#!/bin/bash . ./scripts/test-setup-sonobuoy export NUM_SERVERS=1 export NUM_AGENTS=1 export SERVER_1_ARGS="--cluster-init" server-post-hook() { if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then local url=$(cat $TEST_DIR/servers/1/metadata/url) export SERVER_ARGS="--server $url" fi } export -f server-post-hook test-post-hook() { if [[ $1 -eq 0 ]]; then return fi local failures=$(awk '/^Summarizing .* Failures?:$/,0' "$TEST_DIR"/sonobuoy/plugins/e2e/results/global/e2e.log) # Ignore sonobuoy failures if only these flaky tests have failed local flakyTest1='[Fail] [sig-node] Probing container [It] should have monotonically increasing restart count [NodeConformance] [Conformance]' local flakyTest2='[Fail] [sig-node] Pods [It] should delete a collection of pods [Conformance]' local flakyTest3='[Fail] [sig-node] Pods [It] should run through the lifecycle of Pods and PodStatus [Conformance]' local flakyTest4='[Fail] [sig-network] Proxy version v1 [It] A set of valid responses are returned for both pod and service ProxyWithPath [Conformance]' flakyFails=$( grep -scF -e "$flakyTest1" -e "$flakyTest2" -e "$flakyTest3" -e "$flakyTest4" <<< "$failures" ) totalFails=$( grep -scF -e "[Fail]" <<< "$failures" ) [ "$totalFails" -le "$flakyFails" ] } export -f test-post-hook