+++ disableToc = false title = "How-tos" weight = 9 +++ ## How-tos This section includes LocalAI end-to-end examples, tutorial and how-tos curated by the community and maintained by [lunamidori5](https://github.com/lunamidori5). - [Setup LocalAI with Docker on CPU]({{%relref "howtos/easy-setup-docker-cpu" %}}) - [Setup LocalAI with Docker With CUDA]({{%relref "howtos/easy-setup-docker-gpu" %}}) - [Seting up a Model]({{%relref "howtos/easy-model-import-downloaded" %}}) - [Making requests via Autogen]({{%relref "howtos/easy-request-autogen" %}}) - [Making requests via OpenAi API V0]({{%relref "howtos/easy-request-openai-v0" %}}) - [Making requests via OpenAi API V1]({{%relref "howtos/easy-request-openai-v1" %}}) - [Making requests via Curl]({{%relref "howtos/easy-request-curl" %}}) ## Programs and Demos This section includes other programs and how to setup, install, and use of LocalAI. - [Python LocalAI Demo]({{%relref "howtos/easy-setup-full" %}}) - [lunamidori5](https://github.com/lunamidori5) - [Autogen]({{%relref "howtos/autogen-setup" %}}) - [lunamidori5](https://github.com/lunamidori5)