# Create an app-level token with connections:write scope SLACK_APP_TOKEN=xapp-1-... # Install the app into your workspace to grab this token SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=xoxb-... # Set this to a random string, it doesn't matter, however if present the python library complains OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-foo-bar-baz # Optional: gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4 are currently supported (default: gpt-3.5-turbo) OPENAI_MODEL=gpt-3.5-turbo # Optional: You can adjust the timeout seconds for OpenAI calls (default: 30) OPENAI_TIMEOUT_SECONDS=560 MEMORY_DIR=/tmp/memory_dir OPENAI_API_BASE=http://api:8080/v1 EMBEDDINGS_MODEL_NAME=all-MiniLM-L6-v2 ## Repository and sitemap to index in the vector database on start SITEMAP="https://kairos.io/sitemap.xml" # Optional repository names. # REPOSITORIES="foo,bar" # # Define clone URL for "foo" # foo_CLONE_URL="http://github.com.." # bar_CLONE_URL="..." # # Define branch for foo # foo_BRANCH="master" # Optional token if scraping issues # GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN="" # ISSUE_REPOSITORIES="go-skynet/LocalAI,foo/bar,..." # Optional: When the string is "true", this app translates ChatGPT prompts into a user's preferred language (default: true) USE_SLACK_LANGUAGE=true # Optional: Adjust the app's logging level (default: DEBUG) SLACK_APP_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Optional: When the string is "true", translate between OpenAI markdown and Slack mrkdwn format (default: false) TRANSLATE_MARKDOWN=true ### LocalAI DEBUG=true MODELS_PATH=/models IMAGE_PATH=/tmp # See: https://github.com/go-skynet/model-gallery PRELOAD_MODELS=[{"url": "github:go-skynet/model-gallery/gpt4all-j.yaml", "name": "gpt-3.5-turbo"}]