/* Copyright The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // Code generated by main. DO NOT EDIT. package v1 import ( "context" "time" v1 "github.com/k3s-io/k3s/pkg/apis/k3s.cattle.io/v1" "github.com/rancher/wrangler/pkg/apply" "github.com/rancher/wrangler/pkg/condition" "github.com/rancher/wrangler/pkg/generic" "github.com/rancher/wrangler/pkg/kv" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" ) // ETCDSnapshotFileController interface for managing ETCDSnapshotFile resources. type ETCDSnapshotFileController interface { generic.NonNamespacedControllerInterface[*v1.ETCDSnapshotFile, *v1.ETCDSnapshotFileList] } // ETCDSnapshotFileClient interface for managing ETCDSnapshotFile resources in Kubernetes. type ETCDSnapshotFileClient interface { generic.NonNamespacedClientInterface[*v1.ETCDSnapshotFile, *v1.ETCDSnapshotFileList] } // ETCDSnapshotFileCache interface for retrieving ETCDSnapshotFile resources in memory. type ETCDSnapshotFileCache interface { generic.NonNamespacedCacheInterface[*v1.ETCDSnapshotFile] } type ETCDSnapshotFileStatusHandler func(obj *v1.ETCDSnapshotFile, status v1.ETCDSnapshotStatus) (v1.ETCDSnapshotStatus, error) type ETCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler func(obj *v1.ETCDSnapshotFile, status v1.ETCDSnapshotStatus) ([]runtime.Object, v1.ETCDSnapshotStatus, error) func RegisterETCDSnapshotFileStatusHandler(ctx context.Context, controller ETCDSnapshotFileController, condition condition.Cond, name string, handler ETCDSnapshotFileStatusHandler) { statusHandler := &eTCDSnapshotFileStatusHandler{ client: controller, condition: condition, handler: handler, } controller.AddGenericHandler(ctx, name, generic.FromObjectHandlerToHandler(statusHandler.sync)) } func RegisterETCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler(ctx context.Context, controller ETCDSnapshotFileController, apply apply.Apply, condition condition.Cond, name string, handler ETCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler, opts *generic.GeneratingHandlerOptions) { statusHandler := &eTCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler{ ETCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler: handler, apply: apply, name: name, gvk: controller.GroupVersionKind(), } if opts != nil { statusHandler.opts = *opts } controller.OnChange(ctx, name, statusHandler.Remove) RegisterETCDSnapshotFileStatusHandler(ctx, controller, condition, name, statusHandler.Handle) } type eTCDSnapshotFileStatusHandler struct { client ETCDSnapshotFileClient condition condition.Cond handler ETCDSnapshotFileStatusHandler } func (a *eTCDSnapshotFileStatusHandler) sync(key string, obj *v1.ETCDSnapshotFile) (*v1.ETCDSnapshotFile, error) { if obj == nil { return obj, nil } origStatus := obj.Status.DeepCopy() obj = obj.DeepCopy() newStatus, err := a.handler(obj, obj.Status) if err != nil { // Revert to old status on error newStatus = *origStatus.DeepCopy() } if a.condition != "" { if errors.IsConflict(err) { a.condition.SetError(&newStatus, "", nil) } else { a.condition.SetError(&newStatus, "", err) } } if !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(origStatus, &newStatus) { if a.condition != "" { // Since status has changed, update the lastUpdatedTime a.condition.LastUpdated(&newStatus, time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)) } var newErr error obj.Status = newStatus newObj, newErr := a.client.UpdateStatus(obj) if err == nil { err = newErr } if newErr == nil { obj = newObj } } return obj, err } type eTCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler struct { ETCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler apply apply.Apply opts generic.GeneratingHandlerOptions gvk schema.GroupVersionKind name string } func (a *eTCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler) Remove(key string, obj *v1.ETCDSnapshotFile) (*v1.ETCDSnapshotFile, error) { if obj != nil { return obj, nil } obj = &v1.ETCDSnapshotFile{} obj.Namespace, obj.Name = kv.RSplit(key, "/") obj.SetGroupVersionKind(a.gvk) return nil, generic.ConfigureApplyForObject(a.apply, obj, &a.opts). WithOwner(obj). WithSetID(a.name). ApplyObjects() } func (a *eTCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler) Handle(obj *v1.ETCDSnapshotFile, status v1.ETCDSnapshotStatus) (v1.ETCDSnapshotStatus, error) { if !obj.DeletionTimestamp.IsZero() { return status, nil } objs, newStatus, err := a.ETCDSnapshotFileGeneratingHandler(obj, status) if err != nil { return newStatus, err } return newStatus, generic.ConfigureApplyForObject(a.apply, obj, &a.opts). WithOwner(obj). WithSetID(a.name). ApplyObjects(objs...) }