package http import ( "errors" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func App(cl *services.ConfigLoader, ml *model.ModelLoader, options *schema.StartupOptions) (*fiber.App, error) { // Return errors as JSON responses app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{ BodyLimit: options.UploadLimitMB * 1024 * 1024, // this is the default limit of 4MB DisableStartupMessage: options.DisableMessage, // Override default error handler ErrorHandler: func(ctx *fiber.Ctx, err error) error { // Status code defaults to 500 code := fiber.StatusInternalServerError // Retrieve the custom status code if it's a *fiber.Error var e *fiber.Error if errors.As(err, &e) { code = e.Code } // Send custom error page return ctx.Status(code).JSON( schema.ErrorResponse{ Error: &schema.APIError{Message: err.Error(), Code: code}, }, ) }, }) if options.Debug { app.Use(logger.New(logger.Config{ Format: "[${ip}]:${port} ${status} - ${method} ${path}\n", })) } // Default middleware config app.Use(recover.New()) if options.Metrics != nil { app.Use(localai.MetricsAPIMiddleware(options.Metrics)) } // Auth middleware checking if API key is valid. If no API key is set, no auth is required. auth := func(c *fiber.Ctx) error { if len(options.ApiKeys) == 0 { return c.Next() } authHeader := c.Get("Authorization") if authHeader == "" { return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Authorization header missing"}) } authHeaderParts := strings.Split(authHeader, " ") if len(authHeaderParts) != 2 || authHeaderParts[0] != "Bearer" { return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Invalid Authorization header format"}) } apiKey := authHeaderParts[1] for _, key := range options.ApiKeys { if apiKey == key { return c.Next() } } return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnauthorized).JSON(fiber.Map{"message": "Invalid API key"}) } if options.CORS { var c func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error if options.CORSAllowOrigins == "" { c = cors.New() } else { c = cors.New(cors.Config{AllowOrigins: options.CORSAllowOrigins}) } app.Use(c) } // LocalAI API endpoints galleryService := services.NewGalleryApplier(options.ModelPath) galleryService.Start(options.Context, cl) app.Get("/version", auth, func(c *fiber.Ctx) error { return c.JSON(struct { Version string `json:"version"` }{Version: internal.PrintableVersion()}) }) modelGalleryService := localai.CreateModelGalleryEndpointService(options.Galleries, options.ModelPath, galleryService) app.Post("/models/apply", auth, modelGalleryService.ApplyModelGalleryEndpoint()) app.Get("/models/available", auth, modelGalleryService.ListModelFromGalleryEndpoint()) app.Get("/models/galleries", auth, modelGalleryService.ListModelGalleriesEndpoint()) app.Post("/models/galleries", auth, modelGalleryService.AddModelGalleryEndpoint()) app.Delete("/models/galleries", auth, modelGalleryService.RemoveModelGalleryEndpoint()) app.Get("/models/jobs/:uuid", auth, modelGalleryService.GetOpStatusEndpoint()) app.Get("/models/jobs", auth, modelGalleryService.GetAllStatusEndpoint()) // openAI compatible API endpoint // chat app.Post("/v1/chat/completions", auth, openai.ChatEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) app.Post("/chat/completions", auth, openai.ChatEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) // edit app.Post("/v1/edits", auth, openai.EditEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) app.Post("/edits", auth, openai.EditEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) // completion app.Post("/v1/completions", auth, openai.CompletionEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) app.Post("/completions", auth, openai.CompletionEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) app.Post("/v1/engines/:model/completions", auth, openai.CompletionEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) // embeddings app.Post("/v1/embeddings", auth, openai.EmbeddingsEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) app.Post("/embeddings", auth, openai.EmbeddingsEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) app.Post("/v1/engines/:model/embeddings", auth, openai.EmbeddingsEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) // audio app.Post("/v1/audio/transcriptions", auth, openai.TranscriptEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) app.Post("/tts", auth, localai.TTSEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) // images app.Post("/v1/images/generations", auth, openai.ImageEndpoint(cl, ml, options)) if options.ImageDir != "" { app.Static("/generated-images", options.ImageDir) } if options.AudioDir != "" { app.Static("/generated-audio", options.AudioDir) } ok := func(c *fiber.Ctx) error { return c.SendStatus(200) } // Kubernetes health checks app.Get("/healthz", ok) app.Get("/readyz", ok) app.Get("/metrics", localai.MetricsHandler()) backendMonitor := services.NewBackendMonitor(cl, ml, options) app.Get("/backend/monitor", localai.BackendMonitorEndpoint(backendMonitor)) app.Post("/backend/shutdown", localai.BackendShutdownEndpoint(backendMonitor)) // model listing app.Get("/v1/models", auth, openai.ListModelsEndpoint(cl, ml)) app.Get("/models", auth, openai.ListModelsEndpoint(cl, ml)) return app, nil }