package apply import ( "context" "fmt" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( defaultNamespace = "default" ) type Patcher func(namespace, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte) (runtime.Object, error) // return false if the Reconciler did not handler this object type Reconciler func(oldObj runtime.Object, newObj runtime.Object) (bool, error) type ClientFactory func(gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) (dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface, error) type InformerFactory interface { Get(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource) (cache.SharedIndexInformer, error) } type InformerGetter interface { Informer() cache.SharedIndexInformer GroupVersionKind() schema.GroupVersionKind } type PatchByGVK map[schema.GroupVersionKind]map[objectset.ObjectKey]string func (p PatchByGVK) Add(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, namespace, name, patch string) { d, ok := p[gvk] if !ok { d = map[objectset.ObjectKey]string{} p[gvk] = d } d[objectset.ObjectKey{ Name: name, Namespace: namespace, }] = patch } type Plan struct { Create objectset.ObjectKeyByGVK Delete objectset.ObjectKeyByGVK Update PatchByGVK Objects []runtime.Object } type Apply interface { Apply(set *objectset.ObjectSet) error ApplyObjects(objs ...runtime.Object) error WithContext(ctx context.Context) Apply WithCacheTypes(igs ...InformerGetter) Apply WithCacheTypeFactory(factory InformerFactory) Apply WithSetID(id string) Apply WithOwner(obj runtime.Object) Apply WithOwnerKey(key string, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) Apply WithInjector(injs ...injectors.ConfigInjector) Apply WithInjectorName(injs ...string) Apply WithPatcher(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, patchers Patcher) Apply WithReconciler(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, reconciler Reconciler) Apply WithStrictCaching() Apply WithDynamicLookup() Apply WithRestrictClusterScoped() Apply WithDefaultNamespace(ns string) Apply WithListerNamespace(ns string) Apply WithRateLimiting(ratelimitingQps float32) Apply WithNoDelete() Apply WithGVK(gvks ...schema.GroupVersionKind) Apply WithSetOwnerReference(controller, block bool) Apply FindOwner(obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) PurgeOrphan(obj runtime.Object) error DryRun(objs ...runtime.Object) (Plan, error) } func NewForConfig(cfg *rest.Config) (Apply, error) { k8s, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(cfg) if err != nil { return nil, err } return New(k8s.Discovery(), NewClientFactory(cfg)), nil } func New(discovery discovery.DiscoveryInterface, cf ClientFactory, igs ...InformerGetter) Apply { a := &apply{ clients: &clients{ clientFactory: cf, discovery: discovery, namespaced: map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool{}, gvkToGVR: map[schema.GroupVersionKind]schema.GroupVersionResource{}, clients: map[schema.GroupVersionKind]dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface{}, }, informers: map[schema.GroupVersionKind]cache.SharedIndexInformer{}, } for _, ig := range igs { a.informers[ig.GroupVersionKind()] = ig.Informer() } return a } type apply struct { clients *clients informers map[schema.GroupVersionKind]cache.SharedIndexInformer } type clients struct { sync.Mutex clientFactory ClientFactory discovery discovery.DiscoveryInterface namespaced map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool gvkToGVR map[schema.GroupVersionKind]schema.GroupVersionResource clients map[schema.GroupVersionKind]dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface } func (c *clients) IsNamespaced(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool { c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() return c.namespaced[gvk] } func (c *clients) gvr(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) schema.GroupVersionResource { c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() return c.gvkToGVR[gvk] } func (c *clients) client(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) (dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface, error) { c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() if client, ok := c.clients[gvk]; ok { return client, nil } resources, err := c.discovery.ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(gvk.GroupVersion().String()) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, resource := range resources.APIResources { if resource.Kind != gvk.Kind { continue } client, err := c.clientFactory(gvk.GroupVersion().WithResource(resource.Name)) if err != nil { return nil, err } c.namespaced[gvk] = resource.Namespaced c.clients[gvk] = client c.gvkToGVR[gvk] = gvk.GroupVersion().WithResource(resource.Name) return client, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to discover client for %s", gvk) } func (a *apply) newDesiredSet() desiredSet { return desiredSet{ a: a, defaultNamespace: defaultNamespace, ctx: context.Background(), ratelimitingQps: 1, reconcilers: defaultReconcilers, strictCaching: true, } } func (a *apply) DryRun(objs ...runtime.Object) (Plan, error) { return a.newDesiredSet().DryRun(objs...) } func (a *apply) Apply(set *objectset.ObjectSet) error { return a.newDesiredSet().Apply(set) } func (a *apply) ApplyObjects(objs ...runtime.Object) error { os := objectset.NewObjectSet() os.Add(objs...) return a.newDesiredSet().Apply(os) } func (a *apply) WithSetID(id string) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithSetID(id) } func (a *apply) WithOwner(obj runtime.Object) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithOwner(obj) } func (a *apply) WithOwnerKey(key string, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithOwnerKey(key, gvk) } func (a *apply) WithInjector(injs ...injectors.ConfigInjector) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithInjector(injs...) } func (a *apply) WithInjectorName(injs ...string) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithInjectorName(injs...) } func (a *apply) WithCacheTypes(igs ...InformerGetter) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithCacheTypes(igs...) } func (a *apply) WithCacheTypeFactory(factory InformerFactory) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithCacheTypeFactory(factory) } func (a *apply) WithGVK(gvks ...schema.GroupVersionKind) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithGVK(gvks...) } func (a *apply) WithPatcher(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, patcher Patcher) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithPatcher(gvk, patcher) } func (a *apply) WithReconciler(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, reconciler Reconciler) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithReconciler(gvk, reconciler) } func (a *apply) WithStrictCaching() Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithStrictCaching() } func (a *apply) WithDynamicLookup() Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithDynamicLookup() } func (a *apply) WithRestrictClusterScoped() Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithRestrictClusterScoped() } func (a *apply) WithDefaultNamespace(ns string) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithDefaultNamespace(ns) } func (a *apply) WithListerNamespace(ns string) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithListerNamespace(ns) } func (a *apply) WithRateLimiting(ratelimitingQps float32) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithRateLimiting(ratelimitingQps) } func (a *apply) WithNoDelete() Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithNoDelete() } func (a *apply) WithSetOwnerReference(controller, block bool) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithSetOwnerReference(controller, block) } func (a *apply) WithContext(ctx context.Context) Apply { return a.newDesiredSet().WithContext(ctx) } func (a *apply) FindOwner(obj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) { return a.newDesiredSet().FindOwner(obj) } func (a *apply) PurgeOrphan(obj runtime.Object) error { return a.newDesiredSet().PurgeOrphan(obj) }