| 3 | exist | exist | ignore | mtime_remote === mtime_local && password === "" && size_remote === size_local | clear local history if exists (the file was synced and no changes after last sync) |
| 4 | exist | exist | ignore | mtime_remote === mtime_local && password === "" && size_remote !== size_local | upload local file, clear local history if exists (we always prefer local to remote) |
| 5 | exist | exist | ignore | mtime_remote === mtime_local && password !== "" | clear local history if exists (in encryption mode, file sizes are unequal. we can only rely on mtime(s)) |
| 6 | exist | exist | ignore | If local is a folder. mtime_local === undefined | clear local history if exists. TODO: what if a folder and a previous file share the same name? |
| 7 | exist | not exist | exist | mtime_remote >= delete_time_local | download remote file, create folder if not exists |
| 9 | exist | not exist | not exist | | download remote file, create folder if not exists |
| 10 | not exist | exist | ignore | local may be folder or file | upload local files recursively, create remote folder if not exists, clear local history if exists |
| 11 | not exist | not exist | ignore | | clear local history if exists |