Derek Nola 2ac8df3602
Integration tests utilities improvements (#4832)
* Remove sudo commands from integration tests

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* Added cleanup fucntion

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* Implement better int cleanup

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* Rename test utils

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* Enable K3sCmd to be a single string

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* Removed parsePod function

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* codespell

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* Revert startup timeout

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* Reorder sonobuoy tests, drop concurrent tests to 3

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* Disable etcd

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>

* Skip parallel testing for etcd

Signed-off-by: Derek Nola <derek.nola@suse.com>
2022-01-06 08:05:56 -08:00

95 lines
3.4 KiB

package integration
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
testutil "github.com/rancher/k3s/tests/util"
var localStorageServer *testutil.K3sServer
var localStorageServerArgs = []string{"--cluster-init"}
var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {
if !testutil.IsExistingServer() {
var err error
localStorageServer, err = testutil.K3sStartServer(localStorageServerArgs...)
var _ = Describe("local storage", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
if testutil.IsExistingServer() && !testutil.ServerArgsPresent(localStorageServerArgs) {
Skip("Test needs k3s server with: " + strings.Join(localStorageServerArgs, " "))
When("a new local storage is created", func() {
It("starts up with no problems", func() {
Eventually(func() (string, error) {
return testutil.K3sCmd("kubectl get pods -A")
}, "90s", "1s").Should(MatchRegexp("kube-system.+coredns.+1\\/1.+Running"))
It("creates a new pvc", func() {
result, err := testutil.K3sCmd("kubectl create -f ./testdata/localstorage_pvc.yaml")
Expect(result).To(ContainSubstring("persistentvolumeclaim/local-path-pvc created"))
It("creates a new pod", func() {
Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("kubectl create -f ./testdata/localstorage_pod.yaml")).
To(ContainSubstring("pod/volume-test created"))
It("shows storage up in kubectl", func() {
Eventually(func() (string, error) {
return testutil.K3sCmd("kubectl get --namespace=default pvc")
}, "45s", "1s").Should(MatchRegexp(`local-path-pvc.+Bound`))
Eventually(func() (string, error) {
return testutil.K3sCmd("kubectl get --namespace=default pv")
}, "10s", "1s").Should(MatchRegexp(`pvc.+1Gi.+Bound`))
Eventually(func() (string, error) {
return testutil.K3sCmd("kubectl get --namespace=default pod")
}, "10s", "1s").Should(MatchRegexp(`volume-test.+Running`))
It("has proper folder permissions", func() {
var k3sStorage = "/var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage"
fileStat, err := os.Stat(k3sStorage)
Expect(fmt.Sprintf("%04o", fileStat.Mode().Perm())).To(Equal("0701"))
pvResult, err := testutil.K3sCmd("kubectl get --namespace=default pv")
reg, err := regexp.Compile(`pvc[^\s]+`)
volumeName := reg.FindString(pvResult) + "_default_local-path-pvc"
fileStat, err = os.Stat(k3sStorage + "/" + volumeName)
Expect(fmt.Sprintf("%04o", fileStat.Mode().Perm())).To(Equal("0777"))
It("deletes properly", func() {
Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("kubectl delete --namespace=default --force pod volume-test")).
To(ContainSubstring("pod \"volume-test\" force deleted"))
Expect(testutil.K3sCmd("kubectl delete --namespace=default pvc local-path-pvc")).
To(ContainSubstring("persistentvolumeclaim \"local-path-pvc\" deleted"))
var _ = AfterSuite(func() {
if !testutil.IsExistingServer() {
Expect(testutil.K3sKillServer(localStorageServer, false)).To(Succeed())
Expect(testutil.K3sCleanup(localStorageServer, true)).To(Succeed())
func Test_IntegrationLocalStorage(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecsWithDefaultAndCustomReporters(t, "Local Storage Suite", []Reporter{