## Downloadable world Instead of mounting the `/data` volume, you can instead specify the URL of a ZIP or compressed TAR file containing an archived world. It will be searched for a file `level.dat` and the containing subdirectory moved to the directory named by `$LEVEL`. This means that most of the archived Minecraft worlds downloadable from the Internet will already be in the correct format. docker run -d -e WORLD=http://www.example.com/worlds/MySave.zip ... !!! note This URL must be accessible from inside the container. Therefore, you should use an IP address or a globally resolvable FQDN, or else the name of a linked container. !!! note If the archive contains more than one `level.dat`, then the one to select can be picked with `WORLD_INDEX`, which defaults to 1. ## Cloning world from a container path The `WORLD` option can also be used to reference a directory, zip file, or compressed tar file that will be used as a source to clone or extract the world directory. For example, the following would initially clone the world's content from `/worlds/basic`. Also notice in the example that you should use a read-only volume attachment to ensure the clone source remains pristine. ``` docker run ... -v $HOME/worlds:/worlds:ro -e WORLD=/worlds/basic ``` The following diagram shows how this option can be used in a compose deployment with a relative directory: ![](../img/world-copy-compose-project.drawio.png) ## Overwrite world on start The world will only be downloaded or copied if it doesn't exist already. Set `FORCE_WORLD_COPY=TRUE` to force overwrite the world on every server start. ## Custom worlds directory path To set a custom worlds directory for the Multiverse plugin on a baremetal server, you'd pass the `--world-dir` argument after the jar file. In order to accomplish the same in a containerized server, set the `EXTRA_ARGS` environment variable in your command line or docker compose yaml to the same argument string. For example: ``` docker run -d -e EXTRA_ARGS='--world-dir ./worlds/' ``` `--world-container`, `-W`, and `--universe` are aliases to `--world-dir` and can also be used. ## Datapacks Datapacks can be installed in a similar manner to mods/plugins. There are many environment variables which function in the same way they do for [mods](../mods-and-plugins/index.md): * `DATAPACKS`: comma-separated list of zip file URL, zip file in container, or directory in container * `DATAPACKS_FILE`: a text file within the container where each line is a zip file URL, zip file in container, or directory in container * `REMOVE_OLD_DATAPACKS`: if "true" the datapacks directory is removed of everything matching `REMOVE_OLD_DATAPACKS_INCLUDE`, but excluding `REMOVE_OLD_DATAPACKS_EXCLUDE` no deeper than `REMOVE_OLD_DATAPACKS_DEPTH` * `REMOVE_OLD_DATAPACKS_DEPTH`: default is 16 * `REMOVE_OLD_DATAPACKS_INCLUDE`: default is `*.zip` * `REMOVE_OLD_DATAPACKS_EXCLUDE`: default is empty Datapacks will be placed in `/data/$LEVEL/datapacks` ## VanillaTweaks [VanillaTweaks](https://vanillatweaks.net/) datapacks, crafting tweaks, and resource packs can be installed with a share code from the website **OR** a json file to specify packs to download and install. Datapacks and crafting tweaks will be installed into the current world directory specified by `$LEVEL`. As new versions of the packs are retrieved the previous versions will automatically be cleaned up. The share code is the part following the hash sign, as shown here: ``` https://vanillatweaks.net/share/#MGr52E ------ | +- share code MGr52E ``` Accepted Parameters: - `VANILLATWEAKS_FILE`: comma separated list of JSON VanillaTweak pack files accessible within the container - `VANILLATWEAKS_SHARECODE`: comma separated list of share codes Example of expected VanillaTweaks share codes: !!! note ResourcePacks, DataPacks, and CraftingTweaks all have separate sharecodes ``` yaml VANILLATWEAKS_SHARECODE: MGr52E,tF1zL2,LnEDwT ``` Example of expected VanillaTweaks files: ``` yaml VANILLATWEAKS_FILE: /config/vt-datapacks.json,/config/vt-craftingtweaks.json,/config/vt-resourcepacks.json ``` ``` json title="DataPacks json" { "type": "datapacks", "version": "1.18", "packs": { "survival": [ "graves", "multiplayer sleep" ], "items": ["armored elytra"] } } ``` ``` json title="ResourcePacks json" { "type": "resourcepacks", "version": "1.18", "packs": { "aesthetic": ["CherryPicking", "BlackNetherBricks", "AlternateBlockDestruction"] } } ``` ``` json title="CraftingTweaks Json" { "type": "craftingtweaks", "version": "1.18", "packs": { "quality of life": [ "dropper to dispenser", "double slabs", "back to blocks" ] } } ```