template<uint64_t Tag>
struct arguments
using subarguments = typename arguments<Tag / 6>::type;
using type =
typename subarguments::template push<typename single_tag_to_type<Tag % 6>::type>;
struct arguments<0>
using type = S<>;
template<typename... T>
struct last_element_type
using type = typename std::tuple_element<sizeof...(T) - 1, std::tuple<T...>>::type;
struct last_element_type<>
// from
template<class T>
using Invoke = typename T::type;
struct seq
using type = seq;
template<class S1, class S2>
struct concat;
template<unsigned... I1, unsigned... I2>
struct concat<seq<I1...>, seq<I2...>> : seq<I1..., (sizeof...(I1) + I2)...>
template<class S1, class S2>
using Concat = Invoke<concat<S1, S2>>;
template<unsigned N>
struct gen_seq;
template<unsigned N>
using GenSeq = Invoke<gen_seq<N>>;
template<unsigned N>
struct gen_seq : Concat<GenSeq<N / 2>, GenSeq<N - N / 2>>
struct gen_seq<0> : seq<>
struct gen_seq<1> : seq<0>
template<typename Seq, typename Tuple>
struct pop_back_helper;
template<unsigned... N, typename Tuple>
struct pop_back_helper<seq<N...>, Tuple>
template<template<typename... Args> class U>
using rebind = U<typename std::tuple_element<N, Tuple>::type...>;
template<typename... T>
struct pop_back //: public pop_back_helper<typename gen_seq<sizeof...(T)-1>::type, std::tuple<T...>>
template<template<typename... Args> class U>
using rebind = typename pop_back_helper<typename gen_seq<sizeof...(T) - 1>::type, std::tuple<T...>>::template rebind<U>;
struct pop_back<>
template<template<typename... Args> class U>
using rebind = U<>;
// from
template<typename Tp, typename... List>
struct contains : std::true_type
template<typename Tp, typename Head, typename... Rest>
struct contains<Tp, Head, Rest...> : std::conditional<std::is_same<Tp, Head>::value, std::true_type, contains<Tp, Rest...>>::type
template<typename Tp>
struct contains<Tp> : std::false_type
template<typename T>
struct empty_context
template<typename T>
struct promote
using type = T;
template<> \
struct promote<t1> \
{ \
using type = t2; \
CROW_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(long long, int64_t);
CROW_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned char, uint64_t);
CROW_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned short, uint64_t);
CROW_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned int, uint64_t);
CROW_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned long, uint64_t);
CROW_INTERNAL_PROMOTE_TYPE(unsigned long long, uint64_t);
template<typename T>
using promote_t = typename promote<T>::type;
} // namespace black_magic
namespace detail
template<class T, std::size_t N, class... Args>
struct get_index_of_element_from_tuple_by_type_impl
static constexpr auto value = N;
template<class T, std::size_t N, class... Args>
struct get_index_of_element_from_tuple_by_type_impl<T, N, T, Args...>
static constexpr auto value = N;
template<class T, std::size_t N, class U, class... Args>
struct get_index_of_element_from_tuple_by_type_impl<T, N, U, Args...>
static constexpr auto value = get_index_of_element_from_tuple_by_type_impl<T, N + 1, Args...>::value;
} // namespace detail
namespace utility
template<class T, class... Args>
T& get_element_by_type(std::tuple<Args...>& t)
return std::get<detail::get_index_of_element_from_tuple_by_type_impl<T, 0, Args...>::value>(t);
template<typename T>
struct function_traits;
template<typename T>
struct function_traits : public function_traits<decltype(&T::operator())>
using parent_t = function_traits<decltype(&T::operator())>;
static const size_t arity = parent_t::arity;
using result_type = typename parent_t::result_type;
template<size_t i>
using arg = typename parent_t::template arg<i>;
template<typename ClassType, typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (ClassType::*)(Args...) const>
static const size_t arity = sizeof...(Args);
typedef R result_type;
template<size_t i>
using arg = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
template<typename ClassType, typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<R (ClassType::*)(Args...)>
static const size_t arity = sizeof...(Args);
typedef R result_type;
template<size_t i>
using arg = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<std::function<R(Args...)>>
static const size_t arity = sizeof...(Args);
typedef R result_type;
template<size_t i>
using arg = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
inline static std::string base64encode(const unsigned char* data, size_t size, const char* key = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")
std::string ret;
ret.resize((size + 2) / 3 * 4);
auto it = ret.begin();
while (size >= 3)
*it++ = key[(static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xFC) >> 2];
unsigned char h = (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x03) << 4;
*it++ = key[h | ((static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xF0) >> 4)];
h = (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x0F) << 2;
*it++ = key[h | ((static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xC0) >> 6)];
*it++ = key[static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x3F];
size -= 3;
if (size == 1)
*it++ = key[(static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xFC) >> 2];
unsigned char h = (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x03) << 4;
*it++ = key[h];
*it++ = '=';
*it++ = '=';
else if (size == 2)
*it++ = key[(static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xFC) >> 2];
unsigned char h = (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x03) << 4;
*it++ = key[h | ((static_cast<unsigned char>(*data) & 0xF0) >> 4)];
h = (static_cast<unsigned char>(*data++) & 0x0F) << 2;
*it++ = key[h];
*it++ = '=';
return ret;
inline static std::string base64encode(std::string data, size_t size, const char* key = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")
return base64encode((const unsigned char*)data.c_str(), size, key);
inline static std::string base64encode_urlsafe(const unsigned char* data, size_t size)
return base64encode(data, size, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_");
inline static std::string base64encode_urlsafe(std::string data, size_t size)
return base64encode((const unsigned char*)data.c_str(), size, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_");
inline static std::string base64decode(const char* data, size_t size, bool urlsafe = false)
// clang-format off
std::unordered_map<char, unsigned char> key ({
{'A', 0},{'B', 1},{'C', 2},{'D', 3},{'E', 4},{'F', 5},{'G', 6},{'H', 7},{'I', 8},{'J', 9},
{'K', 10},{'L', 11},{'M', 12},{'N', 13},{'O', 14},{'P', 15},{'Q', 16},{'R', 17},{'S', 18},{'T', 19},
{'U', 20},{'V', 21},{'W', 22},{'X', 23},{'Y', 24},{'Z', 25},{'a', 26},{'b', 27},{'c', 28},{'d', 29},
{'e', 30},{'f', 31},{'g', 32},{'h', 33},{'i', 34},{'j', 35},{'k', 36},{'l', 37},{'m', 38},{'n', 39},
{'o', 40},{'p', 41},{'q', 42},{'r', 43},{'s', 44},{'t', 45},{'u', 46},{'v', 47},{'w', 48},{'x', 49},
{'y', 50},{'z', 51},{'0', 52},{'1', 53},{'2', 54},{'3', 55},{'4', 56},{'5', 57},{'6', 58},{'7', 59},
{'8', 60},{'9', 61},{urlsafe ? '-' : '+', 62},{urlsafe ? '_' : '/', 63}});
// clang-format on
// Not padded
if (size % 4 == 2) // missing last 2 characters
size = (size / 4 * 3) + 1; // Not subtracting extra characters because they're truncated in int division
else if (size % 4 == 3) // missing last character
size = (size / 4 * 3) + 2; // Not subtracting extra characters because they're truncated in int division
// Padded
else if (data[size - 2] == '=') // padded with '=='
size = (size / 4 * 3) - 2; // == padding means the last block only has 1 character instead of 3, hence the '-2'
else if (data[size - 1] == '=') // padded with '='
size = (size / 4 * 3) - 1; // = padding means the last block only has 2 character instead of 3, hence the '-1'
// Padding not needed
size = size / 4 * 3;
std::string ret;
auto it = ret.begin();
// These will be used to decode 1 character at a time
unsigned char odd; // char1 and char3
unsigned char even; // char2 and char4
// Take 4 character blocks to turn into 3
while (size >= 3)
// dec_char1 = (char1 shifted 2 bits to the left) OR ((char2 AND 00110000) shifted 4 bits to the right))
odd = key[*data++];
even = key[*data++];
*it++ = (odd << 2) | ((even & 0x30) >> 4);
// dec_char2 = ((char2 AND 00001111) shifted 4 bits left) OR ((char3 AND 00111100) shifted 2 bits right))
odd = key[*data++];
*it++ = ((even & 0x0F) << 4) | ((odd & 0x3C) >> 2);
// dec_char3 = ((char3 AND 00000011) shifted 6 bits left) OR (char4)
even = key[*data++];
*it++ = ((odd & 0x03) << 6) | (even);
size -= 3;
if (size == 2)
// d_char1 = (char1 shifted 2 bits to the left) OR ((char2 AND 00110000) shifted 4 bits to the right))
odd = key[*data++];
even = key[*data++];
*it++ = (odd << 2) | ((even & 0x30) >> 4);
// d_char2 = ((char2 AND 00001111) shifted 4 bits left) OR ((char3 AND 00111100) shifted 2 bits right))
odd = key[*data++];
*it++ = ((even & 0x0F) << 4) | ((odd & 0x3C) >> 2);
else if (size == 1)
// d_char1 = (char1 shifted 2 bits to the left) OR ((char2 AND 00110000) shifted 4 bits to the right))
odd = key[*data++];
even = key[*data++];
*it++ = (odd << 2) | ((even & 0x30) >> 4);
return ret;
inline static std::string base64decode(std::string data, size_t size, bool urlsafe = false)
return base64decode(data.c_str(), size, urlsafe);
inline static void sanitize_filename(std::string& data, char replacement = '_')
unsigned char i = 0, length_limit;
length_limit = data.length() < 255 ? data.length() : 255;
data = data.substr(0, length_limit);
for (; i < length_limit; i++)
switch ((unsigned char)data[i])
// WARNING While I can't see how using '\' or '/' would cause a problem, it still warrants an investigation
//case '/':
case '?':
case '<':
case '>':
//case '\\':
case ':':
case '*':
case '|':
case '\"':
case 0x00:
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
case 0x04:
case 0x05:
case 0x06:
case 0x07:
case 0x08:
case 0x09:
case 0x0a:
case 0x0b:
case 0x0c:
case 0x0d:
case 0x0e:
case 0x0f:
case 0x10:
case 0x11:
case 0x12:
case 0x13:
case 0x14:
case 0x15:
case 0x16:
case 0x17:
case 0x18:
case 0x19:
case 0x1a:
case 0x1b:
case 0x1c:
case 0x1d:
case 0x1e:
case 0x1f:
case 0x80:
case 0x81:
case 0x82:
case 0x83:
case 0x84:
case 0x85:
case 0x86:
case 0x87:
case 0x88:
case 0x89:
case 0x8a:
case 0x8b:
case 0x8c:
case 0x8d:
case 0x8e:
case 0x8f:
case 0x90:
case 0x91:
case 0x92:
case 0x93:
case 0x94:
case 0x95:
case 0x96:
case 0x97:
case 0x98:
case 0x99:
case 0x9a:
case 0x9b:
case 0x9c:
case 0x9d:
case 0x9e:
case 0x9f:
data[i] = replacement;
std::string str_replacement(1, replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "..", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "CON", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "PRN", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "AUX", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "NUL", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "COM1", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "COM2", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "COM3", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "COM4", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "COM5", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "COM6", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "COM7", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "COM8", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "COM9", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "LPT1", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "LPT2", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "LPT3", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "LPT4", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "LPT5", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "LPT6", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "LPT7", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "LPT8", str_replacement);
boost::ireplace_all(data, "LPT9", str_replacement);
} // namespace utility
} // namespace crow