FROM itzg/ubuntu-openjdk-7 LABEL maintainer "itzg" ENV LOGSTASH_VERSION 1.5.0-1 RUN wget -qO /tmp/logstash.deb${LOGSTASH_VERSION}_all.deb RUN dpkg -i /tmp/logstash.deb && rm /tmp/logstash.deb WORKDIR /opt/logstash # For collectd reception EXPOSE 25826 # /conf is the default directory where our logstash will read pipeline config files # /logs is an optional attach point to reference something like /var/log on the host VOLUME ["/conf","/logs"] ENV PLUGIN_UPDATES 2015-06-10 RUN bin/plugin install logstash-input-heartbeat RUN bin/plugin install logstash-output-elasticsearch_groom CMD ["bin/logstash","agent","-f","/conf"]