#!/bin/bash set -ex BUILD_ISOLATION_FLAG="" MY_DIR="$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" uv venv ${MY_DIR}/venv source ${MY_DIR}/venv/bin/activate if [ -f "requirements-install.txt" ]; then # If we have a requirements-install.txt, it means that a package does not properly declare it's build time # dependencies per PEP-517, so we have to set up the proper build environment ourselves, and then install # the package without build isolation BUILD_ISOLATION_FLAG="--no-build-isolation" uv pip install --requirement ${MY_DIR}/requirements-install.txt fi uv pip install ${BUILD_ISOLATION_FLAG} --requirement ${MY_DIR}/requirements.txt if [ -f "requirements-${BUILD_TYPE}.txt" ]; then uv pip install ${BUILD_ISOLATION_FLAG} --requirement ${MY_DIR}/requirements-${BUILD_TYPE}.txt fi if [ -d "/opt/intel" ]; then # Intel GPU: If the directory exists, we assume we are using the Intel image # https://github.com/intel/intel-extension-for-pytorch/issues/538 if [ -f "requirements-intel.txt" ]; then uv pip install ${BUILD_ISOLATION_FLAG} --index-url https://pytorch-extension.intel.com/release-whl/stable/xpu/us/ --requirement ${MY_DIR}/requirements-intel.txt fi fi git clone https://github.com/Plachtaa/VALL-E-X.git $MY_DIR/source pushd $MY_DIR/source && git checkout -b build $VALL_E_X_VERSION && popd uv pip install ${BUILD_ISOLATION_FLAG} --requirement ${MY_DIR}/source/requirements.txt cp -rfv ./*py $MY_DIR/source/ if [ "$PIP_CACHE_PURGE" = true ] ; then pip cache purge fi