--- name: "Bump Golang Alpine version" scms: k3s: kind: "github" spec: user: "{{ .github.user }}" email: "{{ .github.email }}" username: "{{ .github.username }}" token: "{{ requiredEnv .github.token }}" owner: "{{ .k3s.org }}" repository: "{{ .k3s.repo }}" branch: "{{ .k3s.branch }}" commitmessage: title: "Bump golang:alpine version" actions: github: title: "Bump golang:alpine image version" kind: "github/pullrequest" scmid: "k3s" spec: automerge: false mergemethod: "squash" labels: - "dependencies" sources: # Find Alpine latest semver version in DockerHub alpine-docker-image: name: "Check Alpine image version in DockerHub" kind: "dockerimage" spec: image: "alpine" versionfilter: kind: "semver" strict: true # We want only the major and minor version, because it's the format # used in golang:alpine version. # Example: Alpine latest version is alpine:3.17.0, so we want only # 3.17 to then check for golang:X.Y-alpine3.17 . transformers: - find: '\d+\.\d+' # Dockerfile.dapper is considered the base for the Golang version that we # must use. dockerfile-dapper: name: "Retrieve golang image version used in Dockerfile.dapper" kind: "file" scmid: "k3s" disablesourceinput: true spec: file: "Dockerfile.dapper" matchpattern: 'golang:\S+-alpine(\S+)?' # Example: if the version found is golang:1.19.3-alpine3.16, then # we extract only 1.19.3-alpine . transformers: - find: 'v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+-alpine' conditions: docker-image: name: "Check golang:alpine latest image version in DockerHub" kind: "dockerimage" disablesourceinput: true spec: image: "golang" tag: '{{ source "dockerfile-dapper" }}{{ source "alpine-docker-image" }}' targets: dockerfiles: name: "Bump golang:alpine image version in Dockerfiles" kind: "file" scmid: "k3s" disablesourceinput: true spec: files: - "Dockerfile.dapper" - "Dockerfile.test" - "Dockerfile.manifest" matchpattern: 'golang:\S+-alpine(\S+)?' replacepattern: 'golang:{{ source "dockerfile-dapper" }}{{ source "alpine-docker-image" }}'