language: go sudo: required dist: xenial go: - 1.12.x os: - linux - windows go_import_path: services: - docker before_install: - | ( set -Eeuo pipefail if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "windows" ]]; then choco install -y make mingw export PATH="/c/tools/mingw64/bin:/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/bin;$PATH" fi ) install: - make jobs: include: - stage: Static check os: linux # Only need to run on Linux script: - make lint - make gofmt - stage: Build os: linux # Only need to run on Linux script: - make release - stage: Test os: linux script: - make - travis_wait hack/ - travis_wait hack/ - sudo env PATH=$PATH GOPATH=$GOPATH hack/ - stage: Test os: windows script: - make windows - powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope CURRENTUSER -Force" - travis_wait powershell hack/install-kubelet.ps1 # Skip hack/ temporarily. stages: - Static check - Build - Test