def defaultOSConfigure(vm) box = if box.include?("generic/ubuntu") vm.provision "Set DNS", type: "shell", inline: "netplan set ethernets.eth0.nameservers.addresses=[,]; netplan apply", run: 'once' vm.provision "Install jq", type: "shell", inline: "apt install -y jq" elsif box.include?("Leap") || box.include?("Tumbleweed") vm.provision "Install jq", type: "shell", inline: "zypper install -y jq" elsif box.include?("rocky8") || box.include?("rocky9") vm.provision "Install jq", type: "shell", inline: "dnf install -y jq" vm.provision "Disable firewall", type: "shell", inline: "systemctl stop firewalld" elsif box.include?("centos7") vm.provision "Install jq", type: "shell", inline: "yum install -y jq" vm.provision "Disable firewall", type: "shell", inline: "systemctl stop firewalld" elsif box.include?("alpine") vm.provision "Install tools", type: "shell", inline: "apk add jq coreutils" elsif box.include?("microos") vm.provision "Install jq", type: "shell", inline: "transactional-update pkg install -y jq" vm.provision 'reload', run: 'once' end end def getInstallType(vm, release_version, branch) if release_version == "skip" install_type = "INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_DOWNLOAD=true" elsif !release_version.empty? return "INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=#{release_version}" else scripts_location = Dir.exists?("./scripts") ? "./scripts" : "../scripts" # Grabs the last 5 commit SHA's from the given branch, then purges any commits that do not have a passing CI build # MicroOS requires it not be in a /tmp/ or other root system folder vm.provision "Get latest commit", type: "shell", path: scripts_location +"/", args: [branch, "/tmp/k3s_commits"] return "INSTALL_K3S_COMMIT=$(head\ -n\ 1\ /tmp/k3s_commits)" end end def dockerInstall(vm) vm.provider "libvirt" do |v| v.memory = NODE_MEMORY + 1024 end vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| v.memory = NODE_MEMORY + 1024 end if"ubuntu") vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt install -y" end if"Leap") vm.provision "shell", inline: "zypper install -y docker apparmor-parser" end if"microos") vm.provision "shell", inline: "transactional-update pkg install -y docker apparmor-parser" vm.provision 'docker-reload', type: 'reload', run: 'once' vm.provision "shell", inline: "systemctl enable --now docker" end end