/* Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package schema import ( "github.com/go-openapi/spec" ) // ToGoOpenAPI converts a structural schema to go-openapi schema. It is faithful and roundtrippable // with the exception of `nullable:true` for empty type (`type:""`). // // WARNING: Do not use the returned schema to perform CRD validation until this restriction is solved. // // Nullable:true is mapped to `type:[,"null"]` // if the structural type is non-empty, and nullable is dropped if the structural type is empty. func (s *Structural) ToGoOpenAPI() *spec.Schema { if s == nil { return nil } ret := &spec.Schema{} if s.Items != nil { ret.Items = &spec.SchemaOrArray{Schema: s.Items.ToGoOpenAPI()} } if s.Properties != nil { ret.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema, len(s.Properties)) for k, v := range s.Properties { ret.Properties[k] = *v.ToGoOpenAPI() } } s.Generic.toGoOpenAPI(ret) s.Extensions.toGoOpenAPI(ret) s.ValueValidation.toGoOpenAPI(ret) return ret } func (g *Generic) toGoOpenAPI(ret *spec.Schema) { if g == nil { return } if len(g.Type) != 0 { ret.Type = spec.StringOrArray{g.Type} if g.Nullable { // go-openapi does not support nullable, but multiple type values. // Only when type is already non-empty, adding null to the types is correct though. // If you add null as only type, you enforce null, in contrast to nullable being // ineffective if no type is provided in a schema. ret.Type = append(ret.Type, "null") } } if g.AdditionalProperties != nil { ret.AdditionalProperties = &spec.SchemaOrBool{ Allows: g.AdditionalProperties.Bool, Schema: g.AdditionalProperties.Structural.ToGoOpenAPI(), } } ret.Description = g.Description ret.Title = g.Title ret.Default = g.Default.Object } func (x *Extensions) toGoOpenAPI(ret *spec.Schema) { if x == nil { return } if x.XPreserveUnknownFields { ret.VendorExtensible.AddExtension("x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields", true) } if x.XEmbeddedResource { ret.VendorExtensible.AddExtension("x-kubernetes-embedded-resource", true) } if x.XIntOrString { ret.VendorExtensible.AddExtension("x-kubernetes-int-or-string", true) } } func (v *ValueValidation) toGoOpenAPI(ret *spec.Schema) { if v == nil { return } ret.Format = v.Format ret.Maximum = v.Maximum ret.ExclusiveMaximum = v.ExclusiveMaximum ret.Minimum = v.Minimum ret.ExclusiveMinimum = v.ExclusiveMinimum ret.MaxLength = v.MaxLength ret.MinLength = v.MinLength ret.Pattern = v.Pattern ret.MaxItems = v.MaxItems ret.MinItems = v.MinItems ret.UniqueItems = v.UniqueItems ret.MultipleOf = v.MultipleOf if v.Enum != nil { ret.Enum = make([]interface{}, 0, len(v.Enum)) for i := range v.Enum { ret.Enum = append(ret.Enum, v.Enum[i].Object) } } ret.MaxProperties = v.MaxProperties ret.MinProperties = v.MinProperties ret.Required = v.Required for i := range v.AllOf { ret.AllOf = append(ret.AllOf, *v.AllOf[i].toGoOpenAPI()) } for i := range v.AnyOf { ret.AnyOf = append(ret.AnyOf, *v.AnyOf[i].toGoOpenAPI()) } for i := range v.OneOf { ret.OneOf = append(ret.OneOf, *v.OneOf[i].toGoOpenAPI()) } ret.Not = v.Not.toGoOpenAPI() } func (vv *NestedValueValidation) toGoOpenAPI() *spec.Schema { if vv == nil { return nil } ret := &spec.Schema{} vv.ValueValidation.toGoOpenAPI(ret) if vv.Items != nil { ret.Items = &spec.SchemaOrArray{Schema: vv.Items.toGoOpenAPI()} } if vv.Properties != nil { ret.Properties = make(map[string]spec.Schema, len(vv.Properties)) for k, v := range vv.Properties { ret.Properties[k] = *v.toGoOpenAPI() } } vv.ForbiddenGenerics.toGoOpenAPI(ret) // normally empty. Exception: int-or-string vv.ForbiddenExtensions.toGoOpenAPI(ret) // shouldn't do anything return ret }