Darren Shepherd fa08d6076c Update vendor
2019-01-11 21:58:27 -07:00

274 lines
7.7 KiB

package urlbuilder
import (
const (
PrefixHeader = "X-API-URL-Prefix"
ForwardedHostHeader = "X-Forwarded-Host"
ForwardedProtoHeader = "X-Forwarded-Proto"
ForwardedPortHeader = "X-Forwarded-Port"
func New(r *http.Request, version types.APIVersion, schemas *types.Schemas) (types.URLBuilder, error) {
requestURL := parseRequestURL(r)
responseURLBase, err := parseResponseURLBase(requestURL, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
builder := &urlBuilder{
schemas: schemas,
requestURL: requestURL,
responseURLBase: responseURLBase,
apiVersion: version,
query: r.URL.Query(),
return builder, nil
type urlBuilder struct {
schemas *types.Schemas
requestURL string
responseURLBase string
apiVersion types.APIVersion
subContext string
query url.Values
func (u *urlBuilder) SetSubContext(subContext string) {
u.subContext = subContext
func (u *urlBuilder) SchemaLink(schema *types.Schema) string {
return u.constructBasicURL(schema.Version, "schemas", schema.ID)
func (u *urlBuilder) Link(linkName string, resource *types.RawResource) string {
if resource.ID == "" || linkName == "" {
return ""
if self, ok := resource.Links["self"]; ok {
return self + "/" + strings.ToLower(linkName)
return u.constructBasicURL(resource.Schema.Version, resource.Schema.PluralName, resource.ID, strings.ToLower(linkName))
func (u *urlBuilder) ResourceLink(resource *types.RawResource) string {
if resource.ID == "" {
return ""
return u.constructBasicURL(resource.Schema.Version, resource.Schema.PluralName, resource.ID)
func (u *urlBuilder) Marker(marker string) string {
newValues := url.Values{}
for k, v := range u.query {
newValues[k] = v
newValues.Set("marker", marker)
return u.requestURL + "?" + newValues.Encode()
func (u *urlBuilder) ReverseSort(order types.SortOrder) string {
newValues := url.Values{}
for k, v := range u.query {
newValues[k] = v
if order == types.ASC {
newValues.Add("order", string(types.DESC))
} else {
newValues.Add("order", string(types.ASC))
return u.requestURL + "?" + newValues.Encode()
func (u *urlBuilder) Current() string {
return u.requestURL
func (u *urlBuilder) RelativeToRoot(path string) string {
return u.responseURLBase + path
func (u *urlBuilder) Sort(field string) string {
newValues := url.Values{}
for k, v := range u.query {
newValues[k] = v
newValues.Set("sort", field)
return u.requestURL + "?" + newValues.Encode()
func (u *urlBuilder) Collection(schema *types.Schema, versionOverride *types.APIVersion) string {
plural := u.getPluralName(schema)
if versionOverride == nil {
return u.constructBasicURL(schema.Version, plural)
return u.constructBasicURL(*versionOverride, plural)
func (u *urlBuilder) SubContextCollection(subContext *types.Schema, contextName string, schema *types.Schema) string {
return u.constructBasicURL(subContext.Version, subContext.PluralName, contextName, u.getPluralName(schema))
func (u *urlBuilder) Version(version types.APIVersion) string {
return u.constructBasicURL(version)
func (u *urlBuilder) FilterLink(schema *types.Schema, fieldName string, value string) string {
return u.constructBasicURL(schema.Version, schema.PluralName) + "?" +
url.QueryEscape(fieldName) + "=" + url.QueryEscape(value)
func (u *urlBuilder) ResourceLinkByID(schema *types.Schema, id string) string {
return u.constructBasicURL(schema.Version, schema.PluralName, id)
func (u *urlBuilder) constructBasicURL(version types.APIVersion, parts ...string) string {
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
if version.Path == "" {
} else {
for _, part := range parts {
if part == "" {
return ""
return buffer.String()
func (u *urlBuilder) getPluralName(schema *types.Schema) string {
if schema.PluralName == "" {
return strings.ToLower(name.GuessPluralName(schema.ID))
return strings.ToLower(schema.PluralName)
// Constructs the request URL based off of standard headers in the request, falling back to the HttpServletRequest.getRequestURL()
// if the headers aren't available. Here is the ordered list of how we'll attempt to construct the URL:
// - x-forwarded-proto://x-forwarded-host:x-forwarded-port/HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI()
// - x-forwarded-proto://x-forwarded-host/HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI()
// - x-forwarded-proto://host:x-forwarded-port/HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI()
// - x-forwarded-proto://host/HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI() request.getRequestURL()
// Additional notes:
// - If the x-forwarded-host/host header has a port and x-forwarded-port has been passed, x-forwarded-port will be used.
func parseRequestURL(r *http.Request) string {
// Get url from standard headers
requestURL := getURLFromStandardHeaders(r)
if requestURL != "" {
return requestURL
// Use incoming url
scheme := "http"
if r.TLS != nil {
scheme = "https"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s%s", scheme, r.Host, r.Header.Get(PrefixHeader), r.URL.Path)
func getURLFromStandardHeaders(r *http.Request) string {
xForwardedProto := getOverrideHeader(r, ForwardedProtoHeader, "")
if xForwardedProto == "" {
return ""
host := getOverrideHeader(r, ForwardedHostHeader, "")
if host == "" {
host = r.Host
if host == "" {
return ""
port := getOverrideHeader(r, ForwardedPortHeader, "")
if port == "443" || port == "80" {
port = "" // Don't include default ports in url
if port != "" && strings.Contains(host, ":") {
// Have to strip the port that is in the host. Handle IPv6, which has this format: [::1]:8080
if (strings.HasPrefix(host, "[") && strings.Contains(host, "]:")) || !strings.HasPrefix(host, "[") {
host = host[0:strings.LastIndex(host, ":")]
if port != "" {
port = ":" + port
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s%s%s", xForwardedProto, host, port, r.Header.Get(PrefixHeader), r.URL.Path)
func getOverrideHeader(r *http.Request, header string, defaultValue string) string {
// Need to handle comma separated hosts in X-Forwarded-For
value := r.Header.Get(header)
if value != "" {
return strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(value, ",")[0])
return defaultValue
func parseResponseURLBase(requestURL string, r *http.Request) (string, error) {
path := r.URL.Path
index := strings.LastIndex(requestURL, path)
if index == -1 {
// Fallback, if we can't find path in requestURL, then we just assume the base is the root of the web request
u, err := url.Parse(requestURL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
return buffer.String(), nil
return requestURL[0:index], nil
func (u *urlBuilder) Action(action string, resource *types.RawResource) string {
return u.constructBasicURL(resource.Schema.Version, resource.Schema.PluralName, resource.ID) + "?action=" + url.QueryEscape(action)
func (u *urlBuilder) CollectionAction(schema *types.Schema, versionOverride *types.APIVersion, action string) string {
collectionURL := u.Collection(schema, versionOverride)
return collectionURL + "?action=" + url.QueryEscape(action)
func (u *urlBuilder) ActionLinkByID(schema *types.Schema, id string, action string) string {
return u.constructBasicURL(schema.Version, schema.PluralName, id) + "?action=" + url.QueryEscape(action)