Chin-Ya Huang 10e0328977
Traefik v2 integration
K3s upgrade via watch over file change of static file and manifest
and triggers helm-controller for change. It seems reasonable to
only allow upgrade traefik v1->v2 when there is no existing custom
traefik HelmChartConfig in the cluster to avoid any

Here also separate the CRDs and put them into a different chart
to support CRD upgrade.

Signed-off-by: Chin-Ya Huang <chin-ya.huang@suse.com>
2021-03-01 10:44:23 -07:00

15 lines
512 B

#{{- if gt (len (lookup "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1" "ClusterRole" "" "")) 0 -}}
# {{- \$found := dict -}}
# {{- range .Capabilities.APIVersions -}}
# {{- if hasKey \$found (toString .) -}}
# {{- set \$found (toString .) true -}}
# {{- end -}}
# {{- end -}}
# {{- range \$_, \$exists := \$found -}}
# {{- if (eq \$exists false) -}}
# {{- required "Required CRDs are missing. Please install the ${name}-crd chart before installing this chart." "" -}}
# {{- end -}}
# {{- end -}}
#{{- end -}}