Unit tests should be written when a component or function of a package needs testing.
Unit tests should be used for "white box" testing.
### Framework
All unit tests in K3s follow a [Table Driven Test](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/TableDrivenTests) style. Specifically, K3s unit tests are automatically generated using the [gotests](https://github.com/cweill/gotests) tool. This is built into the Go vscode extension, has documented integrations for other popular editors, or can be run via command line. Additionally, a set of custom templates are provided to extend the generated test's functionality. To use these templates, call:
Note: As unit tests call functions directly, they are the primary drivers of K3s's code coverage
## Integration Tests
Integration tests should be used to test a specific functionality of k3s that exists across multiple Go packages, either via exported function calls, or more often, CLI comands.
Integration tests should be used for "black box" testing.
Smoke tests are a collection of tests defined under the [tests](../tests) path at the root of this repository.
The sub-directories therein contain fixtures for running simple clusters to assert correct behavior for "happy path" scenarios. These fixtures are mostly self-contained Vagrantfiles describing single-node installations that are easily spun up with Vagrant for the `libvirt` and `virtualbox` providers:
- [Install Script](../tests/install) :arrow_right: on proposed changes to [install.sh](../install.sh)
- [CentOS 7](../tests/install/centos-7) (stand-in for RHEL 7)
- [CentOS 8](../tests/install/centos-8) (stand-in for RHEL 8)
- [Leap 15.3](../tests/install/opensuse-microos) (stand-in for SLES)
- [MicroOS](../tests/install/opensuse-microos) (stand-in for SLE-Micro)
The `libvirt` and `vmware_desktop` providers cannot be used without first [installing the relevant plugins](https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/cli/plugin#plugin-install)
which are [`vagrant-libvirt`](https://github.com/vagrant-libvirt/vagrant-libvirt) and
E2E tests cover multi-node K3s configuration and administration: bringup, update, teardown etc. across a wide range of operating systems. E2E tests are run nightly as part of K3s quality assurance (QA).