# systemd unit file for k3s (rootless) # # Usage: # - [Optional] Enable cgroup v2 delegation, see https://rootlesscontaine.rs/getting-started/common/cgroup2/ . # This step is optional, but highly recommended for enabling CPU and memory resource limtitation. # # - Copy this file as `~/.config/systemd/user/k3s-rootless.service`. # Installing this file as a system-wide service (`/etc/systemd/...`) is not supported. # Depending on the path of `k3s` binary, you might need to modify the `ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/k3s ...` line of this file. # # - Run `systemctl --user daemon-reload` # # - Run `systemctl --user enable --now k3s-rootless` # # - Run `KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/k3s.yaml kubectl get pods -A`, and make sure the pods are running. # # Troubleshooting: # - See `systemctl --user status k3s-rootless` to check the daemon status # - See `journalctl --user -f -u k3s-rootless` to see the daemon log # - See also https://rootlesscontaine.rs/ [Unit] Description=k3s (Rootless) [Service] Environment=PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin # NOTE: Don't try to run `k3s server --rootless` on a terminal, as it doesn't enable cgroup v2 delegation. # If you really need to try it on a terminal, prepend `systemd-run --user -p Delegate=yes --tty` to create a systemd scope. ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/k3s server --rootless ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID TimeoutSec=0 RestartSec=2 Restart=always StartLimitBurst=3 StartLimitInterval=60s LimitNOFILE=infinity LimitNPROC=infinity LimitCORE=infinity TasksMax=infinity Delegate=yes Type=simple KillMode=mixed [Install] WantedBy=default.target