## Set number of threads. ## Note: prefer the number of physical cores. Overbooking the CPU degrades performance notably. # THREADS=14 ## Specify a different bind address (defaults to ":8080") # ADDRESS= ## Default models context size # CONTEXT_SIZE=512 # ## Define galleries. ## models will to install will be visible in `/models/available` # GALLERIES=[{"name":"model-gallery", "url":"github:go-skynet/model-gallery/index.yaml"}] ## CORS settings # CORS=true # CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS=* ## Default path for models # MODELS_PATH=/models ## Enable debug mode # DEBUG=true ## Specify a build type. Available: cublas, openblas, clblas. # BUILD_TYPE=openblas ## Uncomment and set to false to disable rebuilding from source # REBUILD=false ## Enable go tags, available: stablediffusion, tts ## stablediffusion: image generation with stablediffusion ## tts: enables text-to-speech with go-piper ## (requires REBUILD=true) # # GO_TAGS=stablediffusion ## Path where to store generated images # IMAGE_PATH=/tmp ## Specify a default upload limit in MB (whisper) # UPLOAD_LIMIT