Darren Shepherd afd6f6d7e7 Encapsulate execution logic
This moves all the calls to cobra root commands to one package
so that we can change the behavior of running components as embedded
or external.
2020-05-05 15:34:32 -07:00

207 lines
5.9 KiB

package agent
import (
_ "k8s.io/component-base/metrics/prometheus/restclient" // for client metric registration
_ "k8s.io/component-base/metrics/prometheus/version" // for version metric registration
func Agent(config *config.Agent) error {
defer logs.FlushLogs()
if err := startKubelet(config); err != nil {
return err
if !config.DisableKubeProxy {
return startKubeProxy(config)
return nil
func startKubeProxy(cfg *config.Agent) error {
argsMap := map[string]string{
"proxy-mode": "iptables",
"healthz-bind-address": "",
"kubeconfig": cfg.KubeConfigKubeProxy,
"cluster-cidr": cfg.ClusterCIDR.String(),
if cfg.NodeName != "" {
argsMap["hostname-override"] = cfg.NodeName
args := config.GetArgsList(argsMap, cfg.ExtraKubeProxyArgs)
logrus.Infof("Running kube-proxy %s", config.ArgString(args))
return executor.KubeProxy(args)
func startKubelet(cfg *config.Agent) error {
argsMap := map[string]string{
"healthz-bind-address": "",
"read-only-port": "0",
"cluster-domain": cfg.ClusterDomain,
"kubeconfig": cfg.KubeConfigKubelet,
"eviction-hard": "imagefs.available<5%,nodefs.available<5%",
"eviction-minimum-reclaim": "imagefs.available=10%,nodefs.available=10%",
"fail-swap-on": "false",
//"cgroup-root": "/k3s",
"cgroup-driver": "cgroupfs",
"authentication-token-webhook": "true",
"anonymous-auth": "false",
"authorization-mode": modes.ModeWebhook,
if cfg.PodManifests != "" && argsMap["pod-manifest-path"] == "" {
argsMap["pod-manifest-path"] = cfg.PodManifests
if err := os.MkdirAll(argsMap["pod-manifest-path"], 0755); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to mkdir %s: %v", argsMap["pod-manifest-path"], err)
if cfg.RootDir != "" {
argsMap["root-dir"] = cfg.RootDir
argsMap["cert-dir"] = filepath.Join(cfg.RootDir, "pki")
argsMap["seccomp-profile-root"] = filepath.Join(cfg.RootDir, "seccomp")
if cfg.CNIConfDir != "" {
argsMap["cni-conf-dir"] = cfg.CNIConfDir
if cfg.CNIBinDir != "" {
argsMap["cni-bin-dir"] = cfg.CNIBinDir
if cfg.CNIPlugin {
argsMap["network-plugin"] = "cni"
if len(cfg.ClusterDNS) > 0 {
argsMap["cluster-dns"] = cfg.ClusterDNS.String()
if cfg.ResolvConf != "" {
argsMap["resolv-conf"] = cfg.ResolvConf
if cfg.RuntimeSocket != "" {
argsMap["container-runtime"] = "remote"
argsMap["container-runtime-endpoint"] = cfg.RuntimeSocket
argsMap["containerd"] = cfg.RuntimeSocket
argsMap["serialize-image-pulls"] = "false"
} else if cfg.PauseImage != "" {
argsMap["pod-infra-container-image"] = cfg.PauseImage
if cfg.ListenAddress != "" {
argsMap["address"] = cfg.ListenAddress
if cfg.ClientCA != "" {
argsMap["anonymous-auth"] = "false"
argsMap["client-ca-file"] = cfg.ClientCA
if cfg.ServingKubeletCert != "" && cfg.ServingKubeletKey != "" {
argsMap["tls-cert-file"] = cfg.ServingKubeletCert
argsMap["tls-private-key-file"] = cfg.ServingKubeletKey
if cfg.NodeName != "" {
argsMap["hostname-override"] = cfg.NodeName
defaultIP, err := net.ChooseHostInterface()
if err != nil || defaultIP.String() != cfg.NodeIP {
argsMap["node-ip"] = cfg.NodeIP
root, hasCFS, hasPIDs := checkCgroups()
if !hasCFS {
logrus.Warn("Disabling CPU quotas due to missing cpu.cfs_period_us")
argsMap["cpu-cfs-quota"] = "false"
if !hasPIDs {
logrus.Warn("Disabling pod PIDs limit feature due to missing cgroup pids support")
argsMap["cgroups-per-qos"] = "false"
argsMap["enforce-node-allocatable"] = ""
argsMap["feature-gates"] = addFeatureGate(argsMap["feature-gates"], "SupportPodPidsLimit=false")
if root != "" {
argsMap["runtime-cgroups"] = root
argsMap["kubelet-cgroups"] = root
if system.RunningInUserNS() {
argsMap["feature-gates"] = addFeatureGate(argsMap["feature-gates"], "DevicePlugins=false")
argsMap["node-labels"] = strings.Join(cfg.NodeLabels, ",")
if len(cfg.NodeTaints) > 0 {
argsMap["register-with-taints"] = strings.Join(cfg.NodeTaints, ",")
if !cfg.DisableCCM {
argsMap["cloud-provider"] = "external"
if cfg.Rootless {
// flags are from https://github.com/rootless-containers/usernetes/blob/v20190826.0/boot/kubelet.sh
argsMap["cgroup-driver"] = "none"
argsMap["feature-gates=SupportNoneCgroupDriver"] = "true"
argsMap["cgroups-per-qos"] = "false"
argsMap["enforce-node-allocatable"] = ""
args := config.GetArgsList(argsMap, cfg.ExtraKubeletArgs)
logrus.Infof("Running kubelet %s", config.ArgString(args))
return executor.Kubelet(args)
func addFeatureGate(current, new string) string {
if current == "" {
return new
return current + "," + new
func checkCgroups() (root string, hasCFS bool, hasPIDs bool) {
f, err := os.Open("/proc/self/cgroup")
if err != nil {
return "", false, false
defer f.Close()
scan := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scan.Scan() {
parts := strings.Split(scan.Text(), ":")
if len(parts) < 3 {
systems := strings.Split(parts[1], ",")
for _, system := range systems {
if system == "pids" {
hasPIDs = true
} else if system == "cpu" {
p := filepath.Join("/sys/fs/cgroup", parts[1], parts[2], "cpu.cfs_period_us")
if _, err := os.Stat(p); err == nil {
hasCFS = true
} else if system == "name=systemd" {
last := parts[len(parts)-1]
i := strings.LastIndex(last, ".slice")
if i > 0 {
root = "/systemd" + last[:i+len(".slice")]
} else {
root = "/systemd"
return root, hasCFS, hasPIDs