
123 lines
3.9 KiB

<div class="card floating">
<div class="card-title">
<h2>{{ $t('prompts.fileInfo') }}</h2>
<div class="card-content">
<p v-if="selected.length > 1">{{ $t('prompts.filesSelected', { count: selected.length }) }}</p>
<p v-if="selected.length < 2"><strong>{{ $t('prompts.displayName') }}</strong> {{ name() }}</p>
<p><strong>{{ $t('prompts.size') }}:</strong> <span id="content_length"></span>{{ humanSize() }}</p>
<p v-if="selected.length < 2"><strong>{{ $t('prompts.lastModified') }}:</strong> {{ humanTime() }}</p>
<template v-if="dir() && selected.length === 0">
<p><strong>{{ $t('prompts.numberFiles') }}:</strong> {{ req.numFiles }}</p>
<p><strong>{{ $t('prompts.numberDirs') }}:</strong> {{ req.numDirs }}</p>
<template v-if="!dir()">
<p><strong>MD5:</strong> <code><a @click="checksum($event, 'md5')">{{ $t('') }}</a></code></p>
<p><strong>SHA1:</strong> <code><a @click="checksum($event, 'sha1')">{{ $t('') }}</a></code></p>
<p><strong>SHA256:</strong> <code><a @click="checksum($event, 'sha256')">{{ $t('') }}</a></code></p>
<p><strong>SHA512:</strong> <code><a @click="checksum($event, 'sha512')">{{ $t('') }}</a></code></p>
<div class="card-action">
<button type="submit"
:title="$t('buttons.ok')">{{ $t('buttons.ok') }}</button>
import {mapState, mapGetters} from 'vuex'
import filesize from 'filesize'
import moment from 'moment'
import * as api from '@/utils/api'
export default {
name: 'info',
computed: {
...mapState(['req', 'selected']),
methods: {
humanSize: function () {
// If there are no files selected or this is not a listing
// show the human file size of the current request.
if (this.selectedCount === 0 || this.req.kind !== 'listing') {
return filesize(this.req.size)
// Otherwise, sum the sizes of each selected file and returns
// its human form.
var sum = 0
for (let i = 0; i < this.selectedCount; i++) {
sum += this.req.items[this.selected[i]].size
return filesize(sum)
humanTime: function () {
// If there are no selected files, return the current request
// modified time.
if (this.selectedCount === 0) {
return moment(this.req.modified).fromNow()
// Otherwise return the modified time of the first item
// that is selected since this should not appear when
// there is more than one file selected.
return moment(this.req.items[this.selected[0]]).fromNow()
name: function () {
// Return the name of the current opened file if there
// are no selected files.
if (this.selectedCount === 0) {
// Otherwise, just return the name of the selected file.
// This field won't show when there is more than one
// file selected.
return this.req.items[this.selected[0]].name
dir: function () {
if (this.selectedCount > 1) {
// Don't show when multiple selected.
return true
if (this.selectedCount === 0) {
return this.req.isDir
return this.req.items[this.selected[0]].isDir
checksum: function (event, hash) {
// Gets the checksum of the current selected or
// opened file. Doesn't work for directories.
let link
if (this.selectedCount) {
link = this.req.items[this.selected[0]].url
} else {
link = this.$route.path
api.checksum(link, hash)
.then((hash) => { = hash })