#!/bin/bash all_services=( coredns local-path-provisioner metrics-server traefik ) export NUM_SERVERS=1 export NUM_AGENTS=1 export WAIT_SERVICES="${all_services[@]}" REPO=${REPO:-rancher} IMAGE_NAME=${IMAGE_NAME:-k3s} CURRENT_CHANNEL=$(grep 'k8s.io/kubernetes v' go.mod | head -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F. '{print "v1." $2}') CURRENT_VERSION=$(curl -s https://update.k3s.io/v1-release/channels/${CURRENT_CHANNEL} -o /dev/null -w '%{redirect_url}' | awk -F/ '{print gensub(/\+/, "-", "g", $NF)}') if [ -z "${CURRENT_VERSION}" ]; then CURRENT_VERSION=${VERSION_TAG} fi export K3S_IMAGE_SERVER=${REPO}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${CURRENT_VERSION}${SUFFIX} export K3S_IMAGE_AGENT=${REPO}/${IMAGE_NAME}:${CURRENT_VERSION}${SUFFIX} server-pre-hook(){ local testID=$(basename $TEST_DIR) export SERVER_DOCKER_ARGS="\ --mount type=volume,src=k3s-server-$1-${testID,,}-rancher,dst=/var/lib/rancher/k3s \ --mount type=volume,src=k3s-server-$1-${testID,,}-etc,dst=/etc/rancher" } export -f server-pre-hook agent-pre-hook(){ local testID=$(basename $TEST_DIR) export AGENT_DOCKER_ARGS="\ --mount type=volume,src=k3s-agent-$1-${testID,,}-rancher,dst=/var/lib/rancher/k3s \ --mount type=volume,src=k3s-agent-$1-${testID,,}-etc,dst=/etc/rancher" } export -f agent-pre-hook start-test() { # Create a pod and print the version before upgrading kubectl get node -o wide kubectl create -f scripts/airgap/volume-test.yaml # Add post-hook sleeps to give the kubelet time to update the version after startup server-post-hook(){ sleep 15 } export -f server-post-hook agent-post-hook(){ sleep 15 } export -f agent-post-hook # Switch the image back to the current build, delete the node containers, and re-provision with the same datastore volumes unset K3S_IMAGE_SERVER unset K3S_IMAGE_AGENT if [ $NUM_AGENTS -gt 0 ]; then for i in $(seq 1 $NUM_AGENTS); do docker rm -f -v $(cat $TEST_DIR/agents/$i/metadata/name) rm -rf $TEST_DIR/agents/$i done fi for i in $(seq 1 $NUM_SERVERS); do docker rm -f -v $(cat $TEST_DIR/servers/$i/metadata/name) rm -rf $TEST_DIR/servers/$i done provision-cluster # Confirm that the nodes are running the current build and that the pod we created earlier is still there . ./scripts/version.sh || true kubectl get node -o wide | grep -F $VERSION kubectl get pod -n kube-system volume-test -o wide } export -f start-test test-cleanup-hook(){ local testID=$(basename $TEST_DIR) docker volume ls -q | grep -F ${testID,,} | xargs -r docker volume rm } export -f test-cleanup-hook # --- create a single-node cluster from the latest release, then restart the containers with the current build LABEL=UPGRADE run-test cleanup-test-env