/** * Copyright (c) 2010 Maxim Vasiliev * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author Maxim Vasiliev * Date: 09.09.2010 * Time: 19:02:33 */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof exports !== 'undefined' && typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { // NodeJS module.exports = factory(); } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(factory); } else { // Browser globals root.form2js = factory(); } }(this, function () { "use strict"; /** * Returns form values represented as Javascript object * "name" attribute defines structure of resulting object * * @param rootNode {Element|String} root form element (or it's id) or array of root elements * @param delimiter {String} structure parts delimiter defaults to '.' * @param skipEmpty {Boolean} should skip empty text values, defaults to true * @param nodeCallback {Function} custom function to get node value * @param useIdIfEmptyName {Boolean} if true value of id attribute of field will be used if name of field is empty */ function form2js(rootNode, delimiter, skipEmpty, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled) { getDisabled = getDisabled ? true : false; if (typeof skipEmpty == 'undefined' || skipEmpty == null) skipEmpty = true; if (typeof delimiter == 'undefined' || delimiter == null) delimiter = '.'; if (arguments.length < 5) useIdIfEmptyName = false; rootNode = typeof rootNode == 'string' ? document.getElementById(rootNode) : rootNode; var formValues = [], currNode, i = 0; /* If rootNode is array - combine values */ if (rootNode.constructor == Array || (typeof NodeList != "undefined" && rootNode.constructor == NodeList)) { while(currNode = rootNode[i++]) { formValues = formValues.concat(getFormValues(currNode, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled)); } } else { formValues = getFormValues(rootNode, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled); } return processNameValues(formValues, skipEmpty, delimiter); } /** * Processes collection of { name: 'name', value: 'value' } objects. * @param nameValues * @param skipEmpty if true skips elements with value == '' or value == null * @param delimiter */ function processNameValues(nameValues, skipEmpty, delimiter) { var result = {}, arrays = {}, i, j, k, l, value, nameParts, currResult, arrNameFull, arrName, arrIdx, namePart, name, _nameParts; for (i = 0; i < nameValues.length; i++) { value = nameValues[i].value; if (skipEmpty && (value === '' || value === null)) continue; name = nameValues[i].name; _nameParts = name.split(delimiter); nameParts = []; currResult = result; arrNameFull = ''; for(j = 0; j < _nameParts.length; j++) { namePart = _nameParts[j].split(']['); if (namePart.length > 1) { for(k = 0; k < namePart.length; k++) { if (k == 0) { namePart[k] = namePart[k] + ']'; } else if (k == namePart.length - 1) { namePart[k] = '[' + namePart[k]; } else { namePart[k] = '[' + namePart[k] + ']'; } arrIdx = namePart[k].match(/([a-z_]+)?\[([a-z_][a-z0-9_]+?)\]/i); if (arrIdx) { for(l = 1; l < arrIdx.length; l++) { if (arrIdx[l]) nameParts.push(arrIdx[l]); } } else{ nameParts.push(namePart[k]); } } } else nameParts = nameParts.concat(namePart); } for (j = 0; j < nameParts.length; j++) { namePart = nameParts[j]; if (namePart.indexOf('[]') > -1 && j == nameParts.length - 1) { arrName = namePart.substr(0, namePart.indexOf('[')); arrNameFull += arrName; if (!currResult[arrName]) currResult[arrName] = []; currResult[arrName].push(value); } else if (namePart.indexOf('[') > -1) { arrName = namePart.substr(0, namePart.indexOf('[')); arrIdx = namePart.replace(/(^([a-z_]+)?\[)|(\]$)/gi, ''); /* Unique array name */ arrNameFull += '_' + arrName + '_' + arrIdx; /* * Because arrIdx in field name can be not zero-based and step can be * other than 1, we can't use them in target array directly. * Instead we're making a hash where key is arrIdx and value is a reference to * added array element */ if (!arrays[arrNameFull]) arrays[arrNameFull] = {}; if (arrName != '' && !currResult[arrName]) currResult[arrName] = []; if (j == nameParts.length - 1) { if (arrName == '') { currResult.push(value); arrays[arrNameFull][arrIdx] = convertValue(currResult[currResult.length - 1]); } else { currResult[arrName].push(value); arrays[arrNameFull][arrIdx] = convertValue(currResult[arrName][currResult[arrName].length - 1]); } } else { if (!arrays[arrNameFull][arrIdx]) { if ((/^[0-9a-z_]+\[?/i).test(nameParts[j+1])) currResult[arrName].push({}); else currResult[arrName].push([]); arrays[arrNameFull][arrIdx] = convertValue(currResult[arrName][currResult[arrName].length - 1]); } } currResult = convertValue(arrays[arrNameFull][arrIdx]); } else { arrNameFull += namePart; if (j < nameParts.length - 1) /* Not the last part of name - means object */ { if (!currResult[namePart]) currResult[namePart] = {}; currResult = convertValue(currResult[namePart]); } else { currResult[namePart] = convertValue(value); } } } } return result; } function convertValue(value) { if value == "true" return true; if value == "false" return false; if (!isNaN(value)) return parseInt(value); return value; } function getFormValues(rootNode, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled) { var result = extractNodeValues(rootNode, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled); return result.length > 0 ? result : getSubFormValues(rootNode, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled); } function getSubFormValues(rootNode, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled) { var result = [], currentNode = rootNode.firstChild; while (currentNode) { result = result.concat(extractNodeValues(currentNode, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled)); currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling; } return result; } function extractNodeValues(node, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled) { if (node.disabled && !getDisabled) return []; var callbackResult, fieldValue, result, fieldName = getFieldName(node, useIdIfEmptyName); callbackResult = nodeCallback && nodeCallback(node); if (callbackResult && callbackResult.name) { result = [callbackResult]; } else if (fieldName != '' && node.nodeName.match(/INPUT|TEXTAREA/i)) { fieldValue = getFieldValue(node, getDisabled); if (null === fieldValue) { result = []; } else { result = [ { name: fieldName, value: fieldValue} ]; } } else if (fieldName != '' && node.nodeName.match(/SELECT/i)) { fieldValue = getFieldValue(node, getDisabled); result = [ { name: fieldName.replace(/\[\]$/, ''), value: fieldValue } ]; } else { result = getSubFormValues(node, nodeCallback, useIdIfEmptyName, getDisabled); } return result; } function getFieldName(node, useIdIfEmptyName) { if (node.name && node.name != '') return node.name; else if (useIdIfEmptyName && node.id && node.id != '') return node.id; else return ''; } function getFieldValue(fieldNode, getDisabled) { if (fieldNode.disabled && !getDisabled) return null; switch (fieldNode.nodeName) { case 'INPUT': case 'TEXTAREA': switch (fieldNode.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'radio': if (fieldNode.checked && fieldNode.value === "false") return false; case 'checkbox': if (fieldNode.checked && fieldNode.value === "true") return true; if (!fieldNode.checked && fieldNode.value === "true") return false; if (fieldNode.checked) return fieldNode.value; break; case 'button': case 'reset': case 'submit': case 'image': return ''; break; default: return fieldNode.value; break; } break; case 'SELECT': return getSelectedOptionValue(fieldNode); break; default: break; } return null; } function getSelectedOptionValue(selectNode) { var multiple = selectNode.multiple, result = [], options, i, l; if (!multiple) return selectNode.value; for (options = selectNode.getElementsByTagName("option"), i = 0, l = options.length; i < l; i++) { if (options[i].selected) result.push(options[i].value); } return result; } return form2js; }));