ENV['VAGRANT_NO_PARALLEL'] = 'no' NODE_ROLES = (ENV['E2E_NODE_ROLES'] || ["server-0", "server-1", "server-2", "agent-0", "agent-1"]) NODE_BOXES = (ENV['E2E_NODE_BOXES'] || ['generic/ubuntu2004', 'generic/ubuntu2004', 'generic/ubuntu2004', 'generic/ubuntu2004', 'generic/ubuntu2004']) GITHUB_BRANCH = (ENV['E2E_GITHUB_BRANCH'] || "master") RELEASE_VERSION = (ENV['E2E_RELEASE_VERSION'] || "") EXTERNAL_DB = (ENV['E2E_EXTERNAL_DB'] || "etcd") HARDENED = (ENV['E2E_HARDENED'] || "") NODE_CPUS = (ENV['E2E_NODE_CPUS'] || 2).to_i NODE_MEMORY = (ENV['E2E_NODE_MEMORY'] || 1024).to_i # Virtualbox >= 6.1.28 require `/etc/vbox/network.conf` for expanded private networks NETWORK_PREFIX = "10.10.10" install_type = "" hardened_arg = "" def provision(vm, role, role_num, node_num) vm.box = NODE_BOXES[node_num] vm.hostname = role # An expanded netmask is required to allow VM<-->VM communication, virtualbox defaults to /32 node_ip = "#{NETWORK_PREFIX}.#{100+node_num}" vm.network "private_network", ip: node_ip, netmask: "24" vagrant_defaults = '../vagrantdefaults.rb' load vagrant_defaults if File.exists?(vagrant_defaults) defaultOSConfigure(vm) if !RELEASE_VERSION.empty? install_type = "INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=#{RELEASE_VERSION}" else # Grabs the last 5 commit SHA's from the given branch, then purges any commits that do not have a passing CI build # MicroOS requires it not be in a /tmp/ or other root system folder vm.provision "Get latest commit", type: "shell", path: "../scripts/latest_commit.sh", args: [GITHUB_BRANCH, "/home/vagrant/k3s_commits"] install_type = "INSTALL_K3S_COMMIT=$(head\ -n\ 1\ /home/vagrant/k3s_commits)" end vm.provision "shell", inline: "ping -c 2 k3s.io" db_type = getDBType(role, role_num, vm) if !HARDENED.empty? vm.provision "Set kernel parameters", type: "shell", path: "../scripts/harden.sh" hardened_arg = "protect-kernel-defaults: true\nkube-apiserver-arg: \"enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,PodSecurityPolicy,ServiceAccount\"" end if role.include?("server") && role_num == 0 vm.provision 'k3s-primary-server', type: 'k3s', run: 'once' do |k3s| k3s.args = "server " k3s.config = <<~YAML token: vagrant node-external-ip: #{NETWORK_PREFIX}.100 flannel-iface: eth1 #{db_type} #{hardened_arg} YAML k3s.env = %W[K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE=0644 #{install_type}] k3s.config_mode = '0644' # side-step https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/issues/4321 end elsif role.include?("server") && role_num != 0 vm.provision 'k3s-secondary-server', type: 'k3s', run: 'once' do |k3s| k3s.args = "server" k3s.config = <<~YAML server: "https://#{NETWORK_PREFIX}.100:6443" token: vagrant node-external-ip: #{node_ip} flannel-iface: eth1 #{db_type} #{hardened_arg} YAML k3s.env = %W[K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE=0644 K3S_TOKEN=vagrant #{install_type}] k3s.config_mode = '0644' # side-step https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/issues/4321 end end if role.include?("agent") vm.provision 'k3s-agent', type: 'k3s', run: 'once' do |k3s| k3s.args = "agent" k3s.config = <<~YAML server: "https://#{NETWORK_PREFIX}.100:6443" token: vagrant node-external-ip: #{node_ip} flannel-iface: eth1 #{db_type} #{hardened_arg} YAML k3s.env = %W[K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE=0644 #{install_type}] k3s.config_mode = '0644' # side-step https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/issues/4321 end end if vm.box.include?("microos") vm.provision 'k3s-reload', type: 'reload', run: 'once' if !EXTERNAL_DB.empty? vm.provision "shell", inline: "docker start #{EXTERNAL_DB}" end end end def getDBType(role, role_num, vm) if EXTERNAL_DB == "mysql" if role.include?("server") && role_num == 0 dockerInstall(vm) vm.provision "Start mysql", inline: "docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name #{EXTERNAL_DB} -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=e2e mysql:5.7" vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo \"Wait for mysql to startup\"; sleep 10" return "datastore-endpoint: 'mysql://root:e2e@tcp(#{NETWORK_PREFIX}.100:3306)/k3s'" elsif role.include?("server") && role_num != 0 return "datastore-endpoint: 'mysql://root:e2e@tcp(#{NETWORK_PREFIX}.100:3306)/k3s'" end elsif EXTERNAL_DB == "postgres" if role.include?("server") && role_num == 0 dockerInstall(vm) vm.provision "Start postgres", inline: "docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name #{EXTERNAL_DB} -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=e2e postgres:14-alpine" vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo \"Wait for postgres to startup\"; sleep 10" return "datastore-endpoint: 'postgres://postgres:e2e@#{NETWORK_PREFIX}.100:5432/k3s?sslmode=disable'" elsif role.include?("server") && role_num != 0 return "datastore-endpoint: 'postgres://postgres:e2e@#{NETWORK_PREFIX}.100:5432/k3s?sslmode=disable'" end elsif ( EXTERNAL_DB == "" || EXTERNAL_DB == "etcd" ) if role.include?("server") && role_num == 0 return "cluster-init: true" end else puts "Unknown EXTERNAL_DB: " + EXTERNAL_DB abort end return "" end def dockerInstall(vm) vm.provider "libvirt" do |v| v.memory = NODE_MEMORY + 1024 end vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.memory = NODE_MEMORY + 1024 end if vm.box.include?("ubuntu") vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt install -y docker.io" end if vm.box.include?("Leap") vm.provision "shell", inline: "zypper install -y docker" end if vm.box.include?("microos") vm.provision "shell", inline: "transactional-update pkg install -y docker" vm.provision 'docker-reload', type: 'reload', run: 'once' vm.provision "shell", inline: "systemctl enable --now docker" end end Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vagrant.plugins = ["vagrant-k3s", "vagrant-reload"] # Default provider is libvirt, virtualbox is only provided as a backup config.vm.provider "libvirt" do |v| v.cpus = NODE_CPUS v.memory = NODE_MEMORY end config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.cpus = NODE_CPUS v.memory = NODE_MEMORY end if NODE_ROLES.kind_of?(String) NODE_ROLES = NODE_ROLES.split(" ", -1) end if NODE_BOXES.kind_of?(String) NODE_BOXES = NODE_BOXES.split(" ", -1) end # Must iterate on the index, vagrant does not understand iterating # over the node roles themselves NODE_ROLES.length.times do |i| name = NODE_ROLES[i] role_num = name.split("-", -1).pop.to_i config.vm.define name do |node| provision(node.vm, name, role_num, i) end end end