package cluster import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "errors" "io/ioutil" "log" "net" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" metav1 "" ) // newListener returns a new TCP listener and HTTP request handler using dynamiclistener. // dynamiclistener will use the cluster's Server CA to sign the dynamically generate certificate, // and will sync the certs into the Kubernetes datastore, with a local disk cache. func (c *Cluster) newListener(ctx context.Context) (net.Listener, http.Handler, error) { if c.managedDB != nil { if _, err := os.Stat(etcd.ResetFile(c.config)); err == nil { // delete the dynamic listener file if it exists after restoration to fix restoration // on fresh nodes os.Remove(filepath.Join(c.config.DataDir, "tls/dynamic-cert.json")) } } tcp, err := dynamiclistener.NewTCPListener(c.config.BindAddress, c.config.SupervisorPort) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } cert, key, err := factory.LoadCerts(c.config.Runtime.ServerCA, c.config.Runtime.ServerCAKey) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } storage := tlsStorage(ctx, c.config.DataDir, c.config.Runtime) return dynamiclistener.NewListener(tcp, storage, cert, key, dynamiclistener.Config{ ExpirationDaysCheck: config.CertificateRenewDays, Organization: []string{version.Program}, SANs: append(c.config.SANs, "kubernetes", "kubernetes.default", "kubernetes.default.svc", "kubernetes.default.svc."+c.config.ClusterDomain), CN: version.Program, TLSConfig: &tls.Config{ ClientAuth: tls.RequestClientCert, MinVersion: c.config.TLSMinVersion, CipherSuites: c.config.TLSCipherSuites, NextProtos: []string{"h2", "http/1.1"}, }, RegenerateCerts: func() bool { const regenerateDynamicListenerFile = "dynamic-cert-regenerate" dynamicListenerRegenFilePath := filepath.Join(c.config.DataDir, "tls", regenerateDynamicListenerFile) if _, err := os.Stat(dynamicListenerRegenFilePath); err == nil { os.Remove(dynamicListenerRegenFilePath) return true } return false }, }) } // initClusterAndHTTPS sets up the dynamic tls listener, request router, // and cluster database. Once the database is up, it starts the supervisor http server. func (c *Cluster) initClusterAndHTTPS(ctx context.Context) error { // Set up dynamiclistener TLS listener and request handler listener, handler, err := c.newListener(ctx) if err != nil { return err } // Get the base request handler handler, err = c.getHandler(handler) if err != nil { return err } // Config the cluster database and allow it to add additional request handlers handler, err = c.initClusterDB(ctx, handler) if err != nil { return err } // Create a HTTP server with the registered request handlers, using logrus for logging server := http.Server{ Handler: handler, } if logrus.IsLevelEnabled(logrus.DebugLevel) { server.ErrorLog = log.New(logrus.StandardLogger().Writer(), "Cluster-Http-Server ", log.LstdFlags) } else { server.ErrorLog = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "Cluster-Http-Server", 0) } // Start the supervisor http server on the tls listener go func() { err := server.Serve(listener) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) { logrus.Fatalf("server stopped: %v", err) } }() // Shutdown the http server when the context is closed go func() { <-ctx.Done() server.Shutdown(context.Background()) }() return nil } // tlsStorage creates an in-memory cache for dynamiclistener's certificate, backed by a file on disk // and the Kubernetes datastore. func tlsStorage(ctx context.Context, dataDir string, runtime *config.ControlRuntime) dynamiclistener.TLSStorage { fileStorage := file.New(filepath.Join(dataDir, "tls/dynamic-cert.json")) cache := memory.NewBacked(fileStorage) return kubernetes.New(ctx, func() *core.Factory { return runtime.Core }, metav1.NamespaceSystem, version.Program+"-serving", cache) }