package e2e import ( "fmt" . "" "" . "" "strings" "testing" "time" ) func Test_E2EClusterCreateValidation(t *testing.T) { junitReporter := reporters.NewJUnitReporter(fmt.Sprintf("/config/" + *resourceName + ".xml")) RegisterFailHandler(Fail) RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t, "Test Suite", []Reporter{junitReporter}) } var _ = Describe("Test:", func() { Context("Build Cluster:", func() { Context("Cluster Configuration: OS: "+*nodeOs+" Cluster Type; "+*externalDb+" "+*clusterType, func() { kubeconfig, masterIPs, workerIPs = BuildCluster(*nodeOs, *clusterType, *externalDb, *resourceName, &testing.T{}, *destroy) defer GinkgoRecover() if *destroy { fmt.Printf("\nCluster is being Deleted\n") return } fmt.Println("\nCLUSTER CONFIG:\nOS", *nodeOs, "BACKEND", *clusterType, *externalDb) fmt.Printf("\nIPs:\n") fmt.Println("Master Node IPS:", masterIPs) fmt.Println("Worker Node IPS:", workerIPs) fmt.Printf("\nFetching node status\n") nodes := ParseNode(kubeconfig, true) for _, config := range nodes { Expect(config.Status).Should(Equal("Ready"), func() string { return config.Name }) } fmt.Printf("\nFetching Pods status\n") pods := ParsePod(kubeconfig, true) for _, pod := range pods { if strings.Contains(pod.Name, "helm-install") { Expect(pod.Status).Should(Equal("Completed"), func() string { return pod.Name }) } else { Expect(pod.Status).Should(Equal("Running"), func() string { return pod.Name }) } } }) Context("Validate Rebooting nodes", func() { if *destroy { return } defer GinkgoRecover() nodeExternalIP := FetchNodeExternalIP(kubeconfig) for _, ip := range nodeExternalIP { fmt.Println("\nRebooting node: ", ip) cmd := "ssh -i " + *sshkey + " -o \"StrictHostKeyChecking no\" " + *sshuser + "@" + ip + " sudo reboot" _, _ = RunCommand(cmd) time.Sleep(3 * time.Minute) fmt.Println("\nNode and Pod Status after rebooting node: ", ip) nodes := ParseNode(kubeconfig, true) for _, config := range nodes { Expect(config.Status).Should(Equal("Ready"), func() string { return config.Name }) } pods := ParsePod(kubeconfig, true) for _, pod := range pods { if strings.Contains(pod.Name, "helm-install") { Expect(pod.Status).Should(Equal("Completed"), func() string { return pod.Name }) } else { Expect(pod.Status).Should(Equal("Running"), func() string { return pod.Name }) } } } }) Context("Deploy workloads ", func() { if *destroy { return } defer GinkgoRecover() It("Validate Cluster IP", func() { if *destroy { return } DeployWorkloads(*arch, kubeconfig) fmt.Println("Validating ClusterIP") clusterip := FetchClusterIP(kubeconfig, "nginx-clusterip-svc") cmd := "curl -L --insecure http://" + clusterip + "/name.html" fmt.Println(cmd) //Fetch External IP to login to node and validate cluster ip nodeExternalIP := FetchNodeExternalIP(kubeconfig) for _, ip := range nodeExternalIP { res := RunCmdOnNode(cmd, ip, *sshuser, *sshkey) fmt.Println(res) Expect(res).Should(ContainSubstring("test-clusterip"), func() string { return res }) } }) It("Validate NodePort", func() { if *destroy { return } fmt.Println("Validating NodePort") nodeExternalIP := FetchNodeExternalIP(kubeconfig) cmd := "kubectl get service nginx-nodeport-svc --kubeconfig=" + kubeconfig + " --output jsonpath=\"{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}\"" nodeport, _ := RunCommand(cmd) for _, nodeExternalIp := range nodeExternalIP { cmd := "curl -L --insecure http://" + nodeExternalIp + ":" + nodeport + "/name.html" fmt.Println(cmd) res, _ := RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println(res) Expect(res).Should(ContainSubstring("test-nodeport"), func() string { return res }) } }) It("Validate LoadBalancer", func() { if *destroy { return } fmt.Println("Validating Service LoadBalancer") nodeExternalIP := FetchNodeExternalIP(kubeconfig) cmd := "kubectl get service nginx-loadbalancer-svc --kubeconfig=" + kubeconfig + " --output jsonpath=\"{.spec.ports[0].port}\"" port, _ := RunCommand(cmd) for _, ip := range nodeExternalIP { cmd = "curl -L --insecure http://" + ip + ":" + port + "/name.html" fmt.Println(cmd) res, _ := RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println(res) Expect(res).Should(ContainSubstring("test-loadbalancer"), func() string { return res }) } }) It("Validate Daemonset", func() { if *destroy { return } fmt.Println("Validating Daemonset") nodes := ParseNode(kubeconfig, false) pods := ParsePod(kubeconfig, false) count := CountOfStringInSlice("test-daemonset", pods) fmt.Println("POD COUNT") fmt.Println(count) fmt.Println("NODE COUNT") fmt.Println(len(nodes)) Eventually(len(nodes)).Should((Equal(count)), "120s", "60s") }) It("Validate Ingress", func() { if *destroy { return } fmt.Println("Validating Ingress") ingressIps := FetchIngressIP(kubeconfig) for _, ip := range ingressIps { cmd := "curl --header" + " http://" + ip + "/name.html" fmt.Println(cmd) //Access path from outside node res, _ := RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println(res) Eventually(res).Should((ContainSubstring("test-ingress")), "120s", "60s", func() string { return res }) } }) It("Validate Local Path Provisioner storage ", func() { if *destroy { return } fmt.Println("Validating Local Path Provisioner") cmd := "kubectl get pvc local-path-pvc --kubeconfig=" + kubeconfig res, _ := RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println(res) Eventually(res).Should((ContainSubstring("local-path-pvc")), "120s", "60s") Eventually(res).Should((ContainSubstring("Bound")), "120s", "60s") cmd = "kubectl get pod volume-test --kubeconfig=" + kubeconfig res, _ = RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println(res) Eventually(res).Should((ContainSubstring("volume-test")), "120s", "60s", func() string { return res }) cmd = "kubectl --kubeconfig=" + kubeconfig + " exec volume-test -- sh -c 'echo local-path-test > /data/test'" fmt.Println(cmd) res, _ = RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println(res) fmt.Println("Data stored", res) cmd = "kubectl delete pod volume-test --kubeconfig=" + kubeconfig res, _ = RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println(res) resource_dir := "./amd64_resource_files" cmd = "kubectl apply -f " + resource_dir + "/local-path-provisioner.yaml --kubeconfig=" + kubeconfig res, _ = RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println(res) time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute) cmd = "kubectl exec volume-test cat /data/test --kubeconfig=" + kubeconfig res, _ = RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println("Data after re-creation", res) Eventually(res).Should((ContainSubstring("local-path-test")), "120s", "60s", func() string { return res }) }) It("Validate DNS Resolution", func() { if *destroy { return } fmt.Println("Validating DNS Resolution") cmd := "kubectl --kubeconfig=" + kubeconfig + " exec -i -t dnsutils -- nslookup kubernetes.default" fmt.Println(cmd) res, _ := RunCommand(cmd) fmt.Println("Result", res) Eventually(res).ShouldNot((ContainSubstring("nslookup")), "120s", "60s") }) }) }) }) var _ = AfterSuite(func() { kubeconfig, masterIPs, workerIPs = BuildCluster(*nodeOs, *clusterType, *externalDb, *resourceName, &testing.T{}, true) })