package cli import "embed" type Context struct { Debug bool `env:"LOCALAI_DEBUG,DEBUG" default:"false" hidden:"" help:"DEPRECATED, use --log-level=debug instead. Enable debug logging"` LogLevel *string `env:"LOCALAI_LOG_LEVEL" enum:"error,warn,info,debug,trace" help:"Set the level of logs to output [${enum}]"` // This field is not a command line argument/flag, the struct tag excludes it from the parsed CLI BackendAssets embed.FS `kong:"-"` } var CLI struct { Context `embed:""` Run RunCMD `cmd:"" help:"Run LocalAI, this the default command if no other command is specified. Run 'local-ai run --help' for more information" default:"withargs"` Models ModelsCMD `cmd:"" help:"Manage LocalAI models and definitions"` TTS TTSCMD `cmd:"" help:"Convert text to speech"` Transcript TranscriptCMD `cmd:"" help:"Convert audio to text"` }