{ "buttons": { "cancel": "Cancel", "close": "Close", "copy": "Copy", "copyFile": "Copy file", "copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard", "create": "Create", "delete": "Delete", "download": "Download", "hideDotfiles": "Hide dotfiles", "info": "Info", "more": "More", "move": "Move", "moveFile": "Move file", "new": "New", "next": "Next", "ok": "OK", "permalink": "Get Permanent Link", "previous": "Previous", "publish": "Publish", "rename": "Rename", "replace": "Replace", "reportIssue": "Report Issue", "save": "Save", "schedule": "Schedule", "search": "Search", "select": "Select", "selectMultiple": "Select multiple", "share": "Share", "shell": "Toggle shell", "submit": "Submit", "switchView": "Switch view", "toggleSidebar": "Toggle sidebar", "update": "Update", "upload": "Upload" }, "download": { "downloadFile": "Download File", "downloadFolder": "Download Folder", "downloadSelected": "Download Selected" }, "errors": { "forbidden": "You don't have permissions to access this.", "internal": "Something really went wrong.", "notFound": "This location can't be reached." }, "files": { "body": "Body", "clear": "Clear", "closePreview": "Close preview", "files": "Files", "folders": "Folders", "home": "Home", "lastModified": "Last modified", "loading": "Loading...", "lonely": "It feels lonely here...", "metadata": "Metadata", "multipleSelectionEnabled": "Multiple selection enabled", "name": "Name", "size": "Size", "sortByLastModified": "Sort by last modified", "sortByName": "Sort by name", "sortBySize": "Sort by size" }, "help": { "click": "select file or directory", "ctrl": { "click": "select multiple files or directories", "f": "opens search", "s": "save a file or download the directory where you are" }, "del": "delete selected items", "doubleClick": "open a file or directory", "esc": "clear selection and/or close the prompt", "f1": "this information", "f2": "rename file", "help": "Help" }, "languages": { "ar": "العربية", "de": "Deutsch", "en": "English", "es": "Español", "fr": "Français", "is": "Icelandic", "it": "Italiano", "ja": "日本語", "ko": "한국어", "nlBE": "Dutch (Belgium)", "pl": "Polski", "pt": "Português", "ptBR": "Português (Brasil)", "ro": "Romanian", "ru": "Русский", "svSE": "Swedish (Sweden)", "zhCN": "中文 (简体)", "zhTW": "中文 (繁體)" }, "login": { "createAnAccount": "Create an account", "loginInstead": "Already have an account", "password": "Password", "passwordConfirm": "Password Confirmation", "passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match", "signup": "Signup", "submit": "Login", "username": "Username", "usernameTaken": "Username already taken", "wrongCredentials": "Wrong credentials" }, "permanent": "Permanent", "prompts": { "copy": "Copy", "copyMessage": "Choose the place to copy your files:", "currentlyNavigating": "Currently navigating on:", "deleteMessageMultiple": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} file(s)?", "deleteMessageSingle": "Are you sure you want to delete this file/folder?", "deleteMessageShare": "Are you sure you want to delete this share({path})?", "deleteTitle": "Delete files", "displayName": "Display Name:", "download": "Download files", "downloadMessage": "Choose the format you want to download.", "error": "Something went wrong", "fileInfo": "File information", "filesSelected": "{count} files selected.", "lastModified": "Last Modified", "move": "Move", "moveMessage": "Choose new house for your file(s)/folder(s):", "newArchetype": "Create a new post based on an archetype. Your file will be created on content folder.", "newDir": "New directory", "newDirMessage": "Write the name of the new directory.", "newFile": "New file", "newFileMessage": "Write the name of the new file.", "numberDirs": "Number of directories", "numberFiles": "Number of files", "rename": "Rename", "renameMessage": "Insert a new name for", "replace": "Replace", "replaceMessage": "One of the files you're trying to upload is conflicting because of its name. Do you wish to replace the existing one?\n", "schedule": "Schedule", "scheduleMessage": "Pick a date and time to schedule the publication of this post.", "show": "Show", "size": "Size", "upload": "Upload", "uploadMessage": "Select an option to upload.", "optionalPassword": "Optional password" }, "search": { "images": "Images", "music": "Music", "pdf": "PDF", "pressToSearch": "Press enter to search...", "search": "Search...", "typeToSearch": "Type to search...", "types": "Types", "video": "Video" }, "settings": { "admin": "Admin", "administrator": "Administrator", "allowCommands": "Execute commands", "allowEdit": "Edit, rename and delete files or directories", "allowNew": "Create new files and directories", "allowPublish": "Publish new posts and pages", "allowSignup": "Allow users to signup", "avoidChanges": "(leave blank to avoid changes)", "branding": "Branding", "brandingDirectoryPath": "Branding directory path", "brandingHelp": "You can customize how your File Browser instance looks and feels by changing its name, replacing the logo, adding custom styles and even disable external links to GitHub.\nFor more information about custom branding, please check out the {0}.", "changePassword": "Change Password", "commandRunner": "Command runner", "commandRunnerHelp": "Here you can set commands that are executed in the named events. You must write one per line. The environment variables {0} and {1} will be available, being {0} relative to {1}. For more information about this feature and the available environment variables, please read the {2}.", "commandsUpdated": "Commands updated!", "createUserDir": "Auto create user home dir while adding new user", "customStylesheet": "Custom Stylesheet", "defaultUserDescription": "This are the default settings for new users.", "disableExternalLinks": "Disable external links (except documentation)", "documentation": "documentation", "examples": "Examples", "executeOnShell": "Execute on shell", "executeOnShellDescription": "By default, File Browser executes the commands by calling their binaries directly. If you want to run them on a shell instead (such as Bash or PowerShell), you can define it here with the required arguments and flags. If set, the command you execute will be appended as an argument. This apply to both user commands and event hooks.", "globalRules": "This is a global set of allow and disallow rules. They apply to every user. You can define specific rules on each user's settings to override this ones.", "globalSettings": "Global Settings", "hideDotfiles": "Hide dotfiles", "insertPath": "Insert the path", "insertRegex": "Insert regex expression", "instanceName": "Instance name", "language": "Language", "lockPassword": "Prevent the user from changing the password", "newPassword": "Your new password", "newPasswordConfirm": "Confirm your new password", "newUser": "New User", "password": "Password", "passwordUpdated": "Password updated!", "path": "Path", "perm": { "create": "Create files and directories", "delete": "Delete files and directories", "download": "Download", "execute": "Execute commands", "modify": "Edit files", "rename": "Rename or move files and directories", "share": "Share files" }, "permissions": "Permissions", "permissionsHelp": "You can set the user to be an administrator or choose the permissions individually. If you select \"Administrator\", all of the other options will be automatically checked. The management of users remains a privilege of an administrator.\n", "profileSettings": "Profile Settings", "ruleExample1": "prevents the access to any dot file (such as .git, .gitignore) in every folder.\n", "ruleExample2": "blocks the access to the file named Caddyfile on the root of the scope.", "rules": "Rules", "rulesHelp": "Here you can define a set of allow and disallow rules for this specific user. The blocked files won't show up in the listings and they wont be accessible to the user. We support regex and paths relative to the users scope.\n", "scope": "Scope", "settingsUpdated": "Settings updated!", "shareDuration": "Share Duration", "shareManagement": "Share Management", "singleClick": "Use single clicks to open files and directories", "themes": { "dark": "Dark", "light": "Light", "title": "Theme" }, "user": "User", "userCommands": "Commands", "userCommandsHelp": "A space separated list with the available commands for this user. Example:\n", "userCreated": "User created!", "userDefaults": "User default settings", "userDeleted": "User deleted!", "userManagement": "User Management", "userUpdated": "User updated!", "username": "Username", "users": "Users" }, "sidebar": { "help": "Help", "hugoNew": "Hugo New", "login": "Login", "logout": "Logout", "myFiles": "My files", "newFile": "New file", "newFolder": "New folder", "preview": "Preview", "settings": "Settings", "signup": "Signup", "siteSettings": "Site Settings" }, "success": { "linkCopied": "Link copied!" }, "time": { "days": "Days", "hours": "Hours", "minutes": "Minutes", "seconds": "Seconds", "unit": "Time Unit" } }