// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package mat import ( "errors" "gonum.org/v1/gonum/blas/blas64" ) // HOGSVD is a type for creating and using the Higher Order Generalized Singular Value // Decomposition (HOGSVD) of a set of matrices. // // The factorization is a linear transformation of the data sets from the given // variable×sample spaces to reduced and diagonalized "eigenvariable"×"eigensample" // spaces. type HOGSVD struct { n int v *Dense b []Dense err error } // succFact returns whether the receiver contains a successful factorization. func (gsvd *HOGSVD) succFact() bool { return gsvd.n != 0 } // Factorize computes the higher order generalized singular value decomposition (HOGSVD) // of the n input r_i×c column tall matrices in m. HOGSV extends the GSVD case from 2 to n // input matrices. // // M_0 = U_0 * Σ_0 * V^T // M_1 = U_1 * Σ_1 * V^T // . // . // . // M_{n-1} = U_{n-1} * Σ_{n-1} * V^T // // where U_i are r_i×c matrices of singular vectors, Σ are c×c matrices singular values, and V // is a c×c matrix of singular vectors. // // Factorize returns whether the decomposition succeeded. If the decomposition // failed, routines that require a successful factorization will panic. func (gsvd *HOGSVD) Factorize(m ...Matrix) (ok bool) { // Factorize performs the HOGSVD factorisation // essentially as described by Ponnapalli et al. // https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0028072 if len(m) < 2 { panic("hogsvd: too few matrices") } gsvd.n = 0 r, c := m[0].Dims() a := make([]Cholesky, len(m)) var ts SymDense for i, d := range m { rd, cd := d.Dims() if rd < cd { gsvd.err = ErrShape return false } if rd > r { r = rd } if cd != c { panic(ErrShape) } ts.Reset() ts.SymOuterK(1, d.T()) ok = a[i].Factorize(&ts) if !ok { gsvd.err = errors.New("hogsvd: cholesky decomposition failed") return false } } s := getWorkspace(c, c, true) defer putWorkspace(s) sij := getWorkspace(c, c, false) defer putWorkspace(sij) for i, ai := range a { for _, aj := range a[i+1:] { gsvd.err = ai.SolveCholTo(sij, &aj) if gsvd.err != nil { return false } s.Add(s, sij) gsvd.err = aj.SolveCholTo(sij, &ai) if gsvd.err != nil { return false } s.Add(s, sij) } } s.Scale(1/float64(len(m)*(len(m)-1)), s) var eig Eigen ok = eig.Factorize(s.T(), EigenRight) if !ok { gsvd.err = errors.New("hogsvd: eigen decomposition failed") return false } vc := eig.VectorsTo(nil) // vc is guaranteed to have real eigenvalues. rc, cc := vc.Dims() v := NewDense(rc, cc, nil) for i := 0; i < rc; i++ { for j := 0; j < cc; j++ { a := vc.At(i, j) v.set(i, j, real(a)) } } // Rescale the columns of v by their Frobenius norms. // Work done in cv is reflected in v. var cv VecDense for j := 0; j < c; j++ { cv.ColViewOf(v, j) cv.ScaleVec(1/blas64.Nrm2(cv.mat), &cv) } b := make([]Dense, len(m)) biT := getWorkspace(c, r, false) defer putWorkspace(biT) for i, d := range m { // All calls to reset will leave a zeroed // matrix with capacity to store the result // without additional allocation. biT.Reset() gsvd.err = biT.Solve(v, d.T()) if gsvd.err != nil { return false } b[i].Clone(biT.T()) } gsvd.n = len(m) gsvd.v = v gsvd.b = b return true } // Err returns the reason for a factorization failure. func (gsvd *HOGSVD) Err() error { return gsvd.err } // Len returns the number of matrices that have been factorized. If Len returns // zero, the factorization was not successful. func (gsvd *HOGSVD) Len() int { return gsvd.n } // UTo extracts the matrix U_n from the singular value decomposition, storing // the result in-place into dst. U_n is size r×c. // If dst is nil, a new matrix is allocated. The resulting U matrix is returned. // // UTo will panic if the receiver does not contain a successful factorization. func (gsvd *HOGSVD) UTo(dst *Dense, n int) *Dense { if !gsvd.succFact() { panic(badFact) } if n < 0 || gsvd.n <= n { panic("hogsvd: invalid index") } if dst == nil { r, c := gsvd.b[n].Dims() dst = NewDense(r, c, nil) } else { dst.reuseAs(gsvd.b[n].Dims()) } dst.Copy(&gsvd.b[n]) var v VecDense for j, f := range gsvd.Values(nil, n) { v.ColViewOf(dst, j) v.ScaleVec(1/f, &v) } return dst } // Values returns the nth set of singular values of the factorized system. // If the input slice is non-nil, the values will be stored in-place into the slice. // In this case, the slice must have length c, and Values will panic with // matrix.ErrSliceLengthMismatch otherwise. If the input slice is nil, // a new slice of the appropriate length will be allocated and returned. // // Values will panic if the receiver does not contain a successful factorization. func (gsvd *HOGSVD) Values(s []float64, n int) []float64 { if !gsvd.succFact() { panic(badFact) } if n < 0 || gsvd.n <= n { panic("hogsvd: invalid index") } _, c := gsvd.b[n].Dims() if s == nil { s = make([]float64, c) } else if len(s) != c { panic(ErrSliceLengthMismatch) } var v VecDense for j := 0; j < c; j++ { v.ColViewOf(&gsvd.b[n], j) s[j] = blas64.Nrm2(v.mat) } return s } // VTo extracts the matrix V from the singular value decomposition, storing // the result in-place into dst. V is size c×c. // If dst is nil, a new matrix is allocated. The resulting V matrix is returned. // // VTo will panic if the receiver does not contain a successful factorization. func (gsvd *HOGSVD) VTo(dst *Dense) *Dense { if !gsvd.succFact() { panic(badFact) } if dst == nil { r, c := gsvd.v.Dims() dst = NewDense(r, c, nil) } else { dst.reuseAs(gsvd.v.Dims()) } dst.Copy(gsvd.v) return dst }