These scripts uses Terraform to automate building and testing on k3s clusters on AWS, it supports building normal and HA clusters with N master nodes, N workers nodes and multiple storage backends including:
The server section deploys the storage backend and then deploys N master nodes, the scripts can be customized to use HA mode or use a single node cluster with sqlite backend, it can also support using 1 master node with external DB, the scripts can also be customized to specify instance type and k3s version, all available options are described in the variable section below.
The server section will also create a one or more agent nodes specifically for Prometheus deployment, clusterloader2 will deploy prometheus and grafana.
The tests section uses a fork off the [clusterloader2]( tool, the fork just modifies the logging and removes the etcd metrics probes.
| PROM_WORKER_NODE_COUNT | Number of k3s agents that will be created for prometheus deployment |
| PROM_WORKER_INSTANCE_TYPE | Ec2 instance type created for k3s prometheus agents |
## Usage
### build
The script includes a Makefile that run different sections, to build the master and workers, adjust the config file in `tests/perf/scripts/config` and then use the following: