$.noty.themes.admin = { name: 'admin', helpers: {}, modal: { css: { position: 'fixed', width: '100%', height: '100%', backgroundColor: '#000', zIndex: 10000, opacity: 0.6, display: 'none', left: 0, top: 0 } } }; $.noty.defaults = { layout: 'topRight', theme: 'admin', dismissQueue: true, animation: { open: 'animated bounceInRight', close: 'animated fadeOut', easing: 'swing', speed: 500 // opening & closing animation speed }, timeout: false, // delay for closing event. Set false for sticky notifications force: false, // adds notification to the beginning of queue when set to true modal: false, maxVisible: 5, // you can set max visible notification for dismissQueue true option, killer: false, // for close all notifications before show closeWith: ['click'], // ['click', 'button', 'hover', 'backdrop'] // backdrop click will close all notifications callback: { onShow: function() {}, afterShow: function() {}, onClose: function() {}, afterClose: function() {}, onCloseClick: function() {}, }, buttons: false // an array of buttons }; notification = function(options) { var icon; switch (options.type) { case "success": icon = ''; break; case "error": icon = ''; break; case "warning": icon = ''; break; case "information": icon = ''; break; default: icon = ''; } var defaults = { template: '
' + icon + '
' } options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); noty(options); if (!document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)stickynoties\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1") && !options.timeout) { var date = new Date(); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 365); document.cookie = 'stickynoties=true; expires=' + date.toUTCString + '; path=/'; notification({ text: "Some notifications are sticky. If it doesn't go away, click to dismiss it.", type: 'information' }); } }