# Example channels config channels: - name: stable latest: v1.22.5+k3s1 - name: latest latestRegexp: .* excludeRegexp: ^[^+]+- - name: testing latestRegexp: -(alpha|beta|rc) - name: v1.16 latestRegexp: v1\.16\..* excludeRegexp: ^[^+]+- - name: v1.16-testing latestRegexp: v1\.16\.[0-9]*-(alpha|beta|rc) - name: v1.17 latestRegexp: v1\.17\..* excludeRegexp: ^[^+]+- - name: v1.17-testing latestRegexp: v1\.17\.[0-9]*-(alpha|beta|rc) - name: v1.18 latestRegexp: v1\.18\..* excludeRegexp: ^[^+]+- - name: v1.18-testing latestRegexp: v1\.18\.[0-9]*-(alpha|beta|rc) # Starting with 1.19, we aren't going to add a *-testing channel for minor releases - name: v1.19 latestRegexp: v1\.19\..* excludeRegexp: ^[^+]+- - name: v1.20 latestRegexp: v1\.20\..* excludeRegexp: ^[^+]+- - name: v1.21 latestRegexp: v1\.21\..* excludeRegexp: ^[^+]+- - name: v1.22 latestRegexp: v1\.22\..* excludeRegexp: ^[^+]+- - name: v1.23 latestRegexp: v1\.23\..* excludeRegexp: ^[^+]+- github: owner: k3s-io repo: k3s redirectBase: https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/releases/tag/