name: Control Group on: push: paths-ignore: - "**.md" - "channel.yaml" - "" - "tests/**" - "!tests/vagrant/cgroup/**" - ".github/**" - "!.github/workflows/cgroup.yaml" pull_request: paths-ignore: - "**.md" - "channel.yaml" - "" - "tests/**" - "!tests/vagrant/cgroup/**" - ".github/**" - "!.github/workflows/cgroup.yaml" workflow_dispatch: {} jobs: prep: name: "Prepare" runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 timeout-minutes: 40 steps: - name: "Checkout" uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: { fetch-depth: 1 } - name: "Build" run: DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 SKIP_VALIDATE=1 make - name: "Upload" uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: { name: k3s, path: dist/artifacts/k3s } test: name: "Smoke Test" needs: prep # nested virtualization is only available on macOS hosts runs-on: macos-10.15 timeout-minutes: 40 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: vm: [fedora-34] mode: [unified] max-parallel: 1 defaults: run: working-directory: tests/vagrant/cgroup/${{ matrix.mode }}/${{ matrix.vm }} steps: - name: "Checkout" uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: { fetch-depth: 1 } - name: "Download Binary" uses: actions/download-artifact@v2 with: { name: k3s, path: dist/artifacts/ } - name: "Vagrant Cache" uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: | ~/.vagrant.d/boxes ~/.vagrant.d/gems key: cgroup-${{ hashFiles(format('tests/vagrant/cgroup/{0}/{1}/Vagrantfile', matrix.mode, matrix.vm)) }} id: vagrant-cache continue-on-error: true - name: "Vagrant Plugin(s)" run: vagrant plugin install vagrant-k3s - name: "Vagrant Up ⏩ Install K3s" run: vagrant up - name: "K3s Start" # start k3s rootfull run: vagrant ssh -- sudo systemctl start k3s-server - name: "K3s Ready" # wait for k3s to be ready run: vagrant provision --provision-with=k3s-ready - name: "K3s Status" # kubectl get node,all -A -o wide run: vagrant provision --provision-with=k3s-status - name: "Sonobuoy (--mode=quick)" env: {TEST_RESULTS_PATH: rootfull} run: vagrant provision --provision-with=k3s-sonobuoy - name: "K3s Stop" # stop k3s rootfull run: vagrant ssh -- sudo systemctl stop k3s-server - name: "Vagrant Reload" run: vagrant reload - name: "[Rootless] Starting K3s" run: vagrant ssh -- systemctl --user start k3s-rootless - name: "[Rootless] K3s Ready" env: {TEST_KUBECONFIG: /home/vagrant/.kube/k3s.yaml} run: vagrant provision --provision-with=k3s-ready - name: "[Rootless] Sonobuoy (--mode=quick)" env: {TEST_KUBECONFIG: /home/vagrant/.kube/k3s.yaml, TEST_RESULTS_PATH: rootless} run: vagrant provision --provision-with=k3s-sonobuoy