Ettore Di Giacinto 5d1018495f
feat(intel): add diffusers/transformers support (#1746)
* feat(intel): add diffusers support

* try to consume upstream container image

* Debug

* Manually install deps

* Map transformers/hf cache dir to modelpath if not specified

* fix(compel): update initialization, pass by all gRPC options

* fix: add dependencies, implement transformers for xpu

* base it from the oneapi image

* Add pillow

* set threads if specified when launching the API

* Skip conda install if intel

* defaults to non-intel

* ci: add to pipelines

* prepare compel only if enabled

* Skip conda install if intel

* fix cleanup

* Disable compel by default

* Install torch 2.1.0 with Intel

* Skip conda on some setups

* Detect python

* Quiet output

* Do not override system python with conda

* Prefer python3

* Fixups

* exllama2: do not install without conda (overrides pytorch version)

* exllama/exllama2: do not install if not using cuda

* Add missing dataset dependency

* Small fixups, symlink to python, add requirements

* Add neural_speed to the deps

* correctly handle model offloading

* fix: device_map == xpu

* go back at calling python, fixed at dockerfile level

* Exllama2 restricted to only nvidia gpus

* Tokenizer to xpu
2024-03-07 14:37:45 +01:00

141 lines
4.5 KiB

package backend
import (
pb "github.com/go-skynet/LocalAI/pkg/grpc/proto"
model "github.com/go-skynet/LocalAI/pkg/model"
func modelOpts(c config.BackendConfig, so *config.ApplicationConfig, opts []model.Option) []model.Option {
if so.SingleBackend {
opts = append(opts, model.WithSingleActiveBackend())
if so.ParallelBackendRequests {
opts = append(opts, model.EnableParallelRequests)
if c.GRPC.Attempts != 0 {
opts = append(opts, model.WithGRPCAttempts(c.GRPC.Attempts))
if c.GRPC.AttemptsSleepTime != 0 {
opts = append(opts, model.WithGRPCAttemptsDelay(c.GRPC.AttemptsSleepTime))
for k, v := range so.ExternalGRPCBackends {
opts = append(opts, model.WithExternalBackend(k, v))
return opts
func gRPCModelOpts(c config.BackendConfig) *pb.ModelOptions {
b := 512
if c.Batch != 0 {
b = c.Batch
return &pb.ModelOptions{
CUDA: c.CUDA || c.Diffusers.CUDA,
SchedulerType: c.Diffusers.SchedulerType,
PipelineType: c.Diffusers.PipelineType,
CFGScale: c.Diffusers.CFGScale,
LoraAdapter: c.LoraAdapter,
LoraScale: c.LoraScale,
F16Memory: c.F16,
LoraBase: c.LoraBase,
IMG2IMG: c.Diffusers.IMG2IMG,
CLIPModel: c.Diffusers.ClipModel,
CLIPSubfolder: c.Diffusers.ClipSubFolder,
CLIPSkip: int32(c.Diffusers.ClipSkip),
ControlNet: c.Diffusers.ControlNet,
ContextSize: int32(c.ContextSize),
Seed: int32(c.Seed),
NBatch: int32(b),
NoMulMatQ: c.NoMulMatQ,
DraftModel: c.DraftModel,
AudioPath: c.VallE.AudioPath,
Quantization: c.Quantization,
GPUMemoryUtilization: c.GPUMemoryUtilization,
TrustRemoteCode: c.TrustRemoteCode,
EnforceEager: c.EnforceEager,
SwapSpace: int32(c.SwapSpace),
MaxModelLen: int32(c.MaxModelLen),
MMProj: c.MMProj,
YarnExtFactor: c.YarnExtFactor,
YarnAttnFactor: c.YarnAttnFactor,
YarnBetaFast: c.YarnBetaFast,
YarnBetaSlow: c.YarnBetaSlow,
RMSNormEps: c.RMSNormEps,
MLock: c.MMlock,
RopeFreqBase: c.RopeFreqBase,
RopeScaling: c.RopeScaling,
Type: c.ModelType,
RopeFreqScale: c.RopeFreqScale,
Embeddings: c.Embeddings,
NGPULayers: int32(c.NGPULayers),
MMap: c.MMap,
MainGPU: c.MainGPU,
Threads: int32(c.Threads),
TensorSplit: c.TensorSplit,
// AutoGPTQ
ModelBaseName: c.AutoGPTQ.ModelBaseName,
Device: c.AutoGPTQ.Device,
UseTriton: c.AutoGPTQ.Triton,
UseFastTokenizer: c.AutoGPTQ.UseFastTokenizer,
Tokenizer: c.Tokenizer,
func gRPCPredictOpts(c config.BackendConfig, modelPath string) *pb.PredictOptions {
promptCachePath := ""
if c.PromptCachePath != "" {
p := filepath.Join(modelPath, c.PromptCachePath)
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755)
promptCachePath = p
return &pb.PredictOptions{
Temperature: float32(c.Temperature),
TopP: float32(c.TopP),
NDraft: c.NDraft,
TopK: int32(c.TopK),
Tokens: int32(c.Maxtokens),
Threads: int32(c.Threads),
PromptCacheAll: c.PromptCacheAll,
PromptCacheRO: c.PromptCacheRO,
PromptCachePath: promptCachePath,
F16KV: c.F16,
DebugMode: c.Debug,
Grammar: c.Grammar,
NegativePromptScale: c.NegativePromptScale,
RopeFreqBase: c.RopeFreqBase,
RopeFreqScale: c.RopeFreqScale,
NegativePrompt: c.NegativePrompt,
Mirostat: int32(c.LLMConfig.Mirostat),
MirostatETA: float32(c.LLMConfig.MirostatETA),
MirostatTAU: float32(c.LLMConfig.MirostatTAU),
Debug: c.Debug,
StopPrompts: c.StopWords,
Repeat: int32(c.RepeatPenalty),
NKeep: int32(c.Keep),
Batch: int32(c.Batch),
IgnoreEOS: c.IgnoreEOS,
Seed: int32(c.Seed),
FrequencyPenalty: float32(c.FrequencyPenalty),
MLock: c.MMlock,
MMap: c.MMap,
MainGPU: c.MainGPU,
TensorSplit: c.TensorSplit,
TailFreeSamplingZ: float32(c.TFZ),
TypicalP: float32(c.TypicalP),